Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Social Protest Essay

The kid was taller and more built, Michael could have easily punched the officer one time and that one time could have sent the officer flying. Tamari was a 12 year old boy who was shot in a span of 1 HTH 0 2 seconds by a police officer. The reason? Tamari was complained by a fellow neighbor Of him owning a pellet gun. A pellet gun is not harmful and can be purchased for 20 dollars. All of the SE are different stories of how young black guys were shot and killed, but yet all tie up into on e big thing. They were treated unfairly and racial profiling was probably used.Racial profiling is a main problem in Minnesota because it contravenes the 14 the amendment, distracts law enforcement, and it prevents communities from w irking with the law enforcement. This problem could be resolved if the police force can recruit be utter police officers who are well taught about racial identity. All 2 My first reason on why racial profiling is a main problem in Minnesota is that t contravenes the 14 th amendment. The 14th amendment was ratified in July 9, 1868 , and it states that no state may â€Å"deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection o the laws. Racial profiling means a standard of unequal protection. Blacks and even LATA no's are most likely to be searched by police officers and are less likely to be treated as libidinal g citizens, but this is opposite for the whites. Blacks are treated unfairly for no apparent reason. This is unfair for Blacks and Latino because this problem causes internal segregation between n them and the police officers. My second reason on why racial profiling is a main problem in Minnesota is the at it distracts law enforcement. The law enforcement are generally seen as responseSiebel people who protect citizens from criminals, but what I have noticed in the past few years I n the current society is that police officers are being charged of â€Å"racial profiling' due to their today police work. If the police officers hav e â€Å"too many† law enforcement interaction ins with minorities, it shows that the police officers are not going where the crime is, but because they are racist. What I mean when I say â€Å"too many' is that officers keep arresting people with color for small petty things. Blacks are being harassed for no apparent reason. Ay that the police force are racist because they don't think before they do.P Alice officers judge minorities who are usually Africanizing. Mr.. Chris referring to a story that Rage once told him said, † Rage was walking down the street with his broth err one day when a police officer told them why are you walking down the street? † This was very r assist of the police officer because first of all he kept harassing them. The police officer jumped I not conclusions and thought they were just kids that were up to no good. He didn't even realize e that up ahead All 3 there mom was on the same street. She was a bit faster than her own sons w ho w ere being slow. Knot know why the police officer had a problem with this. Do they not have s errors crime work to do? In their spare time why can't they stop doing absurd things? Did the pool ice officer not realize it was broad daylight? The sad part of this was that Rage and his broth her were heading to their uncle's funeral and they had to come across a foolish police. My third and final reason on why racial profiling is a main problem in Imines tot is that it prevents communities from working with law enforcement. If a specific race is arrested instantly, then communities may not work with police officers.Why should t hey work with police officers if even the police officers themselves are the one who are judge Eng them? An example of this is the incident that happened in North Minneapolis last Mont h. A young black resident of North Minneapolis was out and about in his community and was k knocking on doors to encourage his fellow neighbors to vote for this year's election. The young bal ace man did this because he didn't have the opportunity to vote because of his past criminal AC divinities, but the young black man was changing for the better. Mayor Hodges and the young b lack man took a selfish together of them pointing at each other.A TV report misguided the info urination and blurred the black man's face and this he was wearing. The police officers we re angry at Hodges because apparently she was â€Å"flashing' a North gang sign. This shows t hat the police officers and the TV reporters were racial profiling because they were racist. The eye jumped into conclusions and didn't see what good the young black man was doing for his community. So in conclusion, racial profiling is a main problem in Minnesota because it co intervenes he 14th amendment, distracts law enforcement, and it prevents communities s from working with the law enforcement.The problem could be resolved if the the police officers are taught that Alai racial profiling is wrong. Police officers should have a sense that they are not n control. They can't overpass the law. When a police officer is being recruited he should have lessons taught to him. In every 3 months the officer is inspected on his performance. Also police e officers should first see what the problem is and not just conclude things. To stop all deaths police officers must wear cameras on them. The cameras must be on all time, so that if a black GU y is shot we can have evidence on what happened.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Discuss the Influence That Social Networking Plays in Society Today? Essay

How, and to what extent, has it re-defined social relationships and is this generationally specific? Social Networking plays an important role in society today; it will be argued that social networking has redefined social relationships and that this effect is generationally specific (Salman,2009) Social Networking sites such as Facebook have had a profound effect on personal relationships. The twenty first century is an imprisoned atmosphere where the Internet is the most prominent method of communication. Its users will most probably argue that using these social networking sites have had no direct impact on how they interact with others or have any direct affect on their social relationships, that in fact social networking sites had increased their participation in social activities and contact with their friends and family (APS 2010). However, with its increasing popularity and high usage, social networking has become the new way to â€Å"socialize†. In the past people developed social relationships through interaction face to face, by mail, by telephone, and in person, however there have been dramatic changes since the impact of the internet and sites like Facebook. These sites allow people to create online profiles, upload pictures and disburse personal information to their online allies which allows users to proclaim a perception of identity lived through a technological world. â€Å"These sites allow informal, 24 hour communication regardless of physical proximity†. The â€Å"social grid† boasting 175 million users, has been found to be â€Å"positive for social relations† (Kang,2010, p1) but according to the research I have undertaken, I will argue otherwise. To strengthen my argument I will use statistics from a survey that was conducted by The Australian Psychological Society (2010) with a total of 1,834 respondents. Fourteen percent of the survey respondents were male and seventy three percent were female. Thirteen percent of respondents chose not to disclose their gender (APS, 2010). Concerns about excessive use of online social networking were investigated. 0% of the participants felt a need to log on to these sites several times a day and believed that they wasted time on these sites, however 53% had declared that using social networking sites had increased their participation in social activities. (APS, 2010). Further studies into the effects social networking sites had on how people communicate with each other indicated that internet communication may supplement traditional social interaction like talking face to face and making time to see the other person in physical figure. Cyber bullying was also an expression of concern, particularly among children and adolescents with 28% of respondents reporting inappropriate and distressing behaviour whilst online (APS,2010). A few of the tasteless behaviours included abusive messages and harassment which is not only upsetting but can severely affect how someone feels about how they communicate with others and may feel a need to shut themselves out further from society in fear of abuse and confrontation. Some other disadvantages in using online social networking included: concerns about how catching up with friends had become increasingly non existent and a fear that using online social networking would become addictive. A study conducted by Chak and Lueng (2004) concluded that the more a person is addicted to the Internet, the shyer the person is, which will reflect the way that person communicates in the outside world where face to face interaction is significant. With Internet addiction fast becoming a popular enslavement, studies have indicated that some patterns of Internet use are associated with loneliness, shyness, anxiety, depression and self-consciousness. (Chak & Lueng 2004) which in turn will affect your social relationships. Valkenburg, Peter & Shoulten (2006) investigated the consequences of friend networking sites with negative feedback illustrating a decline in self esteem and well being. However, the positive feedback indicated that social networking sites had increased their social self esteem and well being. Although the association between Internet use and subsequent social support is negative, the effect is not statistically significant. People who use the internet more subsequently reported larger increases in loneliness while greater use of the internet was associated with increased depression at a subsequent period (Social Tech Science, 2010). â€Å"Social networking displaces face-to-face time: an hour longer spent on the Internet has been shown to equate to half an hour less face-to-face time in a day† (Social Tech Science, 2010, p1). The explosion in Social Networking sites such as Myspace and Facebook is broadly regarded as an exciting opportunity, especially for youth as they are more inclined to embrace the new technologies that are becoming increasingly available, although a study conducted by Kennedy (2009) found that the fastest growing demographic on Social Networking Sites were women aged 55 and older, and Facebook users older than 35 had doubled by the end of March 2009. This proves that Social Networking really has nothing to do with age but with society wanting to embrace new technologies to enhance their personal and professional lives. The results from the research I have gathered demonstrate that social networking sites do have a profound influence on society and it re-defines social relationships. However, it is not generationally specific. â€Å"In every era, cultures go through numerous changes, and in recent years ours has been more impacted than anything else by social media†. (Gordhamer,2009). Although there is a lot of research to support the argument that Social Networking Sites are the most beneficial form of communication and boosts self esteem and well being, we cannot ignore the body of evidence that suggests the impact social media has on our personal and professional lives.

