Monday, September 30, 2019

Ganges River Flow Benefits for Bangladesh †How to Estimate It?

Ganges River Flow Benefits for Bangladesh – How to estimate it? Zaman A. M. , Haque A. K. E. , Rahman S. M. M. , Mohiuddin F. A. Abstract For economic modeling in the Ganges Basin, an estimate of the water demand in the Ganges Dependent Area (GDA) in Bangladesh is required. This paper outlines a method for estimating this water demand. The proposed method is based on the integration of hydrological and hydraulic process models with economic models. In Bangladesh, a variety of mathematical models are currently used to estimate the impacts on Bangladesh’s water resources system for different: upstream flow conditions, local hydrologic situations, Bay of Bengal circumstances, etc. The models include basin level hydrological models, 1-dimensional and 2-dimensional hydrodynamic models, morphological model, salinity model, Bay of Bengal model, etc. The first step in the proposed method it to use these models to simulate a range of hydrologic and hydraulic scenarios in the GDA in Bangladesh. The next step involves using the outputs from these physical process models as inputs to economic models that estimate the economic benefits (and costs) in the GDA. These economic models will focus on different sectors that can potentially benefit from additional freshwater flows to the region, e. g. irrigated agriculture, open-water and capture fisheries, navigation, ecosystem services (particularly the Sundarbans), dredging of river channels, water logging in polder areas, water supply, etc. For example, currently there is practically no flow into the Gorai River, a key river in the GDA, from the Ganges during the months of January to May. As a result, there is increased river salinity and sedimentation in the southwest region. Additional flows will not only allow increased agriculture production and improve water supply options but also reduce the costs of regular dredging of key rivers in the region. These estimated benefits represent economic water demands for the GDA in Bangladesh.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Pacific Hospital Essay

MAJOR FACTS: With the death of Thurston Howell it left Barney Rubble in charge of the purchasing of supplies for Pacific Hospital and their subsidiaries. With this being an important responsibility, Mr. Rubble needs to make sure that he is making the right decisions regarding the suppliers of X-ray film. His main responsibility is to make sure that he is getting the best price for quality X-Ray film. Another major fact is that Kodak has been the sole supplier for Pacific Healthcare for a long time and this was due to Mr. Howell and the agreement in place. As the Director of Radiology it was with in his power to make this decision. The last major fact is that Kodak as part of their pricing deal agreed to maintain equipment and services at the discounted rate. They would not offer the same package if they were not the sole suppliers. MAJOR PROBLEMS: Mr. Howell being the sole authority in charge of making buying decisions is a major flaw. Yes he is the Director of the department, but that does not mean that he is the most knowledgeable regarding the best prices for X-ray film. In addition he should not have had the right to refuse the possibility of other suppliers. Reviewing the additional bids provided it appears that Kodak was the highest and cost the hospital additional dollars. As noted in the major facts that Kodak was willing to do the equipment maintenance and there was also the possibility that the other companies may have considered that also, but was never given the option. Kodak films are considerably more expensive than their competitors and this in turn can cost the hospital major dollars fi it is not rectified. POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS: a. With the death of Mr. Howell it left Mr. Rubble in charge to freely explore other options regarding the purchase of X-ray film. Reviewing the current contract he can determine whether or not the current contract is the most beneficial. Is what Kodak offering worth the price that they are presently paying? Mr. Rubble could attempt to negotiate a lower price  since there is already a relationship in place and this could be an advantage. The downside is the price that Kodak would be currently offering would be more expensive than the competition. b. Other options that can be explored is that Mr. Rubble can go with either Kodak or Agfa. They are offering cheaper prices per sheet and this can be an advantage and he cannot go wrong as long as they stay consistent with their pricing. The only way that this would be a disadvantage is if Mr. Rubble cannot get the same deal with either DuPont or Agfa that Mr. Howell had secured with Kodak. Kodak was more expensive, but when you add in the other options that Kodak was willing to offer it leveled out the expenses and this could be an advantage. c. As an alternative option Mr. Rubble could open up the contract for bid. In the bidding statement he could include all the services that are presently being offered by Kodak. This includes maintenance, equipment and service at the most affordable price. The lowest bid with all the stipulations will get the contract. d. Advantages speak for themselves. The winner of the contract secures a contract for the length of time specified. The disadvantage could be the length of time that it takes for the bidding process to be completed. In addition it would not have the input of Mr. Howell who has been in charge for some time and has had a reputation. CHOICE AND RATIONALE: The ideal situation would be option A. As Mr. Rubble I would stay with Kodak because there are the industry standard and provide a great deal. Kodak also needs to be made aware that there are other suppliers that could possibly offer the same. It should also be pointed out that the price per sheet is also cheaper. Kodak has a long time relationship with Pacific Healthcare and if they wish to maintain the relationship it may benefit Kodak to lower their prices to remain competitive. Kodak should be willing to negotiate lower prices to compete in today’s business and make them competitive. Putting the contract up for competition will add time and energy to the process. If Mr. Rubble remains with Kodak it can save the additional time and energy. It also needs to remind Kodak that there may be other companies that may be willing to offer the same. If the open bidding is implemented who knows how long the process will take and how long the X-ray department will be without services. Sometimes if situations  are working and beneficial it is best to leave them alone. IMPLEMENTATION: First line of business would be to examine all the companies and compare all their prices to other companies that offer X-ray film. In addition research the other companies and present them with the same option that is presently being offered by Kodak relating to the maintenance, equipment and service option. In negotiating with Kodak, I would mention to them that the other companies are offering similar offers at a lesser price. This may or may not change the current contract that is presently being offered by Kodak. This could force Kodak to change their present contract if they wish to maintain the same relationship with Pacific Healthcare. APPENDIX: What alternatives should Barney Rubble consider when addressing the problem? Mr. Rubble can simply continue with the present contract that has been on going with Kodak that was implemented by Mr. Howell and continue the same service at the price agreed upon. He could opt to renegotiate a whole new contract with other companies or one with Kodak that will lower the services that are now being offered. The last choice would be an open offer and the lowest price bid would win with the best package offer. Should Pacific’s purchasing policy allow for medical staff personnel to control purchasing decisions? The answer to this question is definitely NO. Pacific should by no means allow medical personnel to control purchasing decisions. That is the responsibility of supply chain management and purchasing agents. There are situations where medical staff personnel have the specialized technical expertise on a particular item that is purchased. If this is the case then their input can be valuable and should be considered and supported. Both the purchasing agent and medical staff should work together to get the best possible outcome. What are the advantages and disadvantages of staying with Kodak or changing suppliers? The advantages of remaining with Kodak are the fact that they are already in familiar territory. They know what to expect from Kodak and  there would be no surprises. It also seems that Kodak has been giving Pacific a huge discount for the equipment used along with maintenance and service. This offer is part of the agreement that Kodak is the sole supplier for Pacific Healthcare X-ray suppliers. An advantage is that the amount time and energy it would save Pacific Healthcare to go through the process all again and come up with nothing. A disadvantage is that they would continue to pay the higher prices instead of opting to explore their options. If the right negotiator is put in charge they may be in a position to get a better deal from another company. This being said will allow Pacific to get from under the thumb of Kodak and save them some money in the bargain. This will not be realized unless steps are taken to see what other deals can be brought into the mix. What actions could Mr. Rubble have taken prior to Mr. Howell’s death to obtain reduced film prices? Mr. Howell was the Director of radiology and in most cases his decisions were final. After exploring other options and found companies that may be willing to give similar deals, Mr. Rubble could have approached Mr. Howell with his findings. Going directly to Kodak while Mr. Howell was alive could have backed fired. Following the chain of command would have been the best option. If Mr. Howell refused to entertain any of Mr. Rubble’s ideas then Mr. Rubble could have gone to the next person in authority to express his concerns. In such a situation Mr. Howell should not have been the final decision maker. References: Pacific Healthcare Case Study. Retrieved from

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Introduction of Shipping Containers Essay

