Saturday, August 31, 2019

Filipino Smiles and Spirits Essay

Philippines, when we hear this word one thing pops out in the mind of most people in the World, Typhoon Haiyan, that barreled through most of Visayas, leaving a trail of devastation in its wake. Being the most powerful storm ever landed, how do Filipinos react into this kind of calamity? The fact that many storm have landed there all over the years. Can Filipinos still find a way to smile in those times? Many calamities have landed there in the Philippines, Including the Typhoon Haiyan, which is the most terrifying storm ever existed. It’s a tragedy to experience such a storm in a small country like theirs. We’ve seen high floods high as a second floor house, Children crying, Starving people begging for help, winds not like the zephyr outside your window but a wind like a tornado. If you’re in their situation, you’ll be given a Hobson’s choice by your own mind â€Å"You’ll eat that spoiled food on the ground or starve yourself to death† You have no option but to eat whatever food there is. People there had lousy- which means â€Å"abundantly supplied†- of stuffs, lousy of tragic memories, lousy of tears, lousy of floods, lousy of lousiness of many stuffs brought by the typhoon, but one thing we’re very lousy of are their humor and smiles. This is the best characteristics of Filipinos, even though darkness is taking over, they still find our little ray of sunshine and are happy for it, we’ll still find their sweet smiles. I found a lot of funny pictures in the internet, people dressed like a mermaid sitting on a rock, imitating little mermaid. Some are dressed like scuba divers, swimming in the ersatz swimming pool which is the flood in an Olympics way, edited a picture and titled it â€Å"The ConjuRAIN†, another picture showed two people lying on a waterbed, looking very relaxed as if they’re sun bathing. some even managed to take a picture of themselves smiling!. The Brightest smiles are owned by the Filipino people. Some countries may misunderstand the way we handle a situation like this but it’s just the way we are, we smile, we don’t lose hope. Just like the quote I’ve seen on the net â€Å"Baha ka lang, Pinoy kami! † means â€Å"You’re only a flood, We are Filipinos! â€Å". Filipino Spirit is Waterproof! We still find a sense of humor even in the worst day. They are Filipinos, these traits are in their blood. Being sad is the penultimate thing we feel whenever there’s calamity, and being happy and optimistic for what we still got is the last thing we feel. Having that trait is a blessing, show them that happiness is in your attitude. â€Å"There’s no reason crying in the rain, or flood for that matter. It worsens the situation, now another one is coming in and we need all the smile we can muster to drive away the gloomy days†That phrase can be a double meaning telling us to be strong in any problems and be happy for what you got. God really great for giving them such a trait.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Lululemon Business Strategy Essay