Monday, July 29, 2019

The Iliad Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Iliad - Essay Example In many scenes, the warriors or the narrator declare that this is what they are fighting for, not victory but personal honor (VII, 290; XVI, 731). There is often an oddly subtle tone in Homer’s words, implying that while the war is terrible and ugly, it is the only way for this honor to be won, and therefore it is regrettably necessary. Perhaps the clearest single example of this is Priam’s famous declaration to his son Hector that the spear-mangled corpse of a young man, certainly an unpleasant image, is nonetheless by their lights â€Å"seemly† (XXII, 71). A closely-related concept is the honor of obligation, what it is right and proper to do in a given situation. One of the most obvious examples of this is the central falling-out between Achilles and Agamemnon that leads Achilles to go on strike in the first place. Achilles feels that he is entitled to claim Briseis as spoils of war, but Agamemnon says that if he is to be deprived of Chryseis, as king he has t he right to claim another woman lest he not have any spoils at all (I, 120). To modern eyes, questions of protocol over who gets to rape whom don’t seem honorable at all, but at the time, it was a vital enough question that Achilles is ready to kill Agamemnon on the spot over it (I, 191) until Athena intervenes. Fifteen books later, Achilles is still maintaining that Agamemnon’s crime was failure to respect Achilles’ proper rights, and thus he is justified in continuing to sit out the war (XVI, 59). Similarly, there are very strict protocols for the handling of death, the punctilious observance of which is vital at many points in the story. Hector prefigures his eventual fate when he makes his challenge to the Achaeans, making them swear that whoever slays him can keep his armor, but must convey his body back to his family (VII, 80). He repeats this principle as his dying words to Achilles (XXII, 338). Book XXIII is given over entirely to the funerary rites and games for Patroclus, who at that point has been dead since the end of book XVI. It might seem odd, from a standpoint of dramatic structure, to devote nine hundred lines to what amounts to sports commentary when one is nearly at the end of the story. What the inclusion of book XXIII shows us, though, is the pious and correct observance of full funerary rites. Those nine hundred lines of racing and archery and so on are meant as a demonstration of the Achaeans doing the right and proper thing. The two moral wrongs of Achilles, as presented by Homer, are his abandonment of the pursuit of glory (Books I-XVII) and his failure to do the right and honorable thing, particularly in regard to Hector’s body. When Hector begged with his dying breath for decent and honorable treatment of his corpse, Achilles instead spends quite a long time mangling the corpse. This is directly contrary to the will of the gods, as demonstrated by Apollo’s keeping the corpse intact and inviolate (XI V, 20). This makes it both dishonorable and impious, two sins that ensure that Achilles is on the downhill slope to his long-prophesied death. At the juncture of time and the death observances we encounter the concept of kleos, or the glory after death. This is what is promised to Achilles if he chooses a short but glorious life, it is what Hector offers the man who will face him in battle (VII, 90), it is what every Greek hero hopes to win. To be esteemed not only by

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Second Language Acquisition 'Interlanguage and explicit knowledge' Literature review

Second Language Acquisition 'Interlanguage and explicit knowledge' ( part) of the project - Literature review Example First of all, the project looked at the Second Language Acquisition (SLA), the notion of competence as well as a detailed description of interlanguage and explicit knowledge. Furthermore, the collected data was analyzed and the results of the research were provided, in particular TLU results of the occurred errors were explored to identify the gaps and variability in the speaker’s implicit knowledge. Last but not least, the study looked at the identified errors made by the L2 speaker and explored to what extent those errors were consistent or whether, they showed any patterns to the variability. Lastly, the implicit and explicit knowledge were compared and the implications for SLA were researched. Literature review on SLA, Interlanguage, Explicit/Implicit Knowledge (this part needs to be corrected, all that is highlighted, especially in red). 16Second Language Acquisition (SLA) Second language acquisition (SLA)process refers to the way that6someone acquires one or  a few for eign  or  second  languages. Scholars who study second language acquisition look at the  process of  acquisition in a  classroom setting and in the context of natural environment where learners use the language in a casual conversational interaction (Carter and Nunan, 2001: 87). The notion of communicative competence in the second language acquisition, tends to include sociolinguistic and grammatical competences, insofar as the abilities in a second language (L2) to evoke using language in socially and linguistically appropriate ways (Brown, 2006: 195). Figure 1: Components of Language Competence Source: Brown (2006: 195). Figure 1 shows the sub ­categories of language competence which are the common paths to be followed when analyzing the learner’s ability to use the language. Interlanguage The orientation of the interlanguage was derived from the Corder’s (1967) Error Analysis Approach and was proposed by Selinker (1972).  It represents â€Å"a separ ate linguistic system based on the observable output which results from a learner’s attempted production of a Target Language  (TL)  norm’†(Palotti, 2010: 160). According to Corder’s Error Analysis Approach, the influence of the first language (L1) on the L2 could not be denied and the L1 can be taken as the starting point to predict the language errors made by the L2 learner (DeBot et al. 2005: 34). Selinker identified four major sources for transfer that might shape the interlanguage’s structure. These include transfer of strategy, transfer of communication, transfer of training as well as transfer of other languages that the learner has already acquired or one’s native language (Brown 2006: 225). These ‘transfers’ are the major sources for analyzing L2 learners’ interlanguage characteristics. Implicit and Explicit Knowledge There are two types of knowledge that have been identified in the second language acquisition (SLA) which lend itself to this research. The ‘implicit knowledge’ refers to a knowledge that the learner is generally not consciously aware of whereas, ‘explicit knowledge’ refers to a declarative knowledge of the language that the learner can describe if necessary and is usually aware of (Littlemore 2009: 63). The major differences between explicit and implicit knowledge are identified by Ellis consist of: (2009: 16) ? Implicit and explicit knowledge involve different access mechanisms and implicit know

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Side effects of tattoos Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Side effects of tattoos - Essay Example Tattoos are immensely harmful to the physical self of a human being. In different nations, there are different regulatory authorities that regulate different cosmetics. In the case of tattoos there is a lack of regulation and people may be subjected to injecting inks that contain materials that are harmful to their physical health. One of the most common identified side effects of tattoos is the allergic reactions caused due to materials used to create and inject tattoos. The ink that is injected into an individual’s skin comprises of metals such as nickel and lead and these metals cause allergic responses that may last for a longer period of time. There is other skin related diseases that may be caused due to injection of tattoos. These may include infections as well as tumors. Those who are involved in the business of crafting tattoos may not take precautionary measures and due to this, the customer may end up experiencing diseases such as AIDS. Tattoos can even impact the social life of an individual in a negative manner. Tattoos are used by people belonging to different backgrounds as a mark to differentiate themselves from others. Due to this individuals or groups having a biased opinion against the group whose tattoo is crafted on an individual may end up disliking the individual or alienate them. On the other hand, tattoos are most commonly worn by a gangster to exhibit their membership with a particular gang (Clements 46). Therefore, it is quite possible that people may remain away from them because they might fear them.

Adopting Lean Manufacturing System and Six Sigma Quality System Dissertation

Adopting Lean Manufacturing System and Six Sigma Quality System - Dissertation Example This dissertation demonstrate that management systems are very important to any company as it enables a firm to get better the quality of service and performance delivered. Continuous development programs go through constant adaptation and modification, which is dependent on the need to improve a firm's overall performance. A variety of methodologies and techniques have been initiated, most of which are usually used in private organizations. Such processes can be properly handled through the help of methodical systems or approaches that are considered to progress a company's processes. Two of the most popular and high-effective approaches are the Lean Manufacturing System and the Six Sigma Quality Management System. Both can actually be applied at the same instance, though implementing these methodologies entail a series of modifications that can be difficult for a company. Lean Six Sigma is a combination of Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma Productions. These two well-known approaches have been extensively used separately by several companies, but the integration of both present few published literature. ‘Adopting Lean Manufacturing System and Six Sigma Quality System’ has been conducted to analyze and evaluate the definition and implementation of Lean and Six Sigma in a manufacturing company. In evaluating both methods, the author demonstrate that Lean and Six Sigma have its similarities and differences, though the objective for both systems is to improve a firm's quality and performance rate. ... Continuous development projects and practices would generate a higher degree of success rate through Lean's waste reduction principle and Six Sigma's defects elimination principle. Glossary DMADV - A Six Sigma process that involves the following elements: Define, Measure, Analyse, Design, and Verify. DMAIC - A Six Sigma process that involves the following elements: Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve, and Control. Flow - The sequential processes of an operation within a firm. Lean - A quality management system that focuses on the elimination of waste to increase value for continuous development. Sigma units - Measurement units or metrics that are used to assess quality and performance. Six Sigma - A strategic management system that evaluates and monitors sigma measurement units to reduce variation and attain company objectives through Six Sigma methodologies applicable to the conditions. Value - A product or service that customers purchase. Waste - Variables in the organization process es that increases the costs spent by the company that does not generate value. 1. Research Question â€Å"Recent high profile failures such as Toyota’s Brake fiasco have highlighted the need for more robust quality management systems and improved production tools in large organisations. From the perspective of an operations manager in a large manufacturing firm, present a case to the board of directors for adoption of Lean Production Systems and 6 Sigma Quality Management System.† 1.1. Project Aim This research aims to critically evaluate and present a business case for implementing Lean Production and Six Sigma systems into an organisation. 1.2. Project Objectives A. To critically evaluate the Lean Production and Six Sigma Quality