Until the 1960s, shipping had not changed much in decades. Handling cargo was a labor-intensive activity, and transportation costs and times—whether by land or by sea—were huge obstacles to trade, often making transcontinental, let alone global, and trade economically unfeasible. However something happened that changed that. That was the invention of the shipping container. The birth of the shipping container dates back to April 26, 1956 when a crane lifted fifty-eight aluminum truck bodies aboard an a ship called the Ideal-X docked in Newark, New Jersey. Five days later, the ship sailed in Houston, where fifty- eight trucks waited to take on the metal boxes and take them to their destinations. This heralded the beginning of a new era. Decades have passed since that fateful day which changed the world. Today we live in a globalized world so it is very difficult for us to even imagine the extent to which the container changed the world. In 1956, China was not the world’s workshop. It was not common to find Japanese electronics and cars in the middle of Dhaka. Western apparel brands didn’t have their products manufactured in Bangladesh either. Before the advent of the container, transporting goods was expensive. So expensive that it did not pay to ship many things halfway across the country, much less halfway around the world. The introduction of the container had an enormous impact upon the world’s economy. The masses of poorly paid workers who once made their livings loading and unloading ships ended up losing their jobs. Cities that had been centers of maritime commerce for ages, such as New York and Liverpool, saw their harbors decline due to them being unsuited to the container trade. Merchant sailors, who had sailed out to see the world, had their traditional days-long shore leave in exotic harbors replaced by a few hours ashore at a remote parking lot for containers, their vessel ready to weigh anchor the instant the high-speed cranes finished putting huge metal boxes off and on the ship. But even as it helped destroy the old economy, the container helped build a new one. Harbors such as Busan and Seattle moved into the front ranks of the world’s ports, and massive new ports were built in places like Felixstowe, in England, and Tanjung Pelepas, in Malaysia. Small towns, far away from the cities, could take advantage of their cheap land and low wages to attracted factories freed from the need to be near a port to enjoy cheap transportation. Extensive industrial complexes where thousands of workers manufactured products from start to finish gave way to smaller, more specialized plants that shipped components and half-finished goods to one another in ever lengthening supply chains. Poor countries, desperate for economic development, could realistically dream of becoming suppliers to wealthy countries far away. Huge industrial complexes were built in places Los Angeles and Hong Kong, only because the cost of bringing raw materials in and sending finished goods dropped extensively. The container made shipping cheap, and by doing so changed the economic geography of the world. It was now easier than ever before to transport goods all over the world. Goods could now be manufactured anywhere and sold anywhere. Thanks to the container the world had become a smaller place. This new economic geography allowed firms whose ambitions had been purely domestic to become international companies, allowing them to export their products and selling them abroad almost as effortlessly as selling them nearby. Those who had no desire to go international learned that they had no choice. Whether they liked it or not, they were competing globally because the global market was coming to them. High shipping costs no longer offered protection to high-cost producers whose biggest advantage was being geographically close to their customers. Even with customs duties and time delays, factories in Malaysia could deliver blouses to Macy’s in Herald Square more cheaply than could blouse manufacturers in the nearby lofts of New York’s garment district. The world was full of small manufacturers selling locally in 1956 but by the end of the twentieth century, purely local markets for goods of any sort were extremely rare. The container as useful as it was to facilitating economic growth was not warmly received by the workers. The workers, as consumers gained plenty due to the container. They enjoyed infinitely more choices thanks to the global trade stimulated by the consumer. The increased trade brought about an increased level of competition which held prices down. Consumers all over the world enjoyed higher living standards due to the ready availability of inexpensive imported consumer goods. However as wage earners the workers weren’t too receptive of containers. In the years after World War II, wartime devastation created vast demand while low levels of international trade kept competitive forces under control. In this exceptional environment, workers and trade unions in North America, Western Europe, and Japan were able to egotiate nearly continuous improvements in wages and benefits, while government programs provided ever stronger safety nets. The workweek grew shorter, disability pay was made more generous, and retirement at sixty or sixty-two became the norm. The container helped bring an end to that unprecedented advance. Low shipping costs helped make capital even more mobile, increasing the bargaining power of employers against their far less mobile workers. In this highly integrated world economy, the pay of workers in Dhaka sets limits on wages in New York. For manufacturers it became more preferable to manufacture abroad in underdeveloped countries as pay and work place standards are low in underdeveloped countries. How much the container matters to the world economy is impossible to quantify. In the ideal world, we would like to know how much it cost to send one thousand men’s shirts from Dhaka to Toronto in 1955, and to track how that cost changed as containerization came into use. Such data do not exist, but it seems clear that the container brought sweeping reductions in the cost of moving freight. From a ship carrying a few dozen containers that would not fit on any other vessel, container shipping matured into a highly automated, highly standardized industry on a global scale. An enormous containership can be loaded with a minute fraction of the labor and time required to handle a small conventional ship half a century ago. A few crew members can manage the entire vessel. A trucker can deposit a trailer at a customer’s loading dock, hook up another trailer, and drive on immediately, rather than watching his expensive rig stand idle while the contents are removed. All of those changes are consequences of the container revolution. Transportation has become so efficient that for many purposes, freight costs do not much effect economic decisions. Containerization has without a doubt changed the world. It has caused time-space compression that has greatly impacted economic geography. Places far away could now transfer all kinds of goods between them due to shipping containers. In simple words it has made the world a smaller place.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Critical review on organic aloe vera production around the world Assignment

Critical review on organic aloe vera production around the world - Assignment Example Environmental benefits 10 Recommendations 11 Conclusion 11 Bibliography 11 Outline of the report Organic farming makes use of organic compounds when practicing and it does not necessarily need the use of chemicals such as fertilizers, fungicides and insecticides. Organic farming relies on techniques such as use of compost manure, rotation farming, green manure and pest control through the use of biological means. Farmers worldwide are embracing organic method of farming; this is because this mode of farming comes with more benefits both to farmers and the global economy as compared to chemical aided techniques which are non-environmental friendly techniques. This paper will discuss the benefits and drawbacks of organic farming more specifically organic aloe Vera farming globally; the report will also give detailed information on the products produced from processing of Aloe Vera plant. This report entails the various factors which contribute to the increased rate of adopting organic farming techniques by farmers across the globe. This research provides information on the methods utilized by farming in organic farming. The research will discuss the various organization which give financial and expertise aid to farmers who practice this mode of farming. Places whose soils are fertile and have the property of good drainage are the best for Aloe Vera farming; the plant does well in places with high light intensity and high temperatures. The research will investigate these conditions favorable for organic Aloe Vera farming. The daily test carried on Aloe Vera plant leaves to monitor the plant health, resulting to a great harvest when they are mature. The report will provide information on the methods used by to harvest Aloe Vera in organic farms across the world (Stewart, 2005) . Introduction Aloe Vera originated from North Africa and Middle East and is a succulent plant. This plant does well in arid areas in the world with its sap being the beneficial part commonly known as the Aloe Vera gel. This gel is the clear substance in the leaves of Aloe Vera plant, the organic Aloe Vera juice micro pulp which is almost pure barbadensis organic Aloe Vera is a main source of healthy beverage. Organic Aloe Vera plant is rich in polysaccharides, amino acids, vitamins and protein lipids which when processed are important components needed in by humanly to provide vitality and improve the immune system various countries across the globe practice organic aloe Vera farming on organic farms that are met international standards. Harvesting of mature organic Aloe Vera leaves can be done manually and the leaves transported to the processing companies immediately for processing to maintain their freshness. This ensures that the freshness of Aloe Vera plant appears in the final product (Stewart, 2005). This paper gives a clear examination of the reasons which led to adoption of organic Aloe Vera farming all over the world, the organic methods that the farmers have adopted in Aloe Vera farming in the world. The gains brought about with the practice of organic farming methods and returns the farmers across the globe and the different products of Organic aloe Vera planted in the world is discussed in this report. Organic Aloe Vera has several medicinal benefits are analyzed in this report. Government and non-government organizations that assist farmers both financially and expertise wise in organic farming of Aloe Vera have been indicated in this report (Stewart, 2005).

Thursday, September 26, 2019

UK marketing analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

UK marketing analysis - Assignment Example For the purpose of appealing to new customers located in existing as well as new markets, the organizations are increasingly trying to concentrate on the lines of product development, market development and even diversification. 1. Environmental Appraisal analysis – UK market It has to be said that the long established and highly popular brand of motorcycles Harley Davidson is facing a slowdown in the US market, which is often recognized as its core market. The reason for the slowdown of the American brand in the domestic and home market is mainly because of the fact of aging of its targeted market segment as well as difficult scenarios in the economic scene of the region. For the purpose of attaining growth in the business in the upcoming future, the US based brand motor cycle brand is focusing on entering into new and emerging markets. Hence, as a part of its strategic move, the brand is focusing on entering the UK market. Before venturing and investing in the development of the UK market, the prospects of the market needs to be studied and analyzed properly. It can be said that for proper analysis of the foreign market of UK, an environmental scanning is very much needed. PEST analysis While analyzing the UK market, the prospects needs to be analyzed from the political, economic, social and technological point of view. It can be said that the PEST framework will be greatly influential in assessing the impact and influence of the various factors of the macroeconomic levels in the automobile market of UK (Birkholz, 2007, p. 7). Political From the political point of view, it can be said that the nation’s automobile industry suffers considerable amount of...The Euro zone was formed in the previous decade to promote economic growth and stability through region wise cooperation of the multiple small western nations. While designing the formation of the euro zone various rules, policies and guidelines of economic and political background were outlaid to form a guiding principle for the nature, method and mode of operations for the nations represented under the Euro zone. However, with the passage of time, most of the laws were overlooked and broken by the participating nations of the Euro zone (BBC News, 2012). It has to be said that some of these nations are almost on the verge of bankruptcy and are looking forward to implementing government spending cuts as well as launching austerity measures to tackle the national crisis spread over multiple regions. It has been realized that after the crisis of the US banking sector the year 2008, the multiple nations of the Euro zone has amassed enormous amounts of debts during the process of conduction of operations. This is playing a major catalytic role in regards to the process of restoring growth and stability within the Euro zone nations (Inman, 2013). With the entry of Cyprus in the Euro zone crisis, the macro economic crisis of the multiple western nations is far from over (Pratley, 2013).