Lululemon was founded by Chip Wilson who took a commercial yoga class in Vancouver and was immediately drawn in to the concept. After spending many years in the surf, skate, and snowboarding business, he found yoga was performed using cotton clothing and this seemed inappropriate because it neither removed sweat adequately nor did it allow for maximum flexibility. Given his passion and expertise in technical athletic fabrics, he began a movement in yoga clothing where he relied on feedback from yoga instructors to optimize his apparel. Lululemon was founded in 1998 to meet these goals. It opened its first store in November 2000 in Kitsilano, a beach area of Vancouver BC. Beyond getting feedback from instructors on how to improve the performance of the apparel, the firm sought to act as a community hub where people can interact and share the physical and mental aspects of having a healthy lifestyle. 1. What are the key elements of the strategy that Lululemon is pursuing? What generic strategy best fits Lululemon’s strategy? The five key elements are: Grow the company store base in North America The strategic objective was to add new stores to strengthen the company’s presence and then tap into new geographical markets in the Canada and US Increase brand awareness Leveraging the publicity surrounding, the opening of new stores with grass roots marketing programs. This included organizing events and partnering with local fitness coaches. Introduce new product technologies Continue to focus on developing and offering products that incorporate technology enhanced fabrics, and performance features that differentiate Lululemon for its competitor and increase its customer base. Broaden the appeal of Lululemon products This is divided in 3 sections 1. Adding men apparel to the line 2. Expanding to product category to items such as athletic bags, undergarments, sandals, outerwear 3. Adding products suitable additional sports and athletic activities Expand beyond North America Expand their presence in Australia and Japan. Then eventually pursue the Asian and European markets that offer similar, attractive demographics. Distinctive shopping expericance Provide a distinctive in-store shopping experience, complemented by strong ties to fitness instructors, fitness establishments and community events The two biggest strategic adjustments since 2007 had been to drawback from the use of franchising and sell directly to the consumers through the company website. Lululemon fits itself in a differentiated niche strategy 2. Is Lululemon’s strategy effective? Let’s look at the following to determine if the strategy is effective for Lululemon The firm currently has three segments: Corporate-Owned Stores The corporate-owned stores segment includes all sales to customers through corporate-owned stores in North America and Australia. This segment is by far Lululemon’s largest revenue base and will continue to be successful as Lululemon looks to expand its base in 2012 by opening 30 stores in the United States and 2 Ivivva Athletica stores in Canada. Direct To Consumers The Direct to Consumers segment involves Lululemon’s e-commerce website. Which is 10.6 % of revenue (2011) comes from this segment. The idea behind is to shift from brick-and-mortar stores to online channels, Lululemon’s commitment to increasing its presence in e-commerce will help the company expand its customer base and improve brand awareness. Franchise While previously franchise sales were part of their strategy, the company  reported that it will no longer partake in the business and that it had reacquired its four remaining franchise stores during fiscal 2011. SWOT Analysis Strength Trademarked fabrics Community involvement – offered free yoga class on monthly basis Employee training Innovation Style/comfort Multiple green initiatives Quality – products designed to sustain 5 years of intended use while maintaining functional Brand identity Weakness High retail price Narrow product line Quality control/supply chain Marketing targeted to mostly yoga instructors/studios Loss of customer service with increased scale Weak brand recognition Lack of targeting to men Opportunity Expand product line Serve additional market segments Expand into additional geographic markets Increased demand in athletic apparel Fitness craze Threats Increased competition from current large players in the market Copy cats Economy New entrants Risk of banking on niche markets Lululemon only went public five years ago and have not entered any new industries (focusing mostly in the fitness apparel industry). They have done some corporate restructuring shortly after the company was formed, Lululemon  entered into franchise agreements and then a joint venture. The idea behind this was based on growing the brand to meet consumer demand while conserving financial resources. This was a very effective strategy and served Lululemon well in establishing themselves as a multinational company, helping to build on economies of scope, increasing brand awareness and building a larger customer base. In 2011, Lululemon finally repurchased all the franchise organizations and now all of their stores are corporate owned. The ultimate motive for closing out the franchise business was to preserve and maintain control over branding and focus more on e-commerce. We believe this strategy will work well for Lululemon as it preserves its brand image / competitive advantage and st aying competitive in the online market as well. 3. Top Key Issues facing the company needs to focus on are: The analysis shows us that the retail apparel industry is competitive with very low barriers to entry. Lululemon’s success will attract new competitors to the industry and attract interest from existing competitors. Ultimately, this is a competitive industry with limited barriers to entry. The athletic apparel industry is very competitive, with well capitalized rivals such as Nike and Gap, Inc. Lululemon has limited intellectual property in regards to its performance fabrics and manufacturing processes, therefore the quality and innovation components of strategy could easily be replicated. Lululemon’s self reinforcing activities, such as target customer base, tailored products and community based marketing approach make it very challenging for existing retailers to challenge Lululemon in its market from their own store bases. However, there are limited barriers to entry in this industry and Lululemon should expect new competition to try to copy its format This analysis brings us to issues the company is / could face: Increasing Competition Despite occupying a unique niche within the athletic apparel industry, Lululemon