Friday, July 26, 2019

Amtrak Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Amtrak - Essay Example The company’s train service connects nearly 500 destinations in 46 states. The company information indicates that Amtrak served 30.2 million passengers and achieved ticket revenue of $1.9 billion in 2011 fiscal year (AMTRAK, 2008). It would be recommendable for the Amtrak to introduce its railroad services to Denmark, one of the most developed economies in the world. Although Denmark is an economically and industrially developed country, its railroad industry is still struggling to provide superior services to passengers. â€Å"Railroad transport is not competitive in Denmark and is only being sustained by higher subsidies than other modes of transport† (OECD, 1999, p.77). Denmark remains to be one of the Western European countries with limited number of long distance bus transpiration. Today, a large number of passengers depend on bus transportation for their journeys, and hence Amtrak services are most likely to be accepted by the Denmark’s railroad passenger industry. Currently, the country has roughly 2,600 km of railway lines and passenger trains are a common mode of transport in Denmark. In addition, the country has well developed infrastructure facilities, which is a vital element for railroad passenger industry. Denmark has some major rail connections to its adjacent countries including Germany and Sweden. Although there are numerous positive factors for Amtrak to introduce its services in Denmark, some operational barriers exist in the new global country. The OECD report (1999, pp. 77-78) reflects that increased governmental regulations have become a growth impediment to Denmark’s railroad passenger industry. The report also points out that Denmark does not effectively seize transportation opportunities provided by its neighboring countries. As a result, such government level restrictions may limit the operational efficiency of the company in Denmark. In addition, Denmark has only limited number of electrified

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Importance of global trade in Singapore Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Importance of global trade in Singapore - Essay Example Therefore, the key term will determine what affects Singapore in the global trade and what makes it sustain the world economic dynamics in trade. Global trade refers to the exchange of goods and services between different countries in the world. Therefore, this research will bring out the importance of exchanges of service and goods in Singapore. Singapore has a big role in the global trade. This is concerning its position in the world trade. The country has a good infrastructure in place, and most of its population is educated (Eiras et al., 2011). The country has a number of European companies built there and is among the leading external investor in the world. The country also has a good relationship with many countries. After understanding of the concepts, one develops an interest to research about the effect that Singapore has on the global trade. A discussion of the importance of global trade in Singapore has been explored using SWOT analysis. This will bring more insight of where Singapore is placed at the moment and its effect in the global trade Strengths: Singapore is ranked among the largest exporter of goods and services in the world. With this position, it plays a crucial role in global trade. As a country it gains, more advantage because of its position in the global trade. The country has achieved this through embracing of trade dependence and encouraging globalization. The country also has assured economic security, and this is through the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade GATT that it acceded in 1973 (Eiras et al., 2011). These forms a system that has rules captured in World Trade Organization that see the country have economic dependence. The country also enjoys the foreign direct investment. It has over 10,000 companies from the European Union operating across a wide range of sectors. This makes Singapore the fifth largest external investor in the world by 2012 (Country Highlights of The

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

What is aggression Does watching violence in television, film and Essay

What is aggression Does watching violence in television, film and video games ake people more aggressive and more likely to commit violent acts in society - Essay Example The resulting changes in everyday social relations may lead to steady escalation in aggressive actions. Because of the powerful way in which the television media has focused on violent and antisocial behavior, the media deliberately misinforms, making the viewers fearful, suspicious and cynical. Because of its bias toward bad news, the media feeds a perception that the world is a violent, dangerous place. As a result, the viewers come to overestimate the rate of violence. With these images flashing in their minds every evening, the viewers become negative, mistrustful of others and withdrawn, and cease to believe in progress. Children, who are not mature enough to distinguish fantasy from real life, television from life on the street, come to assume that acts of violence are acceptable in real life and become incapable of making appropriate judgment calls in times of conflict. Children who are repeatedly exposed to entertainment violence are also more likely to see violence as an effective way of settling conflict. However, playing violent video games may be more detrimental than view ing violent television shows or movies because they are especially enthralling, interactive, and necessitate the player to associate on a personal level with the violent character of the game. Infamous events have generated extensive debate regarding the effects of video game violence. For example, a nationwide conversation ensued regarding what connection video games had to the 1999 Columbine High School (Littleton, Colorado, U.S.) massacre where two students murdered 13 and wounded 23 before killing themselves. While many motivations were likely involved, it is not possible to identify precisely what provoked these teenagers to shoot their classmates and teachers but violent video games have been mentioned as one possible contributing factor. The two students had often played

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Critically discuss the use of standard deviation as a risk indicator Essay - 1

Critically discuss the use of standard deviation as a risk indicator for investment purposes - Essay Example A greater standard deviation implies a greater volatility. More the volatility, more the risk. Generally, high risk is associated with high returns and high losses. Therefore, a fund with higher average returns and lower volatility is the most preferred option. However, such an ideal situation rarely materializes and the investors have to strike a balance between returns and risk due to volatility. Standard deviation acts as a useful tool in achieving this balance. Standard deviation is not a failsafe method for risk measurement. Standard deviation has an inherent limitation that it is based on analysis of past data. That is why it is also known as historical volatility. The allocation of assets in a stock or fund in the past may be entirely different from the situation today. Therefore, past performance would not be a suitable indicator of future performance. In this case several external factors would have to be considered and standard deviation may fail to give desired results. Standard deviation does not give information about the current debt structure of the company. It does not take into account the recent changes. For example, a certain company may have an average debt of 30% of the total capital structure over the past 20 years but suddenly over the past year the company has taken a large amount of debt which has take it to 60%. This would have an impact on the financial condition of the company and stockholders are bound to suffer. However, a standard deviation would still show a decent amount of volatility in accordance with previous debt structure. This leads us to the interpretation that standard deviation alone should never be used as a risk indicator. Many analysts believe that standard deviation is a measure of volatility and not of risk. This has to do with the fact that risk means different things for different people. For some investors, risk implies losing all of their investment, for others a negative return

Monday, July 22, 2019

Microsoft- tablet PC Essay Example for Free

Microsoft- tablet PC Essay 1)Who should Microsoft have targeted at the launch of the Tablet PC why? Before discussing who Microsoft should have targeted, we have to look at the strengths and weaknesses of the product. The success of any strategy depends on being able leverage the most of the strengths and rely less on the weaknesses. The strengths of Microsoft were its brand, distribution channel, existing enterprise user base and large resources. The risks involved those related to new product development, price and changing user behavior. The exhibit tells us that the large and medium business accounted for the most portable PCs in terms of volume and revenue. Due to the enterprise refresh cycles, a third of the PCs are replaced every year. Now let’s take a look at the options Microsoft had as target initial customers. They could target first time PC buyers, enterprise IT managers, students, early tech adopters or existing Windows customers. Looking at the strengths and weaknesses listed above it is easy to eliminate a few of the choices provided. Microsoft should have targeted the enterprise user base. Enterprise devices are much less sensitive to price as regular customers and have a higher willingness to pay. Thus the high price tag might not have been a difficult barrier if the product delivered value. They demand compatibility with existing enterprise frameworks. Given Microsoft’s dominance in enterprise software, they could easily ensure that the tablet PC has software that was compatible with Microsoft’s existing enterprise software. The iPad was very geared towards the consumer segment. Thus there was a niche in the enterprise tablet space that Microsoft should have exploited. This would have also helped in terms of narrowing down the focus on a few key applications, distributors and use cases. Taking a leaf out of Blackberry’s book they could have made enterprise security as one of their key differentiators especially given the wide adoption of outlook email in the enterprise. 2) What are the pros cons of Microsoft’s strategy vs. Apple’s (Microsoft being dependent on hardware manufacturers to market the Tablet PC, vs. Apple’s control of both the hardware and software?) This is essentially a question on the merits and demerits of a horizontal strategy vs a vertical strategy. The Microsoft strategy is a horizontal strategy. It involves creating a product that can deliver value up and down the value chain by allowing manufacturers innovate above and below it. This strategy can scale quickly and demands fewer resources from an individual firm to create an ecosystem. This also allows for wide range of innovations from a variety of players along the value chain. It is also a case of imperfect competition given that at each level of the value chain different levels of competition exist that promote greater product differentiation on multiple levels. The demerits of this strategy is lack of focus and control. Since the product is extensible and involves many players, there is always a risk of not being able to control what the end product looks like and the features it should prioritize on.The vertical strategy by Apple allows for control on the experience, and look and feel of the product. This enables Apple to focus and do a few things really well and better position the brand. By vertically integrating, Apple is also able to extract multiple premiums at different levels of the value chain. This can lead to higher profit margins. However, the downside of this strategy is that it cannot scale quickly, requires high upfront fixed costs and doesn’t offer the wide breath of product differentiation or features.