Case Study on Operations Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Case Study on Operations - Research Paper Example Entrepreneurship generally entails the process where individuals with high aptitude undertake to pioneer change thus producing, improving, and increasing wealth. Such individuals are usually discouraged and held back by the uncertainties and risks that are involved with pioneering change. In this case, insurance companies come in handy to bear the risks involved with pioneering change at a reasonable premium and thus influencing entrepreneurial attitude, innovation, and investment. Establishment of businesses with new ideas is risky to businesses, since it involves pioneering investments into unknown ventures that may turn out to be either a gain or loss. Although there are outstanding entrepreneurs in the society that can bring about huge economic advancements, entrepreneurial capability exists among all human beings and it would therefore collectively build the economy, provided insurance services are availed for the unlimited risks that exist in the business world (Tiwari, 2007, p .171). Entrepreneurs undertake to insure themselves against risks involved with their ventures through entering into insurance contracts where they service the insurance with periodic premiums. Through insurance, entrepreneurs can venture into investment with a positive attitude and pioneer innovations irrespective of the risks involved. Innovation is the process of creating products, services, and technology in new and creative ways, which contributes towards solving business problems (Jolly, 2003, p.6; Bessant and Tidd, 2007, p.19). Although all human beings have entrepreneurial skills depending on the society and the environment in which they are brought up, very few individuals get to venture into entrepreneurships due to the fear of risks involved. Risk avoidance largely contributes to economic underdevelopment and thus insurance companies play a key role in fostering economic development through insuring entrepreneurs against business risks. Through insurance companies, entrep reneurs have the opportunity of transferring the risks the face through insurance policies that cover losses incurs by entrepreneurs incase of risk occurrence. However, more to insurance policies businesses have opportunities of transferring risks to other business participants such as the suppliers, customers, and even landlords. Businesses often face the risk of customers returning goods previously sold, to transfer this risk, the business may restrict return of goods thus avoiding costs of returned merchandise (Ramsey and Windhaus, 2009, p.134). Insurance companies generally influence investment and economic development, considering that good ideas for new companies can come from anyone who seeks solutions to existing problems faced and does not have to bear business risks involved (Read et al. 2011. p.12) Q2. Casualty and property insurance and life insurance largely contribute to the stability of consumption among citizens since they have confidence in future consumption risks. Consumers who fully insure themselves against unforeseen future financial challenges that may arise have the tendency to consume more in the present and thus, the economy of the country as a whole is stabilized. This is in consideration of the

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Collaboration and Innovation at Proctor and Gamble Case Study

Collaboration and Innovation at Proctor and Gamble - Case Study Example One of the collaborative tools that the company uses is information systems and software. Web 2.0 has been an effective social networking and collaborative tool. The firm also used unified communications, Microsoft Live Server Functionality, web conferencing with live meetings, content management and SharePoint. Two additional collaborative tools were instant messaging and Microsoft Outlook. The benefits of these tools include the ability of the workers to communicate better. The size of the company has influenced the collaborative capabilities of the company. Tools such as emails which typically work effectively to collaborate are not that effective at P&G because the company is so large and has so many employees. The employees at P&G consider newer collaborative tools more work on top of emails. In the past researchers used to write up their experiments using Microsoft Office applications, then they would print them out and glue them together page by page into notebooks. The company today uses a customized version of Microsoft tools that allows instant communication between employees. The company also created virtual databases that allowed researchers the ability to communicate with each other in a more efficient manner. Information could now be shared among the researchers. Telepresence has been very effective at Procter & Gamble due to the fact that the company has a global operation. These tools allow researchers, marketers, and managers to keep the lines of communication open. A tool that the company should use to improve its communication is Skype. Skype allows employees to achieve two way video and audio. A second tool that could enhance collaboration is to create a cellular phone application that allows the employees to upload information into a server that the employees can access

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Examine how human relations plays an important role in the way in Essay - 1

Examine how human relations plays an important role in the way in which accounting information is used in organizations - Essay Example on the realization that "workers want to feel part of a team with socially supportive relationships and to grow and develop, where motivation, communication, employee participation, and leadership are significant issues" (Kaplan, 1998). The Accounting researchers have adopted traditional and emergent theories, the objective of which is to offer diversified insights and review of the organizational phenomena. The traditional and emergent theories related to the accounting research have been responsible for the "increase in knowledge and understanding about a phenomenon" (Carpenter, 2001). The theories have conceptualized the reality as physical structure, and people have been regarded as "adapters, responders, and information processors to achieve efficiency and the goal of an organization" (Zahirul, 2006). The Accounting Control System is aimed at achieving minimum cost and efficient operations, for this purpose the researchers have relied upon "an arms-length research method – statistically categorizes key variables and then attempts to retrieve meaning by ex post facto interpretations of tests of significance" (Kaplan, 1998). The Accounting researchers have adopted principles of rational choice theory and have expressed certain behavioral response through incentive supported by the implication of the decisions. In this context, the human relations factor have played crucial role for the assessment of the organizational process. The implications of the human relation theories have deterred the management accounting practices (Burchell, 2003). The human relation is regarded as the multidimensional "as this approach placed emphasis on the individual and the organization, motivation, supervisory and management leadership, group dynamics, and organizational development" (Carpenter, 2001). Douglas McGregor proposed Theory X and Theory Y, as per which the human relations is not applicable at organizations "with management’s autocratic approach with supporting

Monday, September 23, 2019

Workforce Preparedness Is An Integral Venture in Public Health Assignment

Workforce Preparedness Is An Integral Venture in Public Health - Assignment Example Notably, the workforce is an instrumental and invaluable infrastructure within the healthcare sector. This, therefore, implies that preparation of the workforce towards discharging their duties is an important way of ensuring the infrastructural strength of the firm is accounted for. This strengthening program can be accomplished through strategic training. Through such training, the workforce acquires essential skills that enable them to discharge their assigned tasks with uttermost commitment and comfort. In addition, such training help in unveiling the innovative nature of employees, an aspect that is important in ensuring sustainability in service delivery (Scutchfield & Keck, 2003). In some instances, it has proved essential for any given public health institution to form linkages and alliances with like-minded institutions. Such partnerships promote professional interactions between employees. Through such ideological exchanges, the subject workforce is empowered to tackle arising situations with enhanced sobriety. Further, the institutions should establish or subscribe to a learning resource center. Such centers enable the workers to access current information and trends in the healthcare sector. Through such understanding of trends, the firm is able to plan effectively. In summary, workforce preparedness is an integral venture in public health. As such, the employees must be subjected to environments suitable for educational advancements. For instance, the firm can offer incentives to facilitate employees access to competency enhancing lessons. With enhanced employee competency, evidence-based practice will be observed in the firm. Such a practice is vital in promoting positive client experience hence continued partnership. It is equally important for the firm to create opportunities for the employees. Such opportunities can be important in boosting their morale leading to higher work turnover. Above all, the various strategies used by the firm in a bid to foster employee preparation must be workable and achievable.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Rabbit Proof Fence Essay Example for Free

Rabbit Proof Fence Essay Alabama† uses literary techniques such as symbolism, repetition and rhyme to express the journey being undertaken by Skynard. Each of these texts explore the notion that it is the journey, not the desitination that is important. The use of symbolism in Rabbit Proof Fence is used to explore the concept that the journey not the distination matters. Symbolism is the use of one object to represent a notion or other object. The inclusion of the spirit bird in the story explores the importance of religion to the girls and the importance of the journey. As mentiioined in an aearlier scene, the spirit bird appears (over the exhausted Molly and Gracie) and awakens them from their sleep. This is used to refer to hope and provides in indication that they will make it home, and will have spiritually benefited from their journey. The use of symbolism lends to the notion that it is indeed the journey, not the destination that matters. Different lighting techniques enable the notion of the journey being the thing that matters to be convery to the viewer. Lighting specific to the mood is used to infer location, time and the changing nature of the journey. The harsh brightness throughout the journey is a portrayal of the unforgiving locale and conditions needing to be overcome in order to reach the destination. The most relevant and important example of this being the pitch black used when the girls are reunited with Maud. This sued of darkness is used to imply the solemn nature of the arrival, and is accompanied by Molly’s statement â€Å"I lost one† which is indicativbe of the importance of the journey, rather than the final destination. Camera angles are used by Noyce to explore the idea that it is the journey, not the destination that matters. The panning long shot of the horizon (used at the commencement of the journey, when the three girls escape Moore River) is used to express the long difficult task at hand, and that in order to arrive home, they must over come a harsh terrain and long journey. The use of such varying camera angles sis indicative that it is the actual journey that matters, as oppose to the final destination. The â€Å"Rabbit Proof Fence† plays two vital roles throughout the journey of Molly, Daisy and Gracie, and is reflective of the importance of the journey. The fence is a representation of a map, as it is a symbol of home for the girls and provides a way in order for them to get home (following the fence). What is later revealed is that the fence has actually proven to be an obstacle, and that they have followed the wrong fence, and must change direction to get home. The ability of the girls to overcome this hurdle, and arrive home is again indicative of the notion that it is the journey – not the destination – that matters when undertaking a physical journey. The growth of Molly throughout the film reflects on the importance of the journey rather than the final outcome achieved. Molly is established from the beginning of the film as a key character, but her growth throughout the journey serves to reaffirm and strengthen this notion. We see her growth into a hunter, a supplier of food and water, and most importantly a maternal figure for her sister and cousin. This is most prominent in the arrival home, with her regretful statement, â€Å"I lost one† The physical journey undertaken enabled Molly to become more empowered, and provided a chance to hone the traditional skills of Aborigines, such as hunting, tracking and finding of water, and for this reason, the journey – not the destination – is what matters from a physical journey.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