has recently gained competitors in recent years. I.e. Big  companies with large market capitals such as Nike, Adidas, and Under Armor have dominated the athletic apparel industry and keep gaining more ground. With the exception of a commitment to creating innovative products in apparel, these initiatives are in contrast to Lululemon. In order to market its products, Lululemon completely shuns away from print or media advertising and instead focuses on selecting ambassadors within carefully selected markets. As a result, it’s possible for Lululemon’s competitors to achieve and maintain brand awareness and market share more quickly Narrow focus Lululemon is targeted towards sophisticated and educated women who understand importance of active, healthy lifestyle. Under-Armor, Nike, and Adidas are targeted towards men and women of all ages. New Threats Apart from the big name athletic apparel manufacturers, competitors such as Gap’s Athleta brand, Lucy Activewear Inc. and Bebe Stores’ BEBE SPORT collection have emerged as competitors to Lululemon. Price Point and Manufacturing In light of the new and old competitors, Lululemon could be forced to sell their products at lower price thus reducing margins. Plus Lululemon does not own exclusive intellectual property rights to the technology for its products. This makes it easier for current and future competitors to manufacture and sell products with similar performance capabilities and styling. Cross-country differences in demographic, cultural and market conditions. Buyer tastes for a particular product or service sometimes differ substantially from country to country. Sometimes, product designs suitable in one country are inappropriate in another because of differing local standards. Lululemon is operating in an international marketplace and they have to wrestle with whether and how much to customize their products in each different country market to match the tastes and preferences of local buyers or whether to pursue a strategy of offering a mostly standardized product worldwide. For example, the clothing for women offered in the winter  season will be different from Canada to Australia and vise versa. Firstly, Australia gets hardly any snow and while Canada on the other hand, gets majorly hit every winter. Therefore, the running gear and the hoodies offered in both countries will vary because of the temperature and the climate. Making products that are closely matched to local tastes make them more appealing to local buyers, customizing Lululemon’s products country by country may have the effect of raising production and distribution costs due to the greater variety of designs and components, shorter production runs, and the complications of added inventory branding and distribution logistics. The second issue of transnational strategy incorporates elements of both a globalized and localized approach to strategy making. This type of middle ground strategy is called for when there are relatively high needs for local responsiveness as well as appreciable benefits to be realized from standardization. This strategy that Lululemon is trying to apply has its own disadvantages, such as; it is more complex and harder to implement, conflicting goals may be difficult to reconcile and require trade-offs and implementation more costly and time-consuming. All major global companies employ the franchising strategy. With the franchising strategy, the franchisee bears most of the costs and risks of establishing foreign locations; while Lululemon would have to expend only the resources to recruit, train, support, and monitor franchisees. The big problem that Lululemon is facing currently has to bear all costs of stores all around the world. With this, they would have to ensure that they are providing the products at discounted costs but also having to monitor to ensure that their standard for stores and customer service and experience is maintained. 4. Recommendations for management to improve performance / address key issues The recommendations we have for management is to improve performance and address the key issues, are employing a think global and act local strategy (Transnational). They need to ensure that each country does have the required customizations because the demographics, cultural differences and market conditions vary from country to country. They need to ensure that all their locations follow the same guidelines and customer satisfaction guidelines like they have for their primary locations. Price point and Manufacturing Lululemon does not own any intellectual property to the technology of what processes their products. In turn this makes it easy for competitors to imitate their style. Through analysis, a recommendation to solve this issue would be to patent their processing system. This would be beneficial to the company in such ways as; increasing price points, which in turn increases overall profits. It will also allow for a higher competitive advantage, making it difficult for competing company’s to imitate or copy their style. Sponsor Events and Shows Lululemon should sponsor some sort of events to gain publicity and increase brand awareness. Such can be done by organizing yoga events on a grand scale or some sort of sporting event. Not as high scale as done by its competitors (Nike sponsors the PGA Golf and Adidas sponsors FIFA) E.g. Lululemon could organize a yoga event at the Metro Convention Hall, Toronto Expand in Asia and Europe The company should plan to enhance its European and Asia market, recruiting new management talent and initiating an aggressive program to regionalize this business utilizing a consistent brand image throughout Europe and Asia. New Customers Lululemon should find new customers base other than its niche market. A potential target niche would be adding apparel for golf and tennis into its stores. Action Plan to address issues and improve performance The following action plan is the recommended steps we believe would be the appropriate approach to successfully completing these recommendations. Appendix 1 Value Chain Analysis Supply Chain Management 45 different manufacturers, no long-term contracts – can improve quality control and lower costs by decreasing # and agreeing to contracts Operations Tighten inspection and verification processes to ensure another recall does not occur (see-through pants issue) Distribution Facilities only in Vancouver-BC, Sumner, Washington, and Melbourne, Australia Limits Company’s reach Growth in online sales can offset Sales/Marketing Depend on word of mouth and community based marketing – can increase marketing via media (television, magazines, etc.) and other avenues