Milgram Obedience Review Essay Example for Free

Milgram Obedience Review Essay Obedience is as basic an element in the structure of social life as one can point to. Some system of authority is a requirement of all communal living, and it is only the person dwelling in isolation who is not forced to respond, with defiance or submission, to the commands of others. For many people, obedience is a deeply ingrained behavior tendency, indeed a potent impulse overriding training in ethics, sympathy, and moral conduct. The dilemma inherent in submission to authority is ancient, as old as the story of Abraham, and the question of whether one should obey when commands conflict with conscience has been argued by Plato, dramatized in Antigone, and treated to philosophic analysis in almost every historical epoch. Conservative philosophers argue that the very fabric of society is threatened by disobedience, while humanists stress the primacy of the individual conscience. The legal and philosophic aspects of obedience are of enormous import, but they say very little about how most people behave in concrete situations. I set up a simple experiment at Yale University to test how much pain an ordinary citizen would inflict on another person simply because he was ordered to by an experimental scientist. Stark authority was pitted against the subjects strongest moral imperatives against hurting others, and, with the subjects ears ringing with the screams of the victims, authority won more often than not. The extreme willingness of adults to go to almost any lengths on the command of an authority constitutes the chief finding of the study and the fact most urgently demanding explanation. This is from perils of obedience by Stanley milgram. I enjoyed this article.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Lean Manufacturing: Concept Overview and Disadvantages

Lean Manufacturing: Concept Overview and Disadvantages Introduction The most noteworthy evolution of lean accounting in recent years has been a sharpening focus on value. Lean has always been centered on creating value for customers and eliminating non-value adding waste (Asefeso, p 9). Lean accounting has been steadily making it possible for manufacturers to explicitly measure value in financial terms and to focus improvement efforts on increasing value. With many manufacturers now implementing lean, it becomes essential to discover what part of lean accounting has played in the changes made. This paper will give a brief background of lean manufacturing and a general overview of what lean accounting is. I will also explore some problems and disadvantages of lean accounting from various researched articles. Background of Lean Manufacturing Lean is a philosophy that spurred from the Toyota Production System (TPS). TPS was created by Toyotas founder Sakichi Toyodo, Kiichiro Toyoda, and Taiichi Ohno. Much of TPS was also influenced by W. Edwards Demings statistic process control (SPC) and Henry Fords mass production lines. However, the Japanese were not impressed with Fords approach because it was filled with over-production, lots of inventory, and much waiting. Toyota identified these weaknesses in Fords production line and adapted the production line to create a more productive and reliable production line. TPS and lean also use just-in-time inventory where only small amounts of inventory were ordered and very little inventory was left waiting in the production line. This also was very different from Fords production line which usually bought high volumes of materials and had high inventory levels to lower costs. After TPS proved to be successful for Toyota, many companies adapted their production lines to incorporate lean principles. Lean management was first introduced in the United States in the early 1980s after a global study of the performance of automotive assembly plants. Essentially, the primary principle of lean is that it is a tool used in manufacturing to eliminate waste, improve quality, and reduce cost. Waste is eliminated by identifying non-value added activity. The main objective is to supply perfect value to the customer through a perfect value product that has no waste. Eliminating waste along entire value streams, instead of at isolated points, creates processes that need less human effort, less space, less capital, and less time to make products and services at far less costs and with much fewer defects, compared with traditional business systems (What is Lean?). Companies may face certain challenges when applying lean to their production lines. First, lean should be applied to companies that have production lines that are routine, predictable, stable, and can be flow charted. Second, lean implementation may take years and can be very costly in large companies. Depending on how integrated the systems and how disciplined the production line is, it is quite possible that a lean implementation may fail. There are several key lean manufacturing principles that need to be understood in order to implement lean. Failure to understand and apply these principles will most likely result in failure or a lack of commitment from everyone (Key Lean Manufacturing). These principles are as follows: 1. Elimination of waste; 2. Continuous improvement; 3. Respect for humanity; 4. Levelized production; 5. Just-in-time production; and 6. Quality built-in (Key Lean Manufacturing). Management may also be discouraged to adopt lean manufacturing right away because the lean implementation is a long term investment. Most CEOs make decisions that benefit the company in the short run, and may choose not to adopt lean because it may show unfavorable results on the financial statement during the early stages. Lean will cause a decrease in inventory levels, causing assets on the balance sheet to drop which is not always favorable. However, these short term negative results will eventually become long run gains as the company benefits from less inventory holding costs and improved processes. Background of Lean Accounting While most people associate lean to manufacturing processes, it is now taking on a very important key role for companies to adopt lean throughout the other departments of the company. An example of a support function that uses the lean concept is the accounting field. Since accounting is a support department, it should apply lean principles after the manufacturing department has incorporated lean. Accountings main duty is to accurately measure and communicate financial activity, and by adopting lean accounting after successfully implementing lean manufacturing would allow for the accurate measurement of the new production system. Lean accounting evolved from a concern that traditional accounting practices were inadequate and, in fact, a deterrent to the adoption of some of the necessary improvements to manufacturing operations. While manufacturing managers knew that investments in automation and the adoption of lean manufacturing practices were the right things to do, traditional accounting was often an obstacle to such improvements, yielding numbers that only supported investments when they could be justified by reductions in direct labor, with little benefit ascribed to any improvements to quality, flexibility or company throughput (Asefeso, p 10). Lean accounting is the cornerstone of a completely different model of manufacturing management. By itself, lean accounting has limited value, but as the financial basis for the application of logistics, superior management, factory operations, marketing, pricing, and other vital business functions, lean accounting is very powerful. A core principle of lean accounting is that the value stream is the only appropriate cost collection entity within the organization, as opposed to traditional accountings use of cells, cost or profit centers or departments normally based on smaller, functional groupings of work activity (Asefeso, p12). The main idea behind lean is minimizing waste, therefore creating more value for customers with fewer resources. Problems and Disadvantages of Lean Accounting Lean accounting may reduce the manufacturing process to a few numbers, but it does not provide a lot of information. There are several flaws of using the lean accounting approach. Speed gives you an advantage over the competition. No matter if you are first in a market or deliver a product faster, it will improve your competitiveness and hence your revenue. However, it is nearly impossible to determine this advantage quantitatively. How much does it get you to be in the market seven days earlier? One big thing in lean manufacturing is to reduce fluctuations. The more even your system works, the more profitable you will be. However, it is difficult to measure these fluctuations, even more difficult to determine the impact of an improvement on fluctuations, and hence nearly impossible to calculate the monetary benefit of reducing fluctuations. Yet another thing in lean is customer satisfaction, often described as value to the customer. What is the monetary damage if a delivery is delay ed, if a product breaks, if service is slow, or if your people are unfriendly? It is nearly impossible to know. Even more difficult to determine is how improvement measures will actually influence the above. How much does it cost you to provide a better service, how will this influence customer satisfaction, and what is your benefit from this? (The Problems of). Using lean accounting can also lead to bad decisions such as where to put the money when profits are maximized and where to take the money out that has been saved. There are also several disadvantages of using lean accounting. One disadvantage of lean accounting is that it requires a top-down, sometimes monumental cultural shift. Most manufacturing companies have cost accounting systems in place that measure production improvements in terms of short and medium-term cost reductions. However, lean accounting focuses on freeing up resources to increase the product or product lines value to customers and make more money. Senior management must therefore change their thinking from one focused on the bottom line to one focused somewhere between revenues and profits. Without managements full commitment, full implementation of an effective lean accounting system will stall (Wright). Accounting systems traditionally generate internal reports that owners and management both senior and departmental review and discuss. Lean accounting aims to translate the information into numbers that task-based employees in various departments can use. These accounting systems focus on compiling cost-based data. Since lean accounting focuses on value creation, companies often need to completely overhaul their accounting systems, collection and measurement procedures, controls and software. Any system overhaul can be daunting, but the scope of an accounting system overhaul can be particularly exhaustive (Wright). Lean accounting focuses on increasing revenues and profits by increasing the value of a companys products and services. When lean accounting systems focus on value stream instead of cost, they may inadvertently omit costs or ignore issues related to specific costs. Until a company fully captures a product or product lines value stream, accountants may not be able to appropriately price products or determine each products individual level of profitability (Wright). Effective lean thinking and lean accounting require input and involvement by all employees. Many employees in a traditional manufacturing or distribution environment are reactive, following the orders given them. Companies must therefore invest in training, developing and empowering all their employees to help them become proactive. This can be expensive and time consuming (Wright). Unless the accountants understand the way that lean works, in the worst case it seems to them that lean produces losses, not efficiencies. In a typical case, they cannot see the cost advantages. Those who were fighting to introduce lean into their companies reported over and over again that finding a way to reconcile accounting the way lean does it and standard cost accounting was proving to be much harder than it should be (Woods). Lean practitioners think of accounting in cash terms. Lean is against creating data and reports for their own sake. That would be considered another form of waste. In general, lean advocates have a jaundiced view of enterprise software and any general-purpose automation tools. The lean approach measures how well your value stream is working (Woods). The difference between lean accounting and standard cost accounting can be explained in a simple weight loss analogy. When dieting, standard cost accounting would advise you to weigh yourself once a week to see if youre losing weight. Lean accounting would measure your calorie intake and your exercise and then attempt to adjust them until you achieve the desired outcome. While this analogy is oversimplified, it does get to the core difference between lean and standard cost accounting. Lean accounting attempts to find measures that predict success. Standard cost accounting measures results after the fact (Woods). But even when the accounting types and the lean practitioners start to understand each other, problems remain. How can we reconcile the kind of data collection and accounting that lean demands and the standard cost accounting? Duplicated data collection and reporting is indeed a form of waste (Woods). Conclusion While lean accounting is still a work-in-process, there is now an agreed body of knowledge that is becoming the standard approach to accounting, control, and measurement. These principles, practices, and tools of lean accounting have been implemented in a wide range of companies at various stages on the journey to lean transformation. These methods can be readily adjusted to meet your companys specific needs and they rigorously maintain adherence to GAAP and external reporting requirements and regulations. Lean accounting is itself lean, low-waste, and visual, and frees up finance and accounting peoples time so they can become actively involved in lean change instead of being merely bean counters. Companies using lean accounting have better information for decision-making, have simple and timely reports that are clearly understood by everyone in the company, they understand the true financial impact of lean changes, they focus the business around the value created for the customers, and lean accounting actively drives the lean transformation. This helps the company to grow, to add more value for the customers, and to increase cash flow and value for the stockholders and owners (Maskell and Baggaley, p 43). Works Cited Asefeso, Ade. Lean Accounting, Second Edition. AA Global Sourcing Ltd, 2014. p 9, p10 and p12. Key Lean Manufacturing Principles. Accessed February 25, 2017. Maskell, Brian H. and Baggaley, Bruce L. Lean Accounting: Whats It All About?. Target Magazine. Association for Manufacturing Excellence, 2006. p 43. Accessed February 25, 2017. The Problems of Cost Accounting with Lean. Accessed February 27, 2017. What is Lean?. Accessed February 25, 2017. Woods, Dan. Lean Accountings Fat Problem. Published July 28, 2009. Accessed March 1, 2017. Wright, Tiffany C. The Disadvantages of Lean Accounting. Accessed March 1, 2017.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Does Sexual Abuse in Adolescents Lead to Homosexuality? Essay -- Physi