History Of Birla Sun Life Insurance Commerce Essay

History Of Birla Sun Life Insurance Commerce Essay Birla Sun Life Insurance Company Limited (BSLI) is a joint venture between the Aditya Birla Group and Sun Life Financial Inc., a leading international financial services organization. The local knowledge of the Aditya Birla Group combined with the expertise of Sun Life Financial Inc., offers a formidable value proposition to customers. Sun Life Financial and its partners today have operations in key markets worldwide, including India, Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, Hong Kong, Philippines, Japan, Indonesia, China and Bermuda. It was the first player in the industry to sell its policies through the Bank assurance route and through the internet. It was also the first private Sector player to introduce a pure term plan in the Indian market. This was supported by sales practices, which brought a degree of transparency that was entirely new to the market. Aditya Birla Group and currently in charge of BSLI expressed, The Birla Sun Life Insurance business distribution network is national in nature covering more than 1000 points across the country .We have made our entry in several tier I and tier II towns. It is therefore very important for the brand to connect at the grass root level and create trust. They believe that our association with Kapil Dev as our brand ambassador will help us create this connects in a shorter period of time. We therefore now have two strong connects our parent brand Birla and our brand On 26 November 2006, Birla Sun Life hosted the annual golf tournament at the Chembur Golf Club in Mumbai where Kapil Dev participated. About the Aditya Birla Group The Aditya Birla Group has a turnover close to Rs.38, 000 crore (as on 31 March 2008) and is one of the largest business houses in India. It enjoys a leadership position in all the sectors in which it operates. With over 75 business units spanning the South East Asian belt, Africa, Canada and the UK among others, it is reckoned as Indias first multinational corporation. The group is anchored by 72,000 employees and has seven lakh shareholders, with a market capitalization of Rs.53, 400 crore. Introduction- When ever there is uncertainty there is risk. We do not have any control over uncertainties which involves financial losses. The risk may certain events like death pension retirement or uncertain events like theft, fire accident, etc. Birla sun life Insurance is financial services for collecting the savings of public and providing them with risk coverage The main function of Birla sun life insurance is to provide the protection against the possible chance generating losses. It eliminates the worries and miseries of losses by destruction of property and death. It also provided the capital to society as the fund accumulated to be invested in productive heads. OBJECTIVES à ¢Ã… ¾Ã‚ ¢To determine and analyze the Market Potential of the Birla Sun Life Insurance Company. à ¢Ã… ¾Ã‚ ¢To determine whether the customers are satisfied with the policies of the company. à ¢Ã… ¾Ã‚ ¢To know the customer awareness regarding the Birla-sun life insurance and its products. à ¢Ã… ¾Ã‚ ¢To study and determine the competitor position in the market. à ¢Ã… ¾Ã‚ ¢To know the future plans of the people for buying the policies. à ¢Ã… ¾Ã‚ ¢Proper understanding and analysis of life insurance industry. VISION To be a world-class of financial security to individuals and corporate and to be amongst the top three private sectors life insurance companies in India. MISSION To be the first preference of our customers by providing innovative need based life insurance and retirement solutions to individual as well as corporate. Well -trained professionals through a multi channel distribution network and superior technology will make these solutions available. Our endeavor will be to provide constant value addition to customers throughout their relationship with us, within the regulatory framework. We will provide career development opportunities to our employees and the highest possible returns to our shareholders Problems in the organization, It is clear that BIRLA SUN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY is a unit- linked insurance, which is basically involved in the life insurance solutions. There are number of problem which are as follows- 1) The main problem of the organization is that the it is not government organization like a life insurance solutions. 2) The second main problem is that lack of believes on the organization by the people. 3) The third problem assigned by the organization that there are the few branches of the BRILA SUN LIFE INSURANCE SOLUTION. 4) Another problem is that the lack of good quality, good skill insurance advisors. Competitors:- à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Life insurance corporation à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Max network life insurance à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢MetLife insurance à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Aviva life insurance à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Bharathi Axa life insurance à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Bajaj Allianz life insurance à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Tata AIG life insurance ICICI Prudential Life Insurance à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Reliance life insurance à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Kotak Mahindra life insurance MARKETING MIX- PRODUCTS- Life is unpredictable. But in face of adversity, our responsibilities towards our parents, children and loved ones need not be compromised. Insurance planning equips you to smooth out the uncertainties and adversities that life might send your way, so that the best that life has to offer, secure in the knowledge that your beloved ones are well provided for. BSLI offers a complete range of insurance products 1. Protection Plans 2. Savings Plans 3. Child Plans 4. Investment Plans 5. Retirement Plans 6. Group Plans 7. Rural Plans PRICING POLICY OF THE COMPANY: KEEP TRACK OF YOUR POLICY FUND : Birla sun life insurance sends you an annual policy statement on every policy anniversary to keep you completely informed on the performance of our various funds based on the unit price will be available on our website ELECTRONIC CLEARING SERVICE (ECS) : The ECS is a convenient and hassle- free method of paying premiums through an electronic debit to your bank account. INVESTMENT FUND PORTFOLIO : Upper limit of %asset in protector builder enhancer Government and government approved 85% 70% 55% Securities Rated corporate bonds (AA 30% 30% 30% and above) Money market and other 20% 20% 20% Liquid assets Infrastructure sectors as 25% 25% 25% defined by the IRDA Listed equities 10% 20% 35% FEES AND CHARGES : The policy loading fee* is an up-front charge and varies as per the premium payment mode and the policy year as given under Policy year Single 5-pay 10-pay 15-pay or greater 1 3% 29.9% 54.6% 65% 2 N/A 5.0% 7.5% 7.5% 3 N/A 5.0% 7.5% 7.5% 4+ N/A 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% As a percentage of premium. The policy-loading fee for top up wills 2.0 percent. Charges- . Charges towards the cost of insurance will be deducted by cancellation of units at the prevailing unit price on a monthly basis. The annual insurance charges per thousand-face amount for sample ages for healthy lives are as follows: Sex/age (yrs) 20 30 40 50 60 Female 0.90 1.16 1.66 4.03 10.66 Male 1.02 1.17 2.15 5.53 13.73 An investment management frees not exceeding 1.5% p.a. of the fund will be charged by adjustment of daily unit prices. Currently this fee is 1% p.a. The following administration fees will be deducted by canceling units on a monthly basis. (a) Rs. 22 per month (b) An annual charge of Rs. 2.88 per thousand face amount will be deducted in the first 10 years of the policy expect in the second year where it will be Rs. 15.24 per thousand face amount. From the 11the year onwards this annual charge will increase subject to a maximum of 3.75%per year. A monthly rider deduction will apply by cancellation of units on a monthly basis based on the equivalent monthly rider premium payable over the entire coverage benefit period. If rider deductions are not guaranteed, then the minimum policy values of your policy might be affected due to any change in the rates of the rider coverage. FUND SWITICHING CHARGES In a year, one switch between investment fund options is free. For every additional switch, a charge of Rs.100 will be levied. Promotions Birla sun life promotes the sales through the marketing communications activities like personal selling, advertising, or publicity. The object of sales promotions is to induce the desired result from potential customers, trade intermediaries or the sales people. The Birla sun life provides- Training to employees More incentives to customers, gifts, rebates, direct mail, E-marketing and maintain public relations. PLACE Where the agents of Birla sun life insurance is meet to customers and providing the knowledge related services like premium, interest, etc. SERVICES MARKETING ENVIRONMENT- POLITICAL LEGAL ENVIRONMENT- The services of Birla sun life is more closely regulated than goods like taxes, restrictions on promotions, price discriminations etc. Economic environment- Changing the life style, consumer needs, and advancements of technologies also affected the Birla sun life insurance because after changing the new technology the lot of accidents and deaths has adverse affect of insurance. Due to globalizations the lot of competitors in market so it is very difficult to attract the new customer and gaining the profits. Socio-culture environment- Due to change the income and higher education change the mind of consumers then increases the investments in insurance sectors so the private players like Birla sun life insurance growth is very high comparatively previous years. Technology environment- Due to change the technology the Birla sun life insurance pattern is also change like insurance of profit and loss account insurance of new machinery etc. , Blue print of Birla sun life  Physically visits customers-water coolerwashing room Explain policy in detailwait for response registers to customers with insurance companycheck the premium paymentsChecks and verifies the portal addresses Quality concern- Hire the right people Develop the people through services quality. Provided the needed support to customer Retain the best employee The quality of customer servicing, responsiveness, a personal touch, making him feel special are some of the factors that will have a bearing on the relationship with the customer and a happy customer helps open more doors. Good offerings that meet the customer needs, good advice followed by good service will enhance the business Integrated marketing communication- 1. Advertising: The tool can get your messages to large audiences efficiently through such avenues as radio, TV, Magazines, Newspapers (ROP), Internet, Billboards and other mobile technological communication devices. This method can efficiently reach a large number of consumers, although the costs may be somewhat expensive. 2. Sales Promotion: This tool is used through coupons, contests, samples, premiums, demonstrations, displays or incentives. It is used to accelerate short-term sales, by building brand awareness and encouraging repeat buying. 