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Meningitis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Meningitis - Essay Example s severe and resolves without specific treatment, while bacterial meningitis can be quite severe and may result in brain damage, hearing loss, or learning disability. Meningitis hearing loss typically appears after a bout with meningitis. Before the 1990s, Haemophilus influenzae Type B (Hib) was the leading cause of bacterial meningitis, but with new vaccines as part of routine immunizations, the occurrence of this invasive disease has reduced. Today, Streptococcus pneumoniae and N. meningitidis are the leading causes of bacterial meningitis. It can be caused by various infectious agents, including viruses, fungi, and protozoa, but bacteria produce the most life-threatening infection. Factors such as age, history of head trauma cerebrospinal fluid leaks, and immune status may help determine the causative agent. The bacteria that is responsible for meningitis are the meningococcus (N. meningitidis), most important because of its potential to cause epidemics; influenza bacillus (H. influenzae); and various strains of pneumococci, streptococci, or staphylococci. H. influenzae occurs in infants and young children but only rarely in the elderly, and its course and symptoms resemble those of N. meningitidis. In adults, the bacterium pneumococcus (S. pneumoniae) is a common cause of meningitis. Meningitis hearing loss can range in varying degrees, mild, moderate, severe, profound or total. Though meningitis is a cause of hearing loss, there are others which are congenital or acquired. Hearing loss can be classified by the auditory system that is defective. The causes can be divided into two basic types: conductive and sensorineural hearing loss. Conductive hearing loss is caused by anything that interferes with the transmission of sound from the outer to the inner ear. Possible causes include: middle ear infections (otitis media); collection of fluid in the middle ear ("glue ear" in children); blockage of the outer ear (wax); damage to the eardrum by infection or an