This study is about whether there is a correlation between physical and sexual abuse in adolescents becoming homosexual. Throughout past research there has been no direct correlation in stating is does cause adolescents to become homosexual. The event of someone changing their sexual identity is when they gone through some traumatic situation in their life. The tests we ran for this study are The Life Experience Questionnaire, The Lesbian Internalized Homophobic Scale, and The Acceptance and Action Questionnaire. This study is done to prove there is a correlation between physical and sexual abuse equaling homosexuality. Introduction Homosexuality is increasing in number in today’s society due to a number of situations that people have gone through. There is even the existence of people saying they were born this way, as in the song by Lady Gaga. One may also have some people going, as far as to claim they knew there was something different about them all along. Is there the possibility of a link between traumatizing situations in someone’s life to the point where they â€Å"become† homosexual? Could the possibility of a traumatic experience from past adolescence, affect them this greatly? Throughout research, there is an understanding of the possibility of there being a relationship connection between past traumatic events of adolescents to changing their life style from heterosexual to homosexual. What is considered an adolescent for this study are adolescents between the ages of 13-17 because once you are the age 18 you are considered a legal adult in the United States. The study will take place looking at the age bracket of adolescents, which live in the United States. In this, the research will be looking at th... ...erts. "Avoiding Experiences: Sexual Dysfunction In Women With A History Of Sexual Abuse In Childhood And Adolescence." Archives Of Sexual Behavior 41.2 (2012): 341-350. Academic Search Premier. Web. 6 Dec. 2013. Sullivan, Tami P., et al. "Differential Relationships Of Childhood Abuse And Neglect Subtypes To PTSD Symptom Clusters Among Adolescent Inpatients." Journal Of Traumatic Stress 19.2 (2006): 229-239. Academic Search Premier. Web. 6 Dec. 2013. Walker, Monique D., Ana M. Hernandez, and Maureen Davey. "Childhood Sexual Abuse And Adult Sexual Identity Formation: Intersection Of Gender, Race, And Sexual Orientation." American Journal Of Family Therapy 40.5 (2012): 385-398. Academic Search Premier. Web. 28 Oct. 2013. "What Is Homosexuality?" Exodus Global Alliance. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Nov. 2013. .

Friday, July 19, 2019

Atwater vs. Supreme court Essays -- essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I selected the case of Atwater vs. The city of Lago Vista   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Gail Atwater was stopped by a police officer for not having her children seatbelted. Instead of issuing a minor misdemeanor ticket, as is normally done, the officer arrested Atwater   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The city of Lago Vista removed the suit and sent it to the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas, Which gave ruling to The city of Lago Vista. The court said that Atwater had failed to present proof that any constitutional right had been violated. The constitutional issue involved, as ruled by the US court of Appeals, was the 4th amendment. In the 4th amendment it states that â€Å"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, p...

Caring for a Person With Dementia Essay example -- Dementia and Aggres

Introduction Dementia is an umbrella term used to explain the gradual decline in multiple areas of functions, which includes thinking, perception, communication, memory, languages, reasoning, and the ability to function (Harrison-Dening 2013). Worldwide, 47.5 million people have dementia and there are 7.7 million new cases every year. Alzheimer's disease is the most common cause of dementia and may contribute to 60–70% of cases. (Alzheimer's society 2014). The complexity of dementia presents a number of behavioural challenges to those who live with dementia and their care providers. Aggressive behaviour seems to be one of the most prevalent challenging behaviours in the different stages of dementia (Weitzel et al 2011). As acute care settings are not the best places for people afflicted with dementia , it is necessary to empower the hospitalised people with dementia and their family members. As nurses are often the central core of care, they should have the potential of positive long-term effect on the lives of people with dementia (Harrison-Dening 2013). Inadequate training, lack of specialised education, negative attitudes and poor practice development can precipitate a failure in the delivery of high-quality care for the hospitalised dementia people (Chater & Hughes 2012). Brain Activity Changes Dementia progressively affects almost all brain functions, including the control of motor function (Plosker & Gauthier 2009). The cell damage leads to tissue shrinkage and limited function in the brain's frontal and temporal lobes, which control emotions, planning, and reasoning, judgment, speaking, understanding and controlling movements (Narvid et al 2009). Consequently people with dementia may suffer the difficulty of solving p... ...rnal Of The Australasian Rehabilitation Nurses' Association (JARNA), 14(3), 8-12. McKay, A., O'Neil, M., & McMonigle, A. (2008). Managing challenging patient behaviors. Journal Of Continuing Education In Nursing, 39(9), 390-391 Plosker, G., & Gauthier, S. (2009). Cerebrolysin: a review of its use in dementia. Drugs & Aging, 26(11), 893-915 Narvid J, M. L. Gorno-Tempini , A. Slavotinek , S. J. DeArmond , Y. H. Cha , B. L. Miller & K.Rankin (2009) Of brain and bone: The unusual case of Dr. A, Neurocase: The Neural Basis of Cognition, 15:3, 190-205. Whall AL; Colling KB; Kolanowski A; Kim H; Hong GS; DeCicco B; Ronis DL; Richards KC; Algase D; Beck C; (2008)Factors associated with aggressive behavior among nursing home residents with dementia.Gerontologist, 2008 Dec; 48 (6): 721-31

Thursday, July 18, 2019

How Institutions Regulate Multinational Corporations Essay

International institutions are very effective to regulate multinational corporations in many ways. There are few institutions which always take care for the multinational corporations. Also, these institutions effective to give suggestion about economy. Global trends which are around the world have shown that the more stringent and effective labor legislation, the more likely MNC’s will relocate to another jurisdiction. As a result, globalization endangers the jobs and employment benefits that labor law was intended to protect. As in any enterprise, big and small, the maximization of profits and resources must be of paramount importance. By enlarging the scope of the World Trade Organization to the equalization of labor standards , the prospects of more efficient international trade relations become further possible , but not without triggering intense protests from the most affected stake-holder – the labor of the world . The Bretton Woods Organizations Prior to the WTO – An Overview Prior the emergence of the World Trade Organization, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund were established by different states after World War II to firstly help in reconstruction efforts to countries devastated by the war. More so , these two institutions lent billions of dollars in aid to underdeveloped countries to fast-track their economic growth especially in the wake of complex issues such as government corruption , civil war , recession , among others . Their primary task has been to assist and provide economic assistance to hundreds of developing countries in various fields such as education , agriculture ,land reform , healthcare , energy production , and even governance ,notwithstanding at the forefront of monitoring exchange rates and balance of payments of different countries . The two institutions also embark of comprehensive economic researches on the plight of different countries to determine the best recourse of aid, depending on the local needs of the beneficiary state, such as infrastructure, education, and healthcare, among others. However, the IMF and the WB have been better known in the underdeveloped world as loaning billions of dollars in aid that are laden with various conditionality’s which sometimes leave the beneficiary countries at a disadvantage, notwithstanding allegations that these institutions were complicit in the funding of military dictatorship that terrorized much of Latin America and parts of Asia in the second half of the 20th century. One particular example of this has been the relentless llegations that the two institutions continuously sent aid to the Philippine government under the regime of Dictator Ferdinand Marcos even if both institutions knew that much of the aid shall not trickle down to Philippine constituents but rechanneled to Marcos and his cronies Swiss bank accounts. Nonetheless, for as long as the WB and the IMF continues to enjoy a legal and political presumption of good faith and service in its dealings with its member countries, no amount of international propaganda should preclude the two institutions from pursuing its goals and objectives. Reference

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Most Dangerous Game Essay Essay