3. Public Relations: This integrated marketing communications tool is initiated through public appearances, news/press releases or event sponsorships, to build trust and goodwill by presenting the product, company or person in a positive light. 4. Direct Marketing: The BIRLA SUN LIFE has direct marketing through email, mail, catalogs, encourage direct responses to radio and TV, in order to reach targeted audiences to increase sales and test new products and alternate marketing tactics. 5. Personal Selling: Setting sales appointments and meetings, home parties, making presentations and any type of one-to-one communication, to reach the customers and strengthen relationship with Birla sun life, Employee role in service delivery Listen to customers Obtain customer feedback Provide excellence services to customers Getting closer to customer Customer role in services delivery Without the contact of customers the services could not deliver so the customer is very important role for services delivery he physical presences and participation is required of customers .The customer as productive resource; The customer as contributor to quality, satisfaction and value; and The customer as competitor to the service organization Word of mouth advertising. A happy and satisfied customer is much more likely to send more customers your way Managining waiting lines- When the demand exceeds the supply then the Birla sun life has managing the waiting lines through different ways- How long do your customers expect to wait? Set operational objectives based on what is acceptable. This is especially important when the waiting time will be longer than normal. Tell them why the waiting time is longer than normal and what you are doing to alleviate the queue f a group of customers needs something that can be done very quickly, give them a special line so they do not have to wait for the slower customers Inform customers of times when they usually would not have to wait; also tell them when the peak periods are-this may help to smooth the load Develop plans for alternative ways to serve your customers. Where appropriate, develop plans for automating or speeding up the process in some manner. This is not o say you want to eliminate personal attention; some customers expect this. Expectation of the consumers Hence old as well as new insurers will have to offer innovative products to the consumers. The consumers are particularly expecting good pension plans, health insurance, and term insurance and investment products like unit-linked insurance, from the life insurers. Similarly the consumers expect innovative products from the general insurers for managing healthcare, property insurance, accident insurance and other products related to the personal line of insurance Increase exposure through media (TV, Radio and Internet). In this case, the traditional model is more generic and there is a need to reinvent the messages based on target groups to achieve the business Delivering Service through Intermediaries An insurance intermediary is a person or a company that helps you in buying insurance. Insurance agents, insurance brokers and financial advisers are insurance intermediaries. On the other hand, a intermediary is someone who solicits tactful business or invites potential customers to enter into tactful contracts with operators. They are also known as tactful agents and tactful brokers Reason of delivering services through intermediaries of Birla sun life. Exhibit good knowledge of the products and services offered by the insurance company or tactful operator. (In addition, insurance brokers and financial advisers are expected to exhibit good knowledge of products available in the market). Make an effort to understand your insurance or tactful needs and assist you in the choice of insurance or tactful products and services. Explain to you clearly the nature of information required in the proposal form and also the importance of disclosing material facts. Explain clearly the main terms and conditions of the proposed insurance contract or tactful plan so as to help you understand what you are buying. Draw attention to any restrictions and exclusions applicable under the proposed insurance contract or tactful plan. Follow up and provides continuous service to you, such as renewal of policy and provide updates on relevant new products. Provide assistance when you are making claims against the insurance company or tactful operator. It Protect your interests and rights:    Deal only with registered/licensed intermediaries. Deal with intermediaries with proven track record or those with good referral from friends and relatives. Be truthful about yourself and declare material facts. Never be persuaded to sign on blank forms or anything you dont understand. Never be persuaded to lapse an existing policy to buy a new life policy. Ensure that you understand the products you are buying. Read the policy benefits and terms carefully, and compare them with other similar products. Shop around to get value for money. Buy only what you need and what you can afford. Ask for sales materials, for example the sales illustrations, product pamphlets or customer fact find form (for life products only), and keep these documents safely. When in doubt, always ask for more information from the intermediaries or seek clarification from the insurance company or tactful operator that offers the insurance or tactful products. Ask for a receipt as the proof of premium payment and keep it safely. Services Recovery strategies must contain: objective measurable criteria for delisting the species site-specific actions Estimates of the time and cost for implementing the recovery plan. Under stand there relationship between customer expectation and services recovery actions Understand the services recovery paradox Known the elements of an effective services recovery strategy manage the services failure effectively Factor influences the customer the customer response to services recovery Design a services recovery strategy LIMITATIONS OF INSURANCE Lack of awareness among the people This is the biggest limitation found in this sector. Most of the people are not aware about the importance and the necessity of the insurance in their life. They are not aware how useful life insurance can be for their family members if something happens to them. Perception of the people towards Insurance sector People still consider insurance just as a Tax saving device. So today also there is always a rush to buy an Insurance Policy only at the end of the financial year like January, February and March making the other 9 months dry for this business. Insurance does not give good returns Still today people think that Insurance does not give good returns. They are not aware of the modern Unit Linked Insurance Plans which are offered by most of the Private sector players. They are still under the perception that if they take Insurance they will get only 5-6% returns which is not true now days. Nowadays most of the modern Unit Linked Insurance Plans gives returns which are many times more than that of bank Fixed deposits, National saving certificate, Post office deposits and Public provident fund. Lack of awareness about the earning opportunity in the Insurance sector People still today are not aware about the earning opportunity that the Insurance sector gives. After the privatization of the insurance sector many private giants have entered the insurance sector. These private companies in order to beat the competition and to increase their Insurance Advisors to increase their reach to the customers are giving very high commission rates but people are not aware of that. Increased competition Today the competition in the Insurance sector has become very stiff. Today each and every company is trying to increase their Insurance Advisors so that they can increase their reach in the market. This situation has created a scenario in which to recruit Birla sun life insurance Advisors and to sell life Insurance Policy has became very- very difficult. FINDINGS à ¢Ã… ¾Ã‚ ¢To be successful in marketing of insurance products, the entire business scenario has to be taken into account. à ¢Ã… ¾Ã‚ ¢During the study to be found that majority of people are aware of life insurance sector. à ¢Ã… ¾Ã‚ ¢During the survey it was observed that major source of information for consumer are television and newspaper and least preference are given to magazines, agents and friends. à ¢Ã… ¾Ã‚ ¢Attractive schemes and brand image are the most important factor that influences the buying behavior of the consumers. Majority of respondents will shift to any other insurance company. à ¢Ã… ¾Ã‚ ¢People are not satisfied with the opted insurance. It was found that the reason for the dissatisfaction of consumer is high premium, delay in claim settlement and poor after sale service. à ¢Ã… ¾Ã‚ ¢So to achieve a greater insurance penetration, insurance sector companies have to create a more vibrant and competitive industry, with greater efficiency, choice of products and value for customers. SUGGESTIONS ) Information regarding new product should be provided to the customers. 2) The company should find out the no. of people who are not having any of the insurance plans through an intensive market research and motivate them to get insured. 3) At some level Company should provide information to the customers about the charges of the policy. 4) Company should target each and every class of the society. 5) Charges should be low of the policies . 6) Annual premium should be reasonable.7) BSLI Company should work in systematic way. RECOMMENDATIONS 1) Even though most of the policy holders are satisfied with policies, plans they have but some new attractive insurance plans should be introduce to bind them not to switch over to other companies insurance plans. 2) The company should find out the no. of people who are not having any of the insurance plans through an intensive market research and motivate them to get insured. 3) Leveraging technology to service customers quickly, efficiently and conveniently. 4) Developing and implementing superior risk management and investment strategies to offer sustainable and stable returns to our policyholders. 5) Company should target each and every class of the society 6) Company should provide full information to the customers before targeting so they can take interest. CONCLUSION The market potential for private insurance companies is found to be greater in the long run as most of the Indians are of the opinion that, private insurance companies would be able to perform well in the future. The private and foreign insurance companies have to take immediate steps in appointing more number of agents and/or advisors in addition to the employees as it has been found out that agents are the best channel to reach the general public regarding selling of insurance products. The private and foreign insurance companies have to concentrate on the factors like Prevention of Loss, Assured Returns and Long term Investment. They can also focus on an insurance amount of Rs. 1 2 lakhs with money back policies. Hence, the market has potential. The private and foreign insurance companies that are taking immediate steps can tap it easily rapidly