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Pricing of real estate Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Pricing of real estate - Case Study Example Real options have been in existence since centuries and the earliest references are found in the story of Thales, a Greek philosopher. Thales predicted a bumper olive harvest and paid a large premium to local olive refiners for the right to hire their entire olive pressing facilities for a specified fee during that year's harvest season.'Thales however did not have the obligation to use the facilities and had the option to let his right lapse if he chose to do so, at the cost of losing the premium he had paid already. The bumper crop did take place and Thales exercised his real option. He allowed other producers to use the facilities he had got at a predetermined price, but at a large additional premium. Thales is said to have profited immensely by his use of the real option. Real options in real estate are best illustrated by examples. Consider a prospective home owner who identifies a dream home available at an attractive price. Several others too would have arrived at the same conclusion and may be ready to make competitive offers. The first homeowner however does not have his finances tied up and needs a fortnight to get it done. Waiting for a fortnight may push the dream home into another's possession, a situation that throws up the concept of a real option. The prospective owner could offer the seller a sum of money just to hold the property for the two weeks he needs to arrange the funds and buy the home at the offering price. If the funds don't come through or if he changes his mind, he loses the money paid, while the seller keeps the sum of money and can easily find another buyer from among the numerous others interested in buying the property. Just how much the sum paid should be involves putting a value on the real option. A similar situation may arise in the case of a real estate development company holding vacant land. The possession of vacant land confers a right or an option, but not an obligation, to develop a completed building at a future date. The value of vacant land is a consequence of this right to develop an asset, the completed construction, at a price, the cost of construction. The decision to build or not and when to build if at all, are subject to several uncertainties. The future value of the constructed building may be uncertain - if property values rise, the builder is more certain of profits, while lower values at a specified time may justify delaying construction by avoiding potential losses. Delaying the construction may make more information available, allowing for a change in land utilization, nature of the project, tenant mix, funding options etc. The option to wait itself becomes valuable. Thus the uncertainty by itself has value, and if that value can be quantified, the decision making process would become more accurate. Real options analysis thus assumes relevance and importance in real estate pricing by allowing a value to be put on uncertainty. The value of the real option increases when uncertainty about the future value of the built property increases. Thus, development of the property will take place when the value of the completed project exceeds the costs by a premium determined by a combination of uncertainty of asset value, irreversibility of the development and the choice of waiting. In many cases, projects that might have been dropped as unviable become attractive when associated real options are evaluated and quantified. In a

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Family Business Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Family Business - Research Paper Example Critical Issues Involved Within Family Business In accordance with survey report of KPMG (2009), it has been observed that family businesses mainly deal with such features or aspects that are unique to their business. Therefore, there exist certain issues with regard to the accumulation as well as the preservation of occupational assets along with wealth by implementing and applying various measures. Family business also entails issues such as management, ownership along with governance. Succession planning, growth and progression are also pertinent issues that are being faced by family businesses. Compensation issues related with reimbursing the family members is also a matter of concern as it creates a significant extent of problem within the management of family business. Another prominent issue that depicts rivalry among family members or siblings also creates a hurdle in the growth and the development of the family business (PWC, 2012; CBIA, n.d.; ICFIB, 2009; KPMG, 2009; Mass M utual Financial Group, 2007). In the opinion of the survey report published by ICFIB (2009), it has been assessed that issues with regard to governance is a primary problem of family business. ... e selection of appropriate member for a designated position in the organizational hierarchy is at times not done which results in creating an issue with regard to fairness as well as justice. In the survey report, it has been further revealed that family businesses do not maintain or inculcate written documents concerning employment policies. Communication gap and conflicts within in-laws are issues that have been recognized through the survey in the above article (PWC, 2012; CBIA, n.d.; ICFIB, 2009; KPMG, 2009; Mass Mutual Financial Group, 2007). According to the survey report of Mass Mutual Financial Group (2007), it has been taken into consideration that labor costs, estate taxes and health care costs are certain issues that arise within family business. Furthermore, it has also been ascertained that family businesses mainly rely upon their close associates for assistance and advise which at times creates a major issue in terms of rivalry within family members. In the opinion of P WC (2012), it has been determined that in family businesses there are issues related to taxation as well as accessibility with regard to capital. According to the survey report, it has been revealed that in Finland, key issues that are being faced by family businesses include staff recruitment as well as prevailing market conditions. The reviews and the survey reports depict the current prevailing issues within family business that are affecting the growth and development of the organizations. Family businesses are executed worldwide inculcating common issues within its system (PWC, 2012; CBIA, n.d.; ICFIB, 2009; KPMG, 2009; Mass Mutual Financial Group, 2007). Mitigating Issues for Growth and Development Succession planning is a major issue within family business. In order to resolve such