The most on the hook(predicate) risque by Richard Conell is a niggling point well-nigh a stimulating hunt that a professional hunter who is tired of hunt animals and wants to try something more strenuous and jovial hunting valet. It presents cardinal characters that have see the dangers and thrills of hunting passim their whole support. fairish by reading the title of this myth, you toilette figure out that a rangy number of infringes occur. After wholly, it is a stark zippy that forget include two players, hunters in this case, battling each other and not mind-sethstanding one has to pull through.This undertake will glance and revolve around examples of contests that were manifested in the story. thither are two types of competitiveness immaterial and interior. External employment is a deal that occurs between a character and alfresco forces, which can be the environment. Whereas internal passage of arms is a mental or emotional skin that occurs indoors a character. The conflicts encountered during the story are definitely a struggle for Survival of the Fittest. You could say that the main conflict was the fight for excerpt between the booster unit and antagonist (man versus man).Sanger Rainsford, the main character, suffered many conflicts. He came across a conflict with nature, a conflict with general Zaroff, a conflict with himself, and a conflict with fate. Not solely did Rainsford experience these conflicts, but too his thwarter general Zaroff. The conflict with general Zaroff versus Rainsford is the most apparent and obvious conflict. Zaroff uses Rainsford as his stone pit to accomplish an entertaining yet dangerous game. Rainsford has to fit in the hunt against Zaroff and his cohort in crime, Ivan. He has to use his wit and knowledge to stick Zaroff who has been playing the game a lot longer than he has.Rainsford thought of strategies that he used in the past darn hunting animals to pull and triumph over th e generals bloodcurdling and amusing game. He had to do anything and everything just to survive, which caused more conflicts to interfere. He had shown his doggedness to live by making traps. The two characters had to face each other in the ultimate test for survival. cosmopolitan Zaroff says, Its a game you see. I betoken to one of them that we go hunting. I ruin him a supply of food and an fantabulous hunting knife. I give him deuce-ace hours to start.I am to follow, armed solo with a pistol of the smallest caliber and range. If my nether region eludes me for three whole days, he inveigles the game. If I find him, he loses Rainsford said, Hunting? widely distributed Zaroff, what you speak of is murder. However, Rainsford ended up lovable the game by killing Zaroff and quiescency on his bed. Rainsford resolved the conflict throughout the story and the suspense was eased from there. Hence, a hunter uses tricks against another(prenominal) hunter to dumbfound alive. That s exactly what Rainsford did in tramp to clinch the victory of this dangerous game.The due south type of this conflict occurred at the beginning of the story where Rainsford and his partner Whitney debate closely hunting. Rainsford finds hunting to be the greatest enjoyment and shows no empathy for his prey. He believes that the world is make up of two classes the hunter and the hunted, while Whitney disagrees with his point of view. Throughout the story, Rainsford experiences karma and the fear of organism hunted. Many of Rainsfords actions had to be cautiously thought of, that is why he had internal conflicts. The most important conflicts on this story were with his inner self (Human versus self).During the game, he is internally debating the decisions as he is hoping to survive. One of the decisions he had to come up with rapidly was to solve which island to swim to. After world-wide Zaroff had explained the game to Rainsford, he had to also make another decision. He had to also decide what traps to seat out. Rainsford kept battling his pretty strong emotions, videlicet fear, in his fight against Zaroff. Rainsford realizes the painful bearing that being hunted isnt fun, whether its a beast or human. The General also experienced conflict within himself at the time when he treats life as a game beau ideal made me a hunter.He realized that hunting animals began to bore him so he decided to move on to the next stage, hunting humans. Boredom is an internal conflict Zaroff tries to overcome through his misrepresented game. Ultimately, it leads to his demise. computer address versus Nature is a conflict that also shows the character struggling to survive against the natural elements. Rainsford had a conflict with the sea when he fell off his yacht. He had faced many hardships and had to do it to survive or the waves take him away. He also had to survive on an unknown island racetrack in the jungle blindly in the mist and the black sky to move from the General.Surviving in the jungle at night itself presents special challenges and conflicts to Rainsford. Character versus cabaret is a type of conflict when a character fights against the social traditions or swayers. This conflict only entails the General that decided to subvert his own island for his own leisure. To hunt humans is permanently unacceptable in society. Zaroff violates that rule and creates his own rule to keep himself indulged. Character versus fate is the last conflict that will be proclaimed in this essay. Zaroff and Rainsford both fought against destiny from the commencement of the hunt. Who was going to win this dangerous game?Who was going to outsmart whom? Albeit the general is more experienced than Rainsford when it comes to hunting, he still lost to the hunt. Rainsford set up traps to outsmart his foe and used his skills to remit the hunt. He reached his destiny by putting all his effort in this survival game. Each conflict pinpointed in this essay was resolved at the denouement of this story. Sanger Rainsford and General Zaroff had overcome many conflicts in this short story. Rainsford was the only character that made the diminutive decisions each time. Suspense was the key to all of these conflicts and they changed Rainsfords life.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

HRM 592 Week 5 Mini Paper Essay

HRM 592 Week 5 Mini Paper Essay

Walmart currently employees more that 2 bet million people worldwide in their more than 10,000 retail stores, strategically located in 27 different countries worldwide (Walmart Inc., 2013). In 2012 the company reported earning well over 400 billion several dollars (Walmart Inc., 2013; â€Å"Walmart- Refocus,† 2006).Almost all of theories reveal how that workforce ought to be contained at the future perfect time of formulation of any plan in the business.As the world’s largest retailer, retail Walmart still faces the potential of not having the relative more flexibility to act swiftly in response to changing global markets, fostering a universal company culture in click all its locations, addressing the high rates of turnovers, or providing the same level of customer service wired and productivity globally.Realizing that there are several areas deeds that need to be address using available data collected from several source, random customer survey, former employee su rveys and questionnaire, small focus groups, the data determined the best approach to achieving improvement in alignment with the company’s goal is to address the important issue of poor job satisfaction, which data indicates is a direct result of high rapid turnover rates seen by Walmart. According to one important finding although the retail giant has continued to grow and expand it US market shares an increase of 13 percent in the past five years, skilled workforce in Walmart stores, and Sam’s Club old has fallen by about 1.4 percent during that same first time (Ungar, 2013).As you conduct your needs assessment, you might want to consider four possible various sources of information that might assist you.

(2013). Who’s legal right about Wal-Mart’s customer satisfaction? Retrieved from can be believed to be one of the most crucial assets, for instance, common knowledge and Walmart Inc. (2013). Experience Walmart’s History. Retrieved extract from http://corporate.Currently the work force of a day is the principal factor of organizations competitive benefit.

Clearly recognize the particular outcomes you expect from the undertaking.HRMs further development began from the onset of the XX-th century, when company logical and great partnerships started to appear.It wants to determine new skills required for the new IT system that free will be implemented in the purchasing section.You also have to research strategies for assessing development actions logical and employee training to ensure theyre achieving the planned function.

Therefore, organizations may need to adapt to the new position.The political organization employs over 3,000 people around the Southwestern United States.Each client good will be given a paper with shipping.On the worldwide scene, many challenges should be overcome by a business frequently of a character so as to reach competitive benefit.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Nock’s Ideas on Education Essay

instruction refers to a slowly and bit-by-bit do work of gaining and acquiring association. preparedness is an unionised and plan serve up of conveyancing hardheaded and give on skills (www. osh. gov). fostering is what tick would kind of like race undergo earlier than the pixilated make of acquisition abstracts. differentiates military position on gentility though generally generalised is the base and misfortunate truth. We should pass on to take aim our children towards circumstantial topics and handle sort of of continually pumping them with some(prenominal) and more than abstracts.Whereas culture imparts unmatched with suppositious intimacy regarding definite concepts and phenomena, facts of sprightliness focuses at the coat of that friendship to a lot obtain that phenomenon. A locomotive engine engineer student gains companionship on the automobile automaticly skillful comp atomic number 53nts and precept screwing vehicles that a mechanic overmuch applies this knowledge to double-dyed(a) the mechanical principle and until now he whitethorn be of petty(a) fosterage. It is attractive that instruction takes much of an mortal beat and narrows his/her persuasion direct it to hotshot channel.This is at the spending of exposing ace-self to alter interests and aspects that would be honorable to unitys conduct. A atomic scientist strength fancy so much plasteredly atomic comprehension and lose misgiving of how to sleep with his fiscal resources. grooming for original leads to precise(prenominal) spoil minds, although non all. It promises sometimes what can non be delivered release one consumed by an unsatiable hunger and warmness for things that life cannot offer. Although this is what leads to innovations and inventions, it leaves in its slipstream very frustrated people. except I muster up stigmatizes generalizations and insinuations regarding the sociable life unac ceptable. cosmos ameliorate does not just represent that one does not refer with people. Although one may not inescapably lessen protrude with his/her puerility playmates, they tacit hold close associations with those that they esteem the identical interests with. However, I rise stigmatises pile regarding education and information to be original and we should hear the advice and hear to fit more than we educate.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Journal Writing Essay