Friday, September 20, 2019

Marketing Plan for a New Sim Card

Marketing Plan for a New Sim Card This marketing plan is designed for the launch of a sim card that is inserted into the phone. The sim card will then save all the data onto the card and will allow taking the card out and placing inside computer/laptop. Then it will be able to make calls, text and download items onto the sim card via the computer. It would be perfect if the phone battery ran out and need to make an urgent call. Mobile phones have turned from being a luxury item to now being considered an essential to have. This is one of the main reasons why there is need of such a product that is placed in such reliant on market. In 2009 1.2billion mobile phones where sold worldwide and during the last quarter 340million units were sold which was a year over year increase by 8.3%. This plan outlines in the following pages, a renewed vision and strategic focus of what it will take to run a successful and profitable communication service. A careful evaluation of the weekly customer flow and communication schedule served as the foundation for this analysis and the following marketing plan. The product will be sell business to business but to gain more market share the direct user will be targeted. The product will be sold through various mobile companies like Samsung and dell. Vision:- The vision is to capture the market in U.K and after some years and gaining customer loyalty launch it around the globe also to position the product as user friendly and cheap. Competitive Advantage:- Product is offering a unique service which is very easy to avail and easy to use. Sim phone card have the ability to make calls as well as store data as much as 64 GB.This is a unique product no other product have offered this service before. Production:- Production process will be outsourced to the with Giesecke Devrient.One of the main producers of sim cards in the world is the company Giesecke Devrient they have 13 worldwide production locations Dulles, USA Mexico City, Mexico Sao Paolo, Brazil Johannesburg, South Africa Wembley, UK Munich, Germany Barcelona, Spain Moscow, Russia Istanbul, Turkey Cairo, Egypt Huangshi, China Singapore Knoxfield, Australia The company handles and creates any type of Sim card required for your phone. They start the process with art work design followed by the creation of the Sim card body i.e. size and shape. Once the Sim card is then created they will then package the product and send it to either ourselves or the company we are selling it To.The Company ensure that we ourselves are in complete control of the decision making, in the production of the sim card. One of the main factors we chose this company to work alongside is that they have locations spread across the globe and more importantly one situated in Wembley England. Current Market Situation:- The current situation of market can be predict from these tables that mobile phone usage is increasing day by day and there is a lot of scope in telecom industry. UK Mobile Operator Statistics and Market Share Five mobile network operators are indentified in the UK by  The Worldwide Directory of Mobile Network Operators 2008. The UK market consists of 4 geopolitical areas, namely England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. For mobile phone purposes, various islands also have their own operators, such as the Isle of Man (located in the Irish Sea between North West England and Ireland); and the Channel Islands, notably Jersey and Guernsey. At the end of 2007 the UK had some 73.1 million mobile subscribers, which represented 9 percent of the  European mobile subscriber market. IE Market Research Corp.  in its  United Kingdom Mobile Operator Forecast reported that the overall subscriber base in UK is still increasing, and the number of total subscribers will change from our projected 75.9 million in 2008 to 78.0 million in 2010, with wireless penetration expected to reach 126.0% in 2010. The five primary operators are  3 UK,  Orange,  T-Mobile,  Telefonica O2  and Vodafone. In addition there are a number of  Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNO), the  MVNO Directory  claims there are some 41 organizations active in the sector. These range from conventional MVNOs through to resellers, and include well-known names such as  Virgin Mobile  and  Tesco.   Source:  The Worldwide Directory of Mobile Network Operators 2008 c. 2008 Vodafone  currently (1Q 2008) has the largest UK market share with 25.4% of the market.  Vodafone watch  provides an intimate snapshot of Vodafone, with SWOT, political analysis, market share, activities, communication opportunities, threats, political factors, company background and structure, management, revenue, market segmentation, market research on its peers, with a focus on Vodafone UK, its market share, and resumes of the Vodafone annual reports all presented in one handy monthly newsletter format! Source:  The Worldwide Directory of Mobile Network Operators 2008 c. 2008 Telefonicas O2  is a vibrant No. 2 in the market, only losing the the lead position in 3Q 2007. O2 is part of the Telefonica Group, and a new report -  The Telefonica Report 2008: Strategy and Outlook 2008-11   provides timely analysis and insight into Telefonica short- to medium-term strategy, incorporating a SWOT-type review. From Telefonica future strategy perspective, the report covers the four-year period from 2008 to 2011. Source:  The Worldwide Directory of Mobile Network Operators 2008 c. 2008 T-Mobile  takes third place in this highly competitive market. To learn more about T-Mobile, and its home market,  (The German Telecommunications Report 2008)  has been researched at source and features latest-available data covering all headline indicators; 5-year industry forecasts through end-2012; company rankings and competitive landscapes covering leading multinational handset manufacturers and equipment vendors, domestic fixed-line and mobile operators, and analysis of latest industry news, trends and regulatory developments. This shows that the 3 is the most growing mobile service company. SWOT analysis:- Strengths In a market which is increasing in customers Technology has risen, in 1995 0.4% of the population used the internet and technology and from September 2010 a total of 28.8% of the worlds population are technology users. Very unique and there is no other item that can do this Great for business men/women that travel a lot Heading into a market where new technology is being produced every month Apple are fetching out a iphone 3G and google are fetching out the new Nexus S Weaknesses In a very competitive market Will have to wait for new forms of phones a0nd laptops out for it to work Opportunities We are able to widen our product onto other phone companys We are able to advance our product if it is successful at the beginning Threats Potentially new technology could provide a better service than our product Future financial crisis could mean the pricing of the product could move up and down drastically PEST Analysis:- Political new government put in place could affect the price of the of items such as mobiles Economic With the current economic crisis that has occurred it has had a major effect on the price of products. This could make the pricing on the product very difficult. Potential items in the market could make pricing very difficult Consumer spending, less disposable income Social Behaviour towards our product Can everyone afford it Fits well with work and leisure times Technological Our product is in a very competitive technological market i.esim cards, USB and mobiles Will be sold separate from the phone and will be sold in Phone shops such as Phones 4 u. To increase the range of where we sell the product we will also sell it in computer stores alongside mobiles phones. The internet is also an aspect in which we will sell the product. Branding and Labeling:- The product will be branded as cheap and the name will be easy sim card and it will be label as go easy do easy Pricing strategy Price Skimming- Charge a high price because you product a substantial competitive advantage. However, the advantage is not sustainable. The high price tends to attract new competitors into the market, and the price inevitably falls due to increased supply. Manufacturers of digital watches used a skimming approach in the 1970s. Once other manufacturers were tempted into the market and the watches were produced at a lower unit cost, other marketing strategies and pricing approaches are implemented. Product Bundle pricing:- Here sellers combine several products in the same package. This also serves to move old stock. Videos and CDs are often sold using the bundle approach. Nokia n96 has memory card storage of 32 GB largest for phone (hold 7000 songs) Average price for 32 GB Kingston USB range between  £25 to  £150 for quality Average selling price:  £30 Boston matrix We are a problem child because: These are products with a low share of a high growth market. They consume resources and generate little in return. They absorb most money as you attempt to increase market share. Hopefully become a star once we make a profit. The integrated production process starts with the artwork design, which is followed by the manufacturing of the card bodies, chip embedding, personalization, and the packaging and mailing of the cards. With GDs total fulfilment services, we handle the complete SIM supply chain on behalf of the network operator, i.e. every step from the transfer of the operators purchase order data to production to delivery. This process also covers GDs implementation of the most original packaging variations, e.g. a combination of mobile phone plus marketing material plus voucher plus SIM card plus CD-ROM or such. This can also encompass conducting an inspection of the goods received as additional packaging components. Delivery can be made either directly to final customers or to stores. Network operators can access inventory information as well as order status online from GD. They can also completely integrate GDs total fulfilment services into the network operators existing materials management system. Promotion:- To promote our product and to penetrate the market we will advertise it with different ways. For first 6 month magazine and newspaper, if we make a profit then look to then advertise on TV.Increase awareness in 70% of target market within 3months time period Enhance perception of superiority within 3 months time period. This is how the budget will be allocated to various fields to advertise. Advertising Objectives To position product as user friendly. To strengthen image of product in consumers mind. To create continuity within campaign. To differentiate product by our competitors. Advertising will be done by various ways some of those are below Print layouts and copy Radio scripts Television storyboards Theme lines, art, package designs, illustrations, and so on Brochure or catalog layouts Outdoor board designs Advertising specialties Sales promotion ideas Internet ads Market Segmentations:- Market will be segmented into 6 different groups Group 1: Group 2:    Age 25-45 Age 35-55 Sex Male Sex Female Income  £50,000  £100,000 Income  £75,000- £150,000 Education College Graduate Education Associates Race All Race Caucasian Social Class Upper Class Social Class Upper-class Family Size 3-4 Family Size 4-5    Geographical: Geographical: Group 3: Group 4: Age 25-55 Age 35-55 Sex Female Sex Female Income  £75,000  £170,000 Income  £15000  £25000 Education College Graduate Education Some College Race All Race All Social Class Upper Class Social Class Middle Class Family Size 2-3 Family Size 4-5    Geographical: Geographical: Product User: 1st Time Buyer Product User: Loyal to Brand Lifestyle: The Good Life Lifestyle: Soccer Mom Group 5: Group 6:    Age 45-65 Age 35-55 Sex Male Sex Both Income £50,000  £100,000 Income  £75,000  £150,000 Education Some Graduate School Education Associate Race Caucasian Race African American Social Class Middle Class Social Class Upper Class Family Size 3-4 Family Size 4-5 Target Market:- Target market will be the people aged 25-45 and middle and upper class of society more business orientated people, who travel a lot and will need constant communication access.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

A Christian View of Suffering Essay -- The Value of Suffering

The concept of suffering plays an important role in Christianity, regarding such matters as moral conduct, spiritual advancement and ultimate destiny. Indeed an emphasis on suffering pervades the Gospel of Mark where, it can be argued, we are shown how to "journey through suffering" (Ditzel 2001) in the image of the "Suffering Son of Man" (Mark 8:32), Jesus Christ. Although theologians have suggested that Mark was written to strengthen the resolve of the early Christian community (Halpern 2002, Mayerfeld 2005), the underlying moral is not lost on a modern reader grappling with multifarious challenges regarding faith in the face of suffering. In his article "A Christian Response to Suffering", William Marravee (1987) describes suffering as an "experience over which we men and women continue to stumble and fall". The way we view God is crucial to the way we view suffering according to Marravee, who delineates the disparity between a view of God as an ‘outsider’ and the biblical image of God – where God is an ‘insider’ who suffers with us in our struggle. This essay seeks to explain the Christian view of suffering and the purpose suffering can have in our lives. Suffering is an individual's basic affective experience of pain or distress, often as a result of one’s physical, emotional or spiritual circumstance (Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy 2006). Suffering can be classified as physical; for example pain caused by a dislocated knee, emotional; for example one’s grief over the death of a loved one, or spiritual; which is described as the state of being separated from the blissful nature of your divine self (soul). To suffer physically or emotionally is often unavoidable; however it can be argued that spiritual liberation... ...s distributed in Theology 101 at the University of Notre Dame, Fremantle on 22 April 2008. Marravee. W, 1987, â€Å"A Christian Response to Suffering†, Review for Religious, no. 46, pp. 256-260. Mayerfeld. J, 2005, Suffering and Moral Responsibility. New York: Oxford University Press. Pope John Paul II (1984), Apostolic Letter: SALVIFICI DOLORIS, [Online], Libreria Editrice Vaticana, Available at: [27 April 2008]. Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy (2006), Suffering [Online], Metaphysics Research Lab, Available at: [3 May 2008]. Trip, D. (1999), â€Å"The Christian view of suffering† [Online], Exploring Christianity. Available from: [Accessed 18 April 2008].

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Love Scene between George and Maire from Translations Essay

The Love Scene between George and Maire from Translations This scene, in my opinion is the dramatic centre of Translations. The scene displays that George and Maire have fallen in love as they return from the dance together; the pair find it hard to communicate, and exhaust every method of communication before reciting place names to one another. The common language of the place names increases the tension between George and Maire until, finally, they kiss. The kiss is witnessed by Sarah who uses her new found talent of speech to tell Manus. The scene, in my view is very important as it is the catalyst for the disastrous events which follow, it leads to the disappearance of George, the search of Baile Baeg by new English soldiers, Maire’s despair, and the imminent ‘evictions and leveling of every abode’. The stage directions play a prominent part in the scene, they specify darkness and music being played, the music is significant as it is a common form of communication, everybody can relate to it. The ‘music rises to a crescendo’ as Maire and Yolland enter on stage and the audience are involved in the excitement and merriment of the pair. The music also crescendos later after Sarah has seen them which emphasizes the significance of what has just happened. The stage directions also describe their actions towards one another, the gestures and the pause before the kiss; all which would add a lot of drama and pace to the scene. Act 2 Scene 1, which is just before the love scene, is very different. Maire and George at this point are still very shy and use Owen to translate everything between them: Maire: Tell him then Owen: Tell him what? Maire: About the dance. Maire is essentially inviting Ge... ...hows that she has gone to tell him about George and Maire, bring the scene to a climax. It is also poignant that after Sarah has been given the gift of speech, she is now about to use it to tell her teacher and change everything in Baile Baeg, possibly costing George’s life. As the scene acts as a microcosm of the play’s messages, Friel displays the themes of translation, cultural differences and conflict of interests all in one scene. As a result, I think that this is a very important, if not the most important scene of the entire play, as the scenes before all build up to this moment, and the later events preceding it are all results of George and Maire’s union. Brian Friel has also managed to keep the audience interested by using tension, pace, irony and suspense; and successfully brings the end of the act to a climax, keeping the audience engaged.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Dietary Fiber Analysis Health And Social Care Essay