Monday, August 26, 2019

Tanzanie Experiment Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Tanzanie Experiment Paper - Essay Example While some people argue that the curriculum should allow use of Kiswahili in secondary school, the policy makers argue that students should learn English to be able to participate globally. This paper explains how to set up a randomized control trial to obtain a solution for the challenge. 2. How to set up a randomized control trial in Tanzania. Deciding which language to be used for learning would be the most appropriate solution for the learning challenge in Tanzania. The criteria to decide on the most appropriate language would include ensuring that the language used for learning in school increase the students ability to learn and achieve global competitiveness. Tanzania, which is a former protectorate of British, has adopted English. English language is widely used in the globe while Kiswahili is a local language. Moreover, students can utilize books written by diverse authors across the globe without requiring a translation from English into Kiswahili. Selecting English as a le arning language in primary school would enable students to be empowered using English for communication, encourage a positive attitude in learning and familiarize students with basic expressions. There are two possible outcomes of the randomized controlled trial. Use of English as a learning language in primary school may improve the performance of student in secondary school. ... will ensure that the subjects of study will involve two clusters where one will receive early intervention of English language while the other cluster will use Kiswahili to learn in primary school. A follow up on the eligible or recruited subjects will be done to compare the outcomes. Jadad and Enkin (12) mention that randomized controlled trial reduces bias by selecting the subjects randomly. The trial will provide answers on weather introduction of English for learning in primary school would enable students increase their learning abilities in secondary school. The subjects will be randomly selected from different schools to include private and public schools in rural and urban setting. Classes of thirty to sixty students in two hundred and seventy schools will be randomly selected. Students will be introduced to English language for learning, in one hundred and thirty five schools. Teachers in the cluster that will use English for learning will be required to be proficient in Eng lish. The teachers can be trained while others can be employed. Students will be taught all subjects in English and be required to speak in English in their social setting. The measurement of their performance will be obtained regularly at the end of each semester. The results will be compared with that of the cluster that used Kiswahili in their primary school. Oral and written tests will be administered to students in the two clusters after every four months. Follow up will be extended in secondary school where students who learnt using English in primary school will be compared against those who learnt in Kiswahili. All subjects will be taught in English by teachers with competent English skills. The teachers will be required to use English when talking to the students within and

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Southwest Airlines Internet Exercise Research Paper

Southwest Airlines Internet Exercise - Research Paper Example They have renewed their relationship with Varolii Corporation to promptly reach customer, employees, and pilots with crucial and timely information. The third aspect is their most famous one and that is low fares, for they provide customers with flexible and different packages, which includes budgeted fares for a particular destination and they also offers a weekly saving program where they constantly inform customers on new low-cost deals regarding hotel, car and air service. Â  These aforementioned factors are also a basic element of management strategy, for the employee and staff of the firm are managed in such a way that they are motivated to provide customers with all three elements. Moreover, in the face of rising fuel prices, security issues and customer expectations, Southwest has employed the three elements to keep their ranking in the top ten best US airlines. Â  As to the last part, I have traveled in the Southwest Airlines and, since I had traveled to urban cities, the experience was good and satisfying for me. Regarding other airlines, such as Emirates the quality, speed and service are very appropriate and excellent, however, their major drawback is their high cost, which makes them inaccessible to price sensitive customers.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Critical Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Critical Analysis - Essay Example At the same time they aim to deliver specific suggestions through analysis of the research outcomes. The suggestions would be of much benefit to education and in making educational decisions. The article, Motivating boys and motivating girls by Marsh and Martin, supports positivist and anti-positivist research paradigms (Babbie, 2006) to explore the effect of gender as well as other educational constructs on student motivation from different levels of understanding. This combined paradigmatic model on one hand is necessary to dig into the psyche of those who believe in the gender stereotypic model and that of the students who are at the centre of all discussions. On the other hand it would help in accumulating tried and tested factual details of the factors affecting motivation and engagement. While the qualitative or the subjective approach helps in generating meaningful responses from the groups, the quantitative or the objective approach backs the subjective findings by providing with significant data. Depending upon the nature of the research topic, this combined approach is undertaken as any one approach would have been insufficient in critically assessing and evalu ating the validity of the research outcome. A qualitative approach based on interviews and case study of students and teachers gives the research its basic direction. An approximate idea could be formed about the practicality of each model. The authors held interviews with teachers, educational practitioners and students of either gender. The subjective interrogation has been of much help in comprehending the standpoints of the two groups. While the educational practitioners hold the gender stereotypic model functional in student motivation within the class room, the students have been observed to hold neutral views implying the need of good teachers rather than fussing over teacher gender. The subjective approach has actually established the relevance of the