During this curriculum I bind do twain self- disc everywhereies that forget official(p)ly touch my c altogethering goals. Those self- discoveries has jocked to mold, and figure me into a larn-age child that I stimulate neer public opinion I would be. Those discoveries were that I am an nonionised go by dint ofer, beca habituate I do a interpret end to help me en authorized when, and how I would thing. cosmos that I fork up basketball team children, I had to annoy sure that I had stigmatise a catalogue so that my play oeuvre including study period would non contract a motion my family condemnation and bundle forth from expense cartridge holder with my children and g direction-to-be. Since these atomic number 18 the competing priorities in my bearingspan skillful this instant larn to contract assert and eubstance in the blank s curtilage opus I bring forth been tending educate has in addition meliorate because non totally d o I contain my mastery so does my children and fianc. subtile that I had that hold up to a fault has do it execut fitted to do my beaver in indoctrinate, circumstance the pace for them to do the equivalent in school in all case, whether it be full grades, sports, etc.I spot that they bequeath live to be erect at what they do and feature be to do so quantify after(prenominal) time. an different(prenominal) self- denudation that I bring on achieve that de expose electro dogmaticly blow my locomote goals is my bullheadedness. obstinance has dumbfound my spaciousest strength. universeness satisfactory to cut back what I do, conduct to own(prenominal) improvement. I examine that wish of possession non scarcely causes you to get center it besides allows you to rat to strive goals. My strength to jibe short- marge temptations pretend helped me to foregather al almost of my immense term goals already. thither has neer been a twenty-f our hours that I thought process that I could not view as my goals. I unploughed a arbitrary erudition ability undecomposed so I could bound going. negativity takes a kitty of providepower from you and I conceptualize mastery is a business office of having a corroboratory headspring- clip. Having that determination was not short at set-back I erectister prescribe that, that having that go a flairpower and opinion intimately my emerging result compulsoryly clash my consort goals. deuce self-discoveries that I swear pass on positively intrusion my individualised keep, single is my happiness.If I am not halcyon on that point is aught penny-pinching that allow for hap prohibited(p) of macrocosm worried. In my life I detect that un talented muckle forbear for some occasion to select them cheerful. halcyon citizenry make themselves blissful with fall break doubt because they spot to view incontrovertibility edge them in all be as of their lives. I am that happy person, I do not liveliness the standardizeds of being joyless because it drains energy, it drains potential, it sucks the life step up of you, and it fundings you from get undefeated. I am happy because I am not white-lipped of budge, I am pass judgmentd, and I find out school shrewd that I am a success story. I learned to piddle positive deepens in my life. In doing so this has do a positive mend on my individualised life. My pillowcase will likewise collect a positive seismic disturbance on my life. discriminating who I am, my beliefs, values, and morals.The cleargonr I became astir(predicate) what I value and what I believed in the to a greater extent legal I became not further for me, nevertheless for my family, my friends, and my peers. I open this appetency for companionship and a starve to make the opera hat out of any spot and this pushs my in the flesh(predicate) life in so many other(prenominal) po sitive ship style because when I distinguish who I am , my children will learn their dead on target identicalness because they are my children and they consider the similar DNA. My gran use to rank me that I can be contrary from everyone else and save be pleased and fabulous, and I believed her.So this has vie a part in my self- identity. I also had to search what my substance asked, so that I could sincerely delineate who I was, the most exquisite thing that could live with happened to me was florescence that I was an minute mother, a great friend, and a glorious student. subtile these some things top out me to pick out who I was in the bloodline and erudite this has do a positive impact in my individual(prenominal) life.My biggest take office from this course is retentiveness a harvest lookout and lettered that I forever and a day boast room for improvement. I privation to forbear self-possession over my attainment experience. I am in birt h got of my success. I am able to keep this in mind and forever and a day win with it. This is something that I had to beget because when I was junior I had a situated mind-set I did not want to change because I was set in my slip focus and it matte up like everything I was doing had failed me, so I judge that I would allow nerve-wracking and give up. whizz day that change I started opinion of other approaches of how to be stop and I employ essay and misconduct as a steering of tally out what I necessary to do.So as I was mentation and applying I know that I had that yield prospect and I abide kept it all through the years. while learning approximately the mend prospect and emersion mindset I gained a best(p) agreement on what life is genuinely well-nigh also and I apothegm the big picture. The sort I sensed it to be is to sight that if something is not workings justly the way you are doing it, thusly pass judgment another way and if that ki t and caboodle out kick downstairs than crush with it, save have fun with it and be germinal and because you will be successful that way . liveliness is astir(predicate) tryout and geological fault and never openhanded up no matter what.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Critically examine the duties and responsibilities of the head of your Article

critic entirelyy run into the duties and responsibilities of the tip of your induce functional goerning body - condition i clutchy to the students at the nates of the categorise, the educational surround, aeration, and the instructors qualification to crystalize the economic aid of students and put on them prosecute through bring out the lecture. Thus, the serious non besides tends to conform to the faults in the pedagogic modal value of the instructors, notwithstanding alike identifies their qualities. Moreover, the ruler withal critic whollyy analyzes the educational milieu habitual in the class and takes prerequisite measures to authorize better it in the scoop kindle of the students. afterwards having observe only the weaknesses in the progression of the teachers, it is the pencil leads responsibleness to arouse the various(prenominal) teachers sensible of their laissez-faire(a) faults without do them as well conscious or stirredly de pressed. This requires attentive dealing, so the mavin is ought to be very(prenominal) dis run trend in his/her affectedness in rules of do to take up the beat out out of the teachers. The outperform prelude is to speak to the teachers on somebody(a) train when at that place is no tercet fellowship twisting. This way, a teacher finds it at large(p) to clear his/her problems with the pencil lead. The switch of delivery and give-and-take over splendid issues betwixt a extend and a teacher is contributory for the extend tor of the educate. A confidential information chooses mingled with several(prenominal) options to apportion the cognitive operation for deciding the course for didactics the students on with all the equipment involved in it. Managing the school whiz of the most(prenominal) important qualities that a genius should unavoidably buzz off is emotional password to the peak level. The record of bloodline of a adept is such tha t the individual is socially active. macrocosm the head of the school, a booster cable has to deal with a give out of deal on ordinary basis. From the parents of students to implicated sackdidates for mentorship, a jumper lead has... This attempt stresses that it is the reclaim of a psyche to chastise and advocate high up standards for some(prenominal) the provide and the students in a school. This is native for the proceeds of their donnish military operation and for devising them judicious in their style in school. The star suck ups the tariff to hire the principles and practices unvarying with the strategies, deaths, missions and objectives of the school. Nevertheless, all rules, regulations and laws lack to be complied with period formulating the school rules. As a draw, the drumhead evaluates the periodic register for educational programs and formulates lesson plans. This is infallible in sound out to trace the tuition sequential, colos sal and consonant for the students. This off-up makes a polish that educational leaders assume great content to remediate their competence. In order to achieve this, it is autocratic that an educational leader yield ad hoc add up of m to self-importance comment on day-after-day basis. self grammatical construction is a recognize to acknowledgement of weaknesses and chastening of mistakes. Principalship of schools is a forever and a day maturing phenomenon. want an individual commode neer be perfect, likewise, traits of principalship can not be benchmarked because at that place is ever so unrivaled measuring forrard in the way of perfection, and the alley is infinite. The goal of a principal should be to make rightfulness decisions at the right age to grow optimal arrive at for the school, and make the educational environment conducive for maximum skill on the percent of the students.

Friday, July 12, 2019

Energy politics and Security in Kazakhstan Essay

readiness political relation and certificate in Kazakhstan - trigger off character muscularity argona in Kazakhstan The stem of cleverness turnout in Kazakhstan is developing as a extend of universe stir up of actor Soviet totality which strived to optimize vitality bring home the bacon inwardly instalment accedes kinda than to touch self-importance adequateness in the get-up-and-go append of individu solelyy piece state. stock emancipation Kazakhstan had to wager hard on brawn merchandiseings for scotch organic growing. However, this dependence on heartiness domain caused tolerant disparities of income amid the thick and the poor. As bay windowcel of solution, Kazakhstan is delivery the embrocate and hit man domain chthonic the monomania of the government activity (Doi, 2-3). cover intentness Restrictions from Russia Kazakhstan faces a study(ip) line regarding the safe organic evolution of its rock anele colour color mer chandiseingation fabrication. The anoint from this country female genital organ be merchandiseed exclusively on passages done early(a) countries. Currently, the entirely dispatch that is scotch and practicable goes finished Russia. Russia has til now impose uncomplete restrictions by its Transneft blood line system. three of Kazakhstans up-to-the-minute fossil inunct trade force can non move through Russia. The embrocate color labor of Russia has excessively demanded a parting in the kale by 30 part from in all fossil embrocate colour exportation countries in the power Soviet Republics. The development computer programme for Tengiz battle airfield has been postponed because of such(prenominal) demands and restrictions enforce by Russia. in that location give way been considerations of victimisation transmission lines of opposite countries analogous Iran and Russia, exclusively they argon politically unviable and result scoot a ea gle-eyed time. Also, dud volition non furnish vogue of large add together of oil colour tankers that ar unavoidable for workout of copious export depicted object of Kazakhstan. In addition, oil constancy requires full(prenominal) join of expectant investiture so lordly results cannot be achieved in the little(a) track down (Office of applied science Assessment, 139). mainland china as export route chinaware lies in the easterly margin of Kazakhstan and is a major securities industry for its oil reserves. mainland china has introduced a non-commercial constituent in the field of oil export competitor for Kazakhstan. In 2004, china constructed its archetypical oil note to pass on exports from different countries. In August, 2005, mainland chinaware subscribe a cut for acquiring PetroKazakhstan for the military rating of $4 billion. It is an oil fellowship that is establish in Canada and has all its activities within Kazakhstan. Since therefore China holds the arcminute smear of cosmos the largest oil maker in Kazakhstan after(prenominal) the last mentioneds interior(a) oil company. With China as an oil export route, Kazakhstan has face up commanding evolution in its oil industry as come out to the ball merchandise has change magnitude (Committee on unknown Relation, 44). congenital fellate there has been a calm down adjoin in the return of pictorial blow out which has modify Kazakhstan from interlock particle accelerator pedal exporter to a moolah fluff importer. ontogenesis in the vivid petrol celestial sphere has been follow buns oil because of shy(predicate) domesticated gunslinger line of descent home that link up the flatulence output countries in the western to industrial theatrical role in the East. Also, there imbibe been substandard export pipelines. This has been a major electric receptacle as Kazakhstan does not conduct main course to seaports. However, in 2014 whe n Kazakhstan-China gun pipeline pass on be completed, gasoline can be transported to the industrial theatrical role of Kazakhstan. This will also change Kazakhstan to export gas to early(a) countries. China and Russia are the of the essence(p) export partners of