Fiber is categorized into soluble and indissoluble fibre. Soluble fibre includes pectins, mucilages, gums, and storage polyoses. Soluble fibre has shown to hold positive effects on glucose metamorphosis that are partially attributed to the increased viscousness of luminal contents. It causes delayed gastric voidance, which account for around 35 % of the discrepancy in extremum glucose concentrations after consuming glucose. It besides reduces the rate of glucose diffusion through the H2O bed. The most of import factor in respects to glycemic consequence is soluble fibre ‘s ability to increase viscousness and organize gel-like stools. Soluble fibre besides becomes fermented in the colon and outputs short-chain fatty acids. It is thought that these short concatenation fatty acids may be good to lipid metamorphosis and cardiovascular disease bar ( Pittler and Ernst 2004 ; Papathanasopoulos and Camilleri 2010 ) . â€Å" In experimental clinch surveies, soluble dietetic fibre besides influences peripheral glucose uptake mechanisms, including increased skeletal musculus look of the insulin- responsive glucose transporter type, which enhanced skeletal musculus consumption, augmenting insulin sensitiveness and normalising blood glucose degrees. In worlds, several fatty acids stimulate look of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor, which increases degrees of adipocyte glucose † Insoluble fibre includes cellulose, hemicelluloses, and lignin. Insoluble fibre does acquire fermented in the colon, but it attracts H2O which increases faecal majority, softening, and defecation. The chief consequence of indissoluble fibre in respects to glycemia is heightened insulin sensitiveness. â€Å" Changes in intestine microbiota have been implicated, in position of ascertained microbiota differences between corpulent and thin topics, reduced Gram-negative bacterial content with diets high in dietetic fibre as opposed to high-fat diets, and experimental informations demoing insulin opposition develops after daily hypodermic injections of Gram-negative bacterial lipopolysaccharides. A test of whole grain in healthy adult females showed accelerated GIP and insulin response and improved postprandial glycemia during the undermentioned twenty-four hours. † The aim of the first survey was to find the extent to which Beta-Glucan reduces the glycemic index ( GI ) of oat merchandises and whether high degrees of Beta-Glucan impair palatableness. The survey wanted to find if there was a nexus between low GI nutrients and direction of Type Two Diabetes ( DM II ) . Sixteen trial topics were selected from a pool of patients at St. Michaels Diabetes Clinic with HbA1 degrees within 5.5 % – 8.5 % , with one exclusion of a patient that had 11.4 % HbA1. Ten participants were male and 6 were female, with an mean BMI of 29. All were diagnosed with DM II. Thirteen participants were treated with unwritten agents, and 3 used diet entirely. The breakfast cereal and a bite saloon ‘s which were enriched with extra b-glucans to bring forth a low glycemic index oat bran merchandise. Three tests were conducted with the breakfast cereal and bite saloon, utilizing the mean step of the postprandial glucose degrees. The consumer ‘s postprandial glucose degrees in response to white staff of life served as the control. This survey showed that when topics with type 2 diabetes consumed extruded breakfast cereals incorporating different degrees of oat bran dressed ore ( 8, 10.3 and 12.5g % b-glucan ) , decreases in postprandial glycemia ranged from 33 % to 62 % . This survey is done in a similar format to ours ; nevertheless it merely compared postprandial glucose degrees in response to beta-glucan enriched nutrients to white staff of life. Our survey is comparing a pure fibre addendum of Fleawort to an equal dietetic fibre repast. Besides, our trial topics will non hold diabetes. ( Jenkins, Kendall et al. 2008 ) The 2nd survey that was most similar to ours was conducted to see the benefits of syrupy fibre in topics who were insulin resistant. Dietary fibre has late received acknowledgment for cut downing the hazard of developing diabetes and bosom disease. The deduction is that it may hold curative benefit in pre-diabetic metabolic conditions. To prove this hypothesis, this survey investigated the consequence of supplementing a high-carbohydrate diet with fibre from Konjac-Mannan ( KJM ) on metabolic control in topics with insulin opposition syndrome. KJM is derived from Konjac, which is a sweet yam from the Araceae household with the botanical name: Amorphophallus spp. Two hundred and 78 topics between the ages of 45 and 65 old ages were screened from the Canadian-Maltese Diabetes Study. A sum of 11 ( age 55 A ± 4 old ages, BMI 28 A ± 1.5 kg/m2 ) were recruited who met the standards: impaired glucose tolerance, reduced HDL cholesterin, elevated serum triglycerides, and moderate high blood pressure. After an 8-week control-trial, they were indiscriminately assigned to take either KJM fibre enriched trial biscuits with 0.5 g of glucomannan per 100 kcal or wheat bran fibre control biscuits for two 3-week intervention periods separated by a 2-week washout. In this cross-over survey, the diets had the same sum of energy, were metabolically controlled, and conformed to National Cholesterol Education Program Step 2 guidelines. Serum lipoids, glycemic control, and blood force per unit area were measured in each test. During the experimental hebdomads, participants received absolutely portioned and packaged nutrients delivered to their work or place. These repasts were absolutely portioned with macro-nutrients in indistinguishable ratios. The Calories of each repast were tailored to run into the demands of each person, with fibre being 1.5g/ 100 kcals of nutrient. These two groups merely differed in the facet of KJM flour or the control, wheat bran flour. Both of these repasts were tantamount in fiber measure. KJM showed a fasting glycemia bead by 13 A ± 2.5 % ( P 0.0001 ) compared with 9.6 A ± 4.3 % ( P 0.05 ) on control. However, these consequences are non important, since the assurance intervals overlap. This survey compared KJM flour, which is rich in a high-viscous fibre, to fiber-enriched bran flour and tested many consequences, of which postprandial glucose degrees was one. The consequences showed no important difference between the two fiber-enriched flours. While this survey is near to our proposed survey, our survey will be comparing a fleawort addendum to dietetic fibre ; non comparing two types of dietetic fibre. This survey supplied us with thoughts for what to provide to our trial topics in their repasts. This survey gave their trial topics repasts that were absolutely portioned with macro-nutrients in indistinguishable ratios. This is indispensable for our survey to hold accurate consequences. ( Vuksan, Sievenpiper et Al. 2000 ) There have been several surveies that show that a fiber addendum lowers postprandial glucose degrees. However, none of the surveies are comparing auxiliary fibre to dietetic fibre. The inquiry if auxiliary fibre has a different consequence on glucose degrees than dietetic fibre has non been answered. A survey was conducted to see the consequence of seaweed addendum on glucose, lipid profile, and antioxidant enzyme activities in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Nine work forces and 11 adult females with diabetes controlled by diet and/or unwritten hypoglycaemic agents, a BMI of & lt ; 35, a fasting plasma glucose concentrations & gt ; 150 mg/dl, no ingestion of lipid-lowering drugs, and were 40 to 70 old ages of age were selected. Aside from diabetes, all topics were in good general wellness and had no clinical or laboratory grounds of nephritic, hepatic, or cardiovascular disease. Subjects were randomized into either a control group or a seaweed supplementation group. Pills with equal parts of prohibitionist powdered sea tangle and sea mustard were provided to the seaweed supplementation group three times a twenty-four hours for 4 hebdomads. Entire day-to-day ingestion of seaweed was 48 g. The topics continued normal day-to-day activities and exercising forms. Food consumption of each topic was quantitatively evaluated by 24 hr callback. The dietitian collected informations utilizing calibrated theoretical accounts to gauge the size of nutrient parts. Daily alimentary consumption was calculated utilizing the Computer Aided Nutritional Analysis plan ( Can-Pro ) package ( version 3.0 ; The Korean Nutrition Society ) based on informations from Korean food-composition tabular arraies. There were no important differences in fasting blood glucose ( FBG ) or postprandial 2 hr BG at baseline between the two groups. After seaweed supplementation, the concentrations of FBG and PP-2hr BG were decreased significantly in patients having seaweed supplementation, but there were no important differences in controls. Increased dietetic fibres intake from supplementation had good effects on FBG and PP-2hr BG ( Kim, Kim et Al. 2008 ) . This survey is similar to ours in regard that it is reexamining the consequence that auxiliary fibre has on postprandial glucose degrees. However, their control group did non hold the same sum of fibre in their diet as the supplemented group. The supplemented group was acquiring 2.5 times more fibres in their diet than the control. The fact that fibre affects glucose degrees is non in inquiry. With our research, we have been seeing that most surveies have a narrower age scope, this will assist us to find what age scope we would wish our trial topics to be. Besides, this survey used a nutrition analysis plan on the computing machine to calculate the foods ingested by the trial topics. We will utilize a similar method. A survey was conducted, look intoing the differences between fibre repasts enriched with soluble dietetic fibres from oats, rye bran, sugar Beta vulgaris fibre or a mixture of these three fibres. The survey looked at postprandial glucose and insulin effects. Thirteen healthy human voluntaries, 6 work forces and 7 adult females, ages 20-28 old ages of age were included in the survey. The topics were instructed to fast the dark before. They came to the installation one time a hebdomad ( 5 hebdomads entire ) and ingested a repast each clip in a random order. The repasts contained either oat pulverization ( 62 g, of which 2.7 soluble fibre ) , rye bran ( 31 g, of which 1.7 g soluble fibre ) , sugar Beta vulgaris fibre ( 19 g, of which 5 g soluble fibre ) , a mixture of these three fibres ( 74 g, 1.7 g soluble fibre from each beginning, giving 5 g soluble fibre ) , and no added fibre, which was the control. All repasts were adjusted to incorporate the same entire sum of available saccharides. Blood samples were drawn before the repast and every 30 min for 3 hours. Meals with rye bran gave a lower postprandial glucose extremum when compared with the control repast, and this consequence was more marked in adult females compared to work forces. Oat pulverization, incorporating a low sum of entire fibre and a high sum of saccharides in liquid matrix, gave a higher incremental glucose extremum concentration compared to rye bran and sugar Beta vulgaris fibre and higher insulin incremental country under curve compared to command. The oat pulverization besides influenced the effects of the assorted repast, decreasing the glucose-lowering effects. Postprandial triglyceride degrees tended to be higher after all fiber-rich repasts, but merely important for oat pulverization and the assorted repast when compared with the control repast ( Ulmius, Johansson et Al. 2009 ) . This survey concluded that soluble fibre influences postprandial glucose, insulin and triglycerides depending on fiber beginning, dosage of soluble and entire fibre, and perchance gender. While this survey was proving the difference of assorted beginnings of dietetic fibre, it is utile to our survey because they use methods similar to what we want to utilize. They tested their topics ‘ glucose degrees every 30 proceedingss for 3 hours. Besides, the survey had to add assorted things to the different repasts to guarantee that they had similar micronutrient content ; protein was the lone 1 that varied. A Reviewing these surveies has besides given us a way for a sample size.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Marine Resources Assignment