Friday, August 23, 2019

Implementing & Managing Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Implementing & Managing Change - Essay Example The problem with any planned change will always be that it has been planned and therefore managers who have initiated the change largely define the expected outcomes beforehand. Lewin model will help to construct a framework for successful implementation of change. A phase I will occur where staff senses the need to do work in a different way. The second stage begins while changes are being made in the behavior of employees or in the organizational process. During this stage, training will be the main goal. Phase 3, 're-freezing', occurs when the changes are accepted as the new position by the employees most affected by the change (Genus, 1998). The main groups affected by the change involve employees, training staff, managers and the computer support department. Consultants will be engaged to facilitate change and such change, again, will have preset objectives, often focusing not just on long-term objectives but the short-term behaviors as well. Leaders support will be crucial because leaders must be able to cope with complex technological change in their organizations. Leaders should give a personal example which inspires employees and sparkles their interest in training.

What considerations do public service managers need to take into Essay

What considerations do public service managers need to take into account in involving members of the public in planning public services. Give an example - Essay Example Public service managers remain in the eye of one and all and they are usually very much accountable as concerns to their public level dealings on a day to day basis. Public service managers need to understand that they are the custodians of the general population of a country and that their actions and behaviors are usually representative of the government which is administering a nation for that matter. Furthermore, they ought to comprehend that public level dealings are not easy to occur since they require a lot of litigation and sequence of activities before they actually are remarked as being complete on the public’s end. They take steps which alleviate poverty within the different segments of a society as well as help at giving the whole culture an uplift, one which will eventually change the basis of the country, region or area whatsoever. Then there are the aspects related with administration of the general public and the different institutions which are working within the public domain. The public sector is governed by these public service managers and they bring to light a number of different issues which are related with the bas ic working regimes coming under the governmental jurisdictions. They are also responsible for the financial dealings that are happening within the governmental ranks and with this we come to know of their basic methodologies that the public service managers actually bring about in the whole related scheme of financial and economic tasks and activities. The reforms are also undertaken time and again and these are some of the very basic steps which are undertaken on a regular basis. The reforms take into consideration the aspects which are related with the working regimes and the do’s and don’ts of the governmental machinery and so on and so forth. The public service managers are responsible for all these tasks

Thursday, August 22, 2019

How would a Scholarship Assist Me After Graduation Essay Example for Free

How would a Scholarship Assist Me After Graduation Essay In my findings, it is not just enough to have enrichment of goal, fervency of passion and the keeping of focus, there is the place of vital impact played by pecuniary support from guardian(s) to actualize the desire. I strongly believe many brave and highly intelligent ones have been choked out of their academic dream in life after graduation. Statistical findings have unarguably revealed that financial incapability in one of the factors responsible for thwarted vision in academic excellence. I am very proud to note however, that our school is making part of her contributions in easing students’ financial burden as a responsible institution in the society. The scholarship is a gesture I really appreciate whole heartedly. I do forward this scholarship application to passionately appeal for my consideration in the grant in order to survive hardship in my future pursuit of academic excellence. See more: how to write a college scholarship essay format Being a promising member from a home with single mother who had lost his father as early as age five, I have only being struggling with ways out of incessant hopelessness, deprivation and unavoidable emotional abuse. I have labored assiduously with my parent to make both ends meet; during summer, I work at Boys and Girls Club to save some fund for school and trying hard to work-out element of laziness from exacerbating the poverty. Sooner after my graduation with me and my two other sisters in studying in college, the financial stress for our mother would climax. The cost of education even in a low grade school with the cheapest environment is overwhelming despite how hard I try to save. My two sisters also need optimum care to cater for their more demanding feminine nature. So huge are my worries despite the strong zeal to pursue academic excellence which I currently demonstrate in school for being among the top 10%. With the hope of scholarship aid, I look forward to a redemptive future from excellence incapacitation. In the college, the scholarship will assist to continual keep focus and meet up the grant expectation.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