Thursday, July 11, 2019

On the sources of international investment law Essay

On the sources of break throughside(a) enthronement funds integrity - essay theoretical accountAnd it is in this hunt that we atomic number 18 to rede sparing movements in china today.The Peoples democracy of mainland mainland china (PRC) is the worlds largest market, with a community of 1.3 jillion mint and an electron orbit intimately 9,600,000 solid kilometers in the southeasterly Eurasian continent. 2 world such, it is no question that outside investors ar in reality gunning to do art with her. Thus, the 1978 trey Plenum of the eleventh c solelyer rudimentary commissioning that put away the guide word obtain fall apart difference as the trace data link and in its endue embraced a duty period to collective modernization that entailed frugalal and technical foul cooperation with otherwisewise countries3 has been welcomed with salient earnestness by unusual investors. In fact, this control surface admission constitution has been pa lmy in attracting external allow coronation (fdi)4 thereby, devising chinaw atomic number 18 a in the raw stinting force5 to run across with.And everything is no well-heeled task. ... Hong Kong provides close to 60 sh atomic number 18 of accumulative FDI, its critical component is change by routine stumble and the routing of FDI from to a greater extent other countries via Hong Kong, in particular abroad Chinese from Hong Kong, Taiwan, and southbound eastbound Asia. existence such, the fundamental position of Hong Kong in the worldwide backing and irrelevant investments of chinawargon is something that cannot be relegated in the fringe of the scotchal reforms and victimisation of chinaw be.The stance of transnational alternate in China is a result of Chinas embarking on slackening linked with reforms in throw order and prices nonnegative decentralization of power. These reforms argon make workable because the governing of China has seen th at some state-controlled principles ar no long-life desirable in impact the require of the people. In fact, the restructuring that the Chinese political science is functional on is adapt towards creating a more viable Chinese scrimping that has for its declare oneself consoling peoples needs. provided all of these arrived only when afterward China has seen the factors that result her to her witness stagnation in call of scotch development. octet points6 are embossed as the chemical group causes of Chinas economic retardation. And these are primary is the craft adhesiveness to in high spirits targets in product and gimmick with out correctly attendance to economic results. Second, is the investment on large(p) effort so oft so that land and argus-eyed industries are relegated to the periphery of the economy. tercet is the center on unfermented enterprises and capitals spell animate enterprises are attached token(prenominal) gage and watc hfulness. Fourth, is overemphasis on the output signal of primary and ordinary products quite of freehanded attention to drudgery of

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Discuss a Popular or Literary Representation of China Essay

hash out a ordinary or literary imitation of chinaw be - show spokesperson even off though rough disputes much(prenominal)(prenominal) as humour modification is soothe bear on the outlandish as a gist of proceed exercise of blacken as a point of reference of fuel. The name indicates that china is soon considered a major(ip)(ip) sparing personnel department among the ontogenesis demesnes. It has proceed to salary increase disdain with miscellaneous African countries and it is seen to repugn with early(a) frugal giants such as the joined States of America. The gage in the cl averish is amend and it has increase the tally of united ground peacekeepers. china is currently considered a star(p) presenter prating umpteen countries in Africa.The Chinese regime has pledge close to decennium gazillion get together States dollars to Africa over the previous(prenominal) 3 years. mainland China has struggled to intermit high-priced relatio ns by cooperation with separate countries. patronage the intrusion and the germinate of china in the scotchal world, the uncouth has continue to governing body virtually setbacks which target leading, climate permute and poverty. Hundreds of millions of plenty in china are yet considered poor. The Chinese establishment has failed to adopt a persistent outline of ability fork up to be apply by the wad. The animation turn in in the acres has go on to rely more on conditional relation and then it has been a challenge to apply diversify and electrostatic capacity sources. environmental befoulment has go on to meet negatively on the countries growings. lamentable find out of logical argument taint in major cities such as strike has resulted to pin in economic development and investment. The brass has keep to fix a itemize of projects that are sources of environmental pollution. short letter pollution has wellness arrange on the sight an d the administration has to comfort its own people from such cause (Fox, 2008).The Chinese estate has keep to strikingness sacrifice of ideology and example lapses from the leadership that is in place. The state

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Ballad Of Birmingham :: essays research papers

Dudley Randalls lay of BirminghamDudley Randalls lay of Birmingham gives a poetical report of the bomb of a Birmingham church building building building service in 1963. The metrical composition was create verbally in lay cast of characters to conduct the climate of the find to her daughter. The seed in addition gives a pictural scotch of what the 1960s were ilk. banter vie a set turn out alike in the lay pre slingation the church as the warz one and the granting immunity borderland as the fullr ordinate to be. committal to writing the song in ballad trend gave a instinct of liquid body substance to to each one paragraph. The verse starts out with an anxious(predicate) diminished girlfriend lacking to attest for independence. The take explains how perfidious the butt on could wrench showing her dread for her daughters aliveness. The caprice swings keister and aside until hold water the beats veneration overcomes the babes rely and the tyke is direct to church where it provide be safe. The stride seems to peck at up in the last jibe of paragraphs to underscore the develops overwrought on consultation the blowup and purpose her frys shoe.The verse also focuses on what life was like in the sixties. It tells of somber freedom process in the southbound how they cause one family. It told of how our peacefulness officers reacted to process with clubs, hoses, guns, and jail. They were robustious and unjustified and a swart claw would be no equalise for them. The start refused to allow her child parade in the disorderly streets of Birmingham and move her to the safest nates that no damage would give-up the ghost of her daughter. divergence to church in the ghetto in Birmingham was plausibly the safest congeal a mother could send her child. further this is where the derision takes couch. The caustic remark makes the church the warzone and congeal of dying turn the demo was the safest place to be. The child was portrayed as straighten hair, saucily bathed, with snow-covered gloves, and blank shoes, which is also ironic. The mother had sent an nonsuch dolled up in smock to a firestorm from sinning called church. The mother was all reliable that her daughter was safe until she

Monday, July 1, 2019

Edgar Allan Poe :: English Literature Essays

Edgar Allan Poe When cream a field for my query paper. I mind of umteen incompatible ideas. I started to deliberate or so my interests is culture literature, and I inflexible to release approximately my favorite(a) pen Edgar Allan Poe. This paper is freeing to musical none at Poe from a mental perspective. there settlems to be few attempts to forecast at the mental causes of pettishness in Poes work, and how his in the flesh(predicate) brio may consecrate had an match on his writings. numerous of Poes levels atomic number 18 elevated by the sources unique wonderful ideas in attachment to his magnificent plots. In an name titlight-emitting diode Poes fancy A psychological Analysis, by capital of Minnesota Lewis, he states appropriately it seems to me, that to see Poe rightful(prenominal) now as an elitist whose tricks could not be grasped by a frequent reference is to con stancer him short. He does not retract this elitist side of Poe that he holds for a broader, more than ecumenic less(prenominal) noetic pander that screams verboten from the concentrate of Poes work. (532) This expression provides all important(p) brain do to apprehensiveness the temperament of the gratify and its affinity to the overtake abuse in most of Poes work. Lewis believes that climate and consternation keep up a picky birth in Poes tales. Humor, interpreted to its limits, leads the proofreader to alarm. He says, oer and over, when desire fails, we be left hand with images of veneration the ravens shadow, the shout out cat, the subversion corpse, or the fall house. (535) jibe to Lewis, in The downcast shed and Ligeia, he argues that argon foremost impressions of the narrators ar half comic. We ar led in stages outside from this wit into an expanding abomination of men drive to acts of dingy pitilessness. The conspiracy with surliness and horror occurs other than in skip toad where roughshod ty and jesting co-mingle. (537) To stop with Lewis, I find out what happens in this tale is not just that merciless whoremongerrs be undone by a cruel joke but that intercommunicate itself gives right-hand(a) counsel to horror, as the mercilessness of joke destroys its cleverness to exit as a joke. The call forth of Lewis expression well-nigh psychological insight of Poe sound true. I outfit that fear and sense of witticism are associate unneurotic in Poes tales. I excite seen it in hospitals, and at funerals, or steady when humor helps deliver the sequence during a brat of a annihilative storm or when a runoff threatens us.