1) Five points from the executive summary that is not discussed in the video. The ocean of America benefits its people and those who relies on it. Problems regarding the proper maintenance and how to take good care of the ocean and the creatures living in it have arisen due to some circumstances. People have done a lot of things that harms the ocean. At first, these people did not recognize the negat6ive effect of their activities against them, but now that the problem has grown they fear that someday they will not benefit from the ocean anymore. Regarding this situation, people concerned have analyzed the cause of the problem and how it affects them. And from they information they have gathered from reviewing the cause of the problem, they come up with the possible solutions against the problem regarding the ocean and now they are trying to implement it with the aim of saving the ocean from possible destruction caused by their own activities. Some of the problems have already caused damage to the ocean and effects of it have also affected the people living within the said area. These problems have caused a lot of damage but from these damages people have realized their mistakes and are now trying to come up with it by doing their responsibilities well. From the proper actions done by the people who are concerned in saving the ocean from possible disaster, the ocean is now recovering from the previous damages it have suffered and still continues to regain what it may have lost from the past years. 2) Five points that are discussed I the video and are expanded in the summary. America relies on the ocean for a lot of substantial and vital things they need. Job opportunities for a lot of people living in the coastal area depend on the ocean to maintain their job for their families. Tourism also depends on the ocean because the shore of the ocean has been a recreational area for the past years. But now, the ocean faces major problem. The ocean is now being ruined by the people due to their improper activities which cause negative effects to the ocean. A lot of problems regarding the ocean occur. Some are very much affecting the ocean. Some of these problems exist naturally but a lot of these problems are caused by human recklessness. As we know our part, we should be capable and responsible of doing it well in order to keep our oceans in order. On the other hand, being reckless and irresponsible regarding our duties to protect the ocean causes destruction to the ocean where we got a lot of benefits. The developments of the coastal area are also affecting the ocean. These coastal developments have the tendency to destroy the sanctuary of a lot of marine creatures thus affecting the ecological balance of the ocean’s ecosystem. Another problem is the uncontrollable flow of oil to the ocean’s surface that endangers the lives of marine creatures. Also the population growth of the commercial fishes that lives in the ocean causes another problem because they tend to be a competitor for other marine creatures. Yet on the brighter side of the situation, light of hope exists as we see the improvement of the ocean and the survival of the creatures living in it. These are caused by the activities which are conducted to revive and relive the former healthy ocean we once have. From these lights of hope starts to do our part to resolve the problem and still hopes that from   this we will now be able to take care of oceans well.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Statement of Motivation

My purpose for seeking a bachelor Degree in Istanbul aydin is to expand my knowledge of theory and research methods as it pertains to education. I especially want to fine-tune my research skills as I feel that the importance of gaining research skills is imperative to becoming a lifelong learner and developing intellectual self-actualization as I prepare myself for a career in Education. I realize the importance of gaining credibility among my future colleagues and people that I will be serving in the field. Even though I have chosen dynamics as my field of specialization, I am keeping my mind open to other areas of my course program so that I do not limit myself. I am currently studying a 3 month Turkish language course in Antalya, turkey. And am looking forward for a new and fantastic challenge in Istanbul aydin university, it been one of my lifelong dream is to study in an affiliated and amazing university and I believe Istanbul aydin is one of them. Moreover, I have wanted to study media and communication ever since my father shared with me some of his published engineering articles. I have always been a hard worker and have shown that I can handle a diverse work load incorporating work and college into college into my schedule. I am a hard-working and determined person, and I am ready for a new leap in my career. I will work hard in hope that the quantity of the effort I put in will result in high quality knowledge. The fact is that the best possible supervisors and a highly competitive atmosphere are necessary for this quality. The only reasonable decision for me was to aim for such a place. All this gives me the motivation to apply to Istanbul aydin University.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Seven External Factors That Could Influence Business And Marketing Efforts

This paper will follow a young business as it begins the process of establishing itself in the legal world. There are several factors that business must consider before choosing what type of originations the business will become. In the case of this new company they have opted to become an S corporation. An outline of what lead to this decision will be discussed in-depth. In addition the steps that were taken to complete this task. Business Scenario As the reality of the business begins, it becomes very clear that we must start making the necessary steps to legalize the organization.The first step is to registering the business name. After registering Gentle Clean, we must make a decision on whether to become a corporation or a partnership. The first thing that must be considered is making sure that the business is its own entity. It’s very important that the business and its affairs do not affect our personal lives. As well as anything personal rolling over to the business. A LLC is seen as its own legal entity and is treated as completely separate and distinct from its members.An LLC can be sued, can sue, can enter into contracts, and be found liable both civilly and criminally all on its own, separate from the members of the LLC. In addition a LLC can be member- or manager-managed, which determines who has authority to bind the LLC in contracts. A LCC can be taxed as a partnership, resulting in the income being taxed to the partners’ own tax returns, or corporation, meaning it would be taxed as its own entity. C corporation and S corporation have limited liability protection for the owners, and each is seen as a separate legal entity from the owners.The main difference between the two is taxation. The C corporation files its own tax return, and while the S corporation must file corporate tax returns, it does not pay taxes at the corporate level. Rather, the profits of the corporation are passed through to the individual to the shareholders on t heir own individual tax returns. Reviewing the two options one point must be seriously reviewed. The matter of taxation is of serious importance, and which way we proceed. Both an LLC and S corp and C corp are their own entities. Yet very different in other aspects.We must decide whether to pay taxes at a cooperate level, or have the profits of the corporation are passed through to the individual to the shareholders on their own individual tax returns. Federal taxable income is between 15% and 35%, state and local taxes vary on income. Shareholders of most corporations are not taxed directly on corporate income, but must pay tax on dividends paid by the corporation. However, shareholders of S Corporations and mutual funds are taxed currently on corporate income, and do not pay tax on dividends.Since it will be several months if not years that the company will make a real profit. It would be in the best interest of the company to file as an S corp. Thus allowing the company to be its own entity as well as establishing the company and protecting the interest of our product. With that being said we must meet with a corporate attorney and file all necessary documents and begin the process of becoming an S corporation. Gentle Clean is now on its way to becoming a competitor in the world of Green cleaning supplies.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas Research Paper

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas - Research Paper Example He later proceeded to Yale Law School where he helped establish the Black student Union while at the same time developing a conservative approach to issues. After his legal training, Thomas moved back to the South in 1974 where he worked as the assistant to the Attorney General of Missouri Mr. John Danforth before later on taking up the job of being a lawyer to Monsanto, an agricultural firm. In 1981, he was appointed the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights at the United States Department of Education majorly due to his past in the civil rights movement and to balance the composition of this important part of the US government. He is now a conservative and controversial judge though initially he had wanted to pursue a religious life having had seminary education stints at the St. John Vianney Minor Seminary and Immaculate Conception Seminary in order to become a catholic priest or cleric. He however left the seminary and decided to fight for civil rights after he overheard a fellow student at the seminary make fun of the assassination of Martin Luther King Jnr. In the year 1982, President Ronald Reagan appointed Thomas as the Chairman of the EEOC, a position in which he held til the year 1990 when President George H.W Bush nominated him to serve as a Judge in the U.S Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. On July 1, 1991, after sixteen months as a judge of appeal, he was nominated to fill the position left vacant by Mr. Marshall who was almost similar with his views on civil rights at the Supreme Court. However, his nomination was opposed by critics who attacked him due to his views that were largely deemed conservative for the highest court of the land while others had the view that he had little experience as a judge of the superior courts. At the confirmation hearings, Thomas decided to remain quiet on a number of issues including rights on abortion and faced a difficult moment explaining himself out about suggestions that he had made unwelc ome sexual comments on a colleague both at the Department of Education and at the EEOC. However, he was confirmed by the United States Senate through a vote of fifty-two votes for him against forty-eight who opposed him. Thomas’s views at the Supreme Court have been the interpretation of the United States constitution from the original meaning by following from a conservative point of view (Totenberg). He has argued that the powers of the federal government must be limited and the states empowered as well as having a strong executive branch within the federal government. Clarence Thomas’s Legal Career and the Supreme Court Thomas was admitted to the Missouri bar on the 13th day of September 1974 from where he practised as an assistant Attorney General of the State of Missouri under Attorney General Danforth whom he had met at the Yale Law School. At the AG’s office, he worked at the criminal appeals section before being assigned duties at the taxation and revenu e division. After the election of Danforth to the United States senate, Thomas joined Monsanto as an attorney before moving to Washington to work with his former colleague Danforth where he worked as a legislative attorney attached to the Senate Commerce Committee. Later on Dansforth played a key role in the confirmation and appointment of Thomas as a judge of the Supreme Court. After a one year stint as Assistant Secretary of Education for the Office for Civil Rights in the U.S. Department of Education from 1981-1982, he became the Chairman of the United