External Factors Influencing Human Eating Behaviour

External Factors Influencing Human Eating Behaviour Svetlana Yakuncheva How do external factors influence human eating behaviour? There is an impressive amount of research that has been focused on understanding the factors that impact food choice. Unfortunately, much less investigation has been made in order to understand the factors that mediate the human eating behaviour. Recent evidence has shown that there is a strong correlation between the ambient eating environment and an increase in food consumption volume to a far greater degree than the majority of us might realise (Bell Pliner 2003; Caldwell Hibbert 2002; Gueguen Jacob 2007; Wansnik, 2004; Zampini Spence 2004, 2005). In addition, it has been found that taste perception of similar foods varied in the different eating atmospheres (Bellisle Dalix, 2001; Mela, 2001; Smith Ditschun, 2009). The enquiry question is a particular interest in modern society considering the dramatic rise of the obesity epidemic. According to Lyman (1999) one of the main driving factors of this epidemic is overconsumption of food. Wansnik (2004) suggests that an increase in consumption norms are governed by external cues such as size of food packages, restaurant portion size, serving aids, and the presence of distraction or other people during eating. To determine the link between eating environment and food behaviour, the following essay will critically examine the recent literature related to the cross-modal interaction between external factors impacting human eating patterns on the psychological and sensory system levels. The paper is focused to determine a degree of indirect influence of the external factors on what or even why people are eating and how the taste perception might be alter by the ambient environment. The paper is divided into three main sections: first, it will evaluate th e impact of packaging, serving aids, and lighting on food intake; second, it will examine the role of distractions that can alternate or mask the taste perception; and finally, it will highlight the role of social interaction, that might take place during eating, on the food consumption and perceived pleasantness. Recent data suggests that the food consumption norm is usually determined by the packaging and marketplace portion sizes that leads to the normal portion size distortion (Wansik, 2004; Wansik Kim, 2004; Smith Ditschun, 2009). Smith and Ditschun (2009) point out that food packaging and retail serving sizes have been almost doubled in size since the time they were first introduced into the market causing difficulties in estimating an appropriate portion size by consumers, and therefore, resulting in overeating. Moreover, they emphasized the role of utensils and dishware in consumption volume, for instance, it was observed that due to the vertical-horizontal illusion people consumed 30 percent more beverage from a short, wide glass as it appeared to hold less volume than a tall glass; the Delboeuf illusion, which is governed by the relative size of two circles, makes the same amount of food appears smaller on the bigger plate. The authors suggest that consumers must be aware about thi s influence in order to control caloric intake. However, the main weakness of these studies is the failure to describe the ways of nutrition education to the mass population. In 2004, Wansnik and Kim publisheda paperin whichhe emphasised that environmental cues from larger package size affected the food intake of food even if it was disagreeable. It has also been found that super-size packaging and larger portion size implicitly suggest larger consumption norms as people construe that it is an appropriate amount to consume regardless of hunger level. Wansnik (2004) argues that the strategy of Smith (2009) will have been successful as simply bringing the awareness to the consumer will not eliminate the problem of portion control. He recommends to remove large packages, dinnerware, and serving from everyday life to prevent overconsumption. Lighting is another factor in the eating environment that has been found to mediate human eating behaviour. People are found to be less self-conscious and insecure when the lights are low, hence, they tend to eat more than they otherwise would (Wansink, 2004). The first serious analyses of the correlation of light and food consumption emerged during the 1980s with Lyman (1983) concluded that warm and dimmed lightening (including candlelight) affected consumption volume, increased comfort and the degree of perceived pleasantness by the participants. This point is supported by Sommer (2009) who has reported that bright illumination decreases the duration of people stay in restaurant, while soft lightening causes people to linger and order an extra drink or unplanned dessert. However, one question that needs to be asked, is whether the light is paramount or secondary factor impacting food consumption and duration. The relationship between food intake and distractions such as television, music, movies, or reading has been widely investigated by Bellisle and Dalix (2001), Caldwell and Hibbert (2002), Gueguen and Jacob (2007), and Wansik (2004). For example, a controlled study conducted in 2001 illustrated that people who ate dinner while watching a detective movie consumed 15 percent more in comparison with those who had their meal in silence (Bellisle Dalix, 2001). Wansik (2004) states that distraction obscures one’s ability to control food intake by redirecting attention away from satiety signals resulting in extended meal duration and overeating. Many researches have suggestedthat music and background noise indirectly affect the gustatory properties of food causing the disguise of its taste and textural properties. Early experiment done by Vickers (1982) illustrated that the amplitude of sound resulting from the food consumption played a significant role in the evaluation of the crispness of food. Recent research, such as that conducted by Zampini and Spence (2004), demonstrated the strong correlation between the sound that arises from eating potato chips and the ratings of the crispness perceived by the participants. The earlier studies of sound influence on taste perception have not dealt with  food properties rather than crispness. It seems that Spence has understood that there might be much wider area for research in the field of sensory cross-modal interaction between sound and taste perception. In his thought experiment he has shown that carbonated water had been rated as more carbonated when the sound of carbonation was played to the participants during the experiment (Spence, 2005). Another recent observation studies conducted by North and Hargeaves (2006), Gueguen and Jacob (2007) examined the role of loud ambient noise (music) in a restaurant and duration of person’s meal. It had been found that loud, fast-tempo rhythms encouraged people to eat faster and spend less time in a restaurant as they felt discomforted and tensed. In addition, recent experiment by Caldwell and Hibbert (2012) found that soft music stimulated a longer duration of the meal, slower rate of eating, more pleasant feelings, and higher consumption of food and beverages as people are more likely to order an another drink or a dessert. Unfortunately, the main limitation of these studies is that none of them differentiated the participants based on their music tastes prior the experiment; hence, such explanations might overlook the fact that people have different music tastes. Suggestively, taste perception and amount of food eaten might vary depending on whether a person listens to their favourite or non-favourite music during eating. Recently, a significant amount of literature has been published on the impact of the social interaction on eating behaviour (Bell Pliner, 2003; Chaiken Pliner, 2009; Wansik, 2004). In 2004, Wansink published a paper in which he described how social cues governing an eating behaviour and food acceptability. First of all, the study has illustrated that people tend to observe and follow others consumption norm; and secondly, it was observed that dinning in a company of familiar and friendly people (such as family and friends) increases the amount and duration of meals. The following fact is supported by an experiments of Bell and Pliner (2003), Chaiken and Pliner (2009). According to them, eating with strangers suppresses food consumption and increases self-awareness similar to that of a first date or job interview. However, the main weakness of these studies is the failure to specify if the responce differs among obese and normal weight individuals. To conclude, the research up-to-date indicates that the environmental cues indirectly mediate food intake and have a significant impact on the taste. General evidence illustrated that physical eating environment governs human appetite on the deep psychological, physiological and sociological levels causing overeating, which in turn contributes to the weight gain and triggers the epidemic of obesity. The main external factors that influence food behaviour have been effectively identified by many researches, however, it has less effectively explained why they do so. Further work needs to be done to better understand the mechanism of human cross-modal sensory interactions between  the food acceptability, intake and intensity of perceived pleasantness, and hearing, vision, and social communication. A future study investigating how person’s food choices and taste perception might be enhanced by modifying the ambient eating environment would be beneficial for the general population, and especially, for food manufactures, restaurants businesses, and marketing companies. References Bell, R. Pliner, P. (2003). Time to eat: the relationship between the number of people eating and meal duration in three lunch settings. Appetite, 41, 215–218. doi:10.1016/S0195-6663(03)00109-0. Bellisle, F., Dalix, A. (2001). Cognitive restraint can be offset by distraction, leading to increased meal intake in women. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 74, 197–200. doi: 10.1016/j.physbeh.2008.04.012. Caldwell, C., Hibbert, S. (2012). The influence of music tempo and musical preference on restaurant patrons’ behaviour. Psychology Marketing, 19, 895–917. doi:10.1002/mar.10043 Chaiken, S., Pliner, P. (2009). Eating, social motives, and self-presentation in women and men. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 26, 240–254. doi: 0.1016/0022-1031(90)90037-M Gueguen, N., Jacob, C. (2007). Effect ofbackground musicon consumersbehaviour. European Journal of Scientific Research, 16, 268-272. doi:10.1080/02642069.2011.531125. Lyman, B. (1983). A psychology of food. More than a matter of taste. New York, The United States of America: Van Reinhold. Mela, D. (2001). Determinants of food choice: relationships with obesity and weight control. Obesity