Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Chose the topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Chose the topic - Essay Example After getting drunk, they would walk around making noise and talking immoral while others were fighting each other. This is evident when Philomena and Pelajia complaints about this and saying that she wants to go to Toronto. They later overcome this by stopping the name callings, towards themselves, and considering one another for consolation. The social conditions in the hills seemed to be harder when Pelajia complaints about men snatching away their neighbors wives. She also complains of the women snatching their neighbors husbands and sleep with them. Those involved in this have shown disrespect and caused discomfort to others, including the sisters, in the hills. Pelajia says, " †¦..Andrew Starnblanket and his brother Mathew. Drunk. Again. Or sounded like†¦." She continues saying, "†¦. Fighting over some girl. Heard what sounded like a baseball bat landing on somebodys back. My lawn looks like the shit this morning" (Tomson 59). This condition has made the sisters resolve their differences and stay in peace since this is the only way to their resilience. The sisters have been staying in a state of joblessness. None of them is employed, and we even see them relying mostly on charity so that they can get some finances to better their lives. In the play, we see them being idle all the day and having nothing to do so as to improve their living conditions. This is evident when Pelajia says, " †¦ I will tell him there will be more jobs because the people have paved more roads to drive to work on†¦" (Tomson 59). The sisters are living in poor housing conditions. There houses roofs are poor and in bad condition relatively their neighborhoods. Comparing to the other houses they saw in Toronto and Espanol, they live in poor living conditions, and thats why Pelajia is planning to leave the hills and go to Toronto. They are forced to repair the roofs

Sunday, February 9, 2020

THE GLOBAL ECONOMY Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

THE GLOBAL ECONOMY - Assignment Example PEC and shale oil producers, end of Quantitative Easing (QE) in the US economy which led to the rise in the dollar value and subsequent fall in the oil prices. Oil prices fall when the world produces more oil than it is able to consume in which case there is a production surplus. Vice versa, a production deficit comes about when the demand for oil is greater than the amount of oil that is being manufactured. However, oil prices have plummeted to half of what they used to be since June. Crude oil has now dipped below $50 a barrel for the first time since May 2009 and US crude has also fallen below $50 a barrel† (2015). In the last decade, oil prices were high because of the rising demand for oil in most of the world but this growing demand could not be met and supply remained low due to conflicts in the oil producing Middle Eastern region, for example Iraq. By 2014, oil production increased exponentially and due to surplus oil being produced, the price of oil fell dramatically. This was caused by a significant increase in US oil production. Because of soaring oil prices, multiple American and Canadian companies started drilling for â€Å"new, hard-to-extract crude in North Dakotas shale formations and Albertas oil sands† and advanced methods like fracking and horizontal drilling began to be used (Plumer, 2015. The introduction of American shale oil in the market has added â€Å"4 million new barrels of crude oil per day† (Plumer, 2015) to the oil market while the global production is â€Å"75 million barrels per day† (Plumer, 2015). Iraq emerged as one of the major contributors to the recent boom in oil production. After the US led invasion of Iraq, oil production was disrupted due to constant war, turmoil and sanctions. However, since 2008 due to efforts being made to bring about stability and curb violence, we have seen a boom in Iraqi oil production. â€Å"Over the next five to seven years, Iraq could be supplying nearly half of the incremental growth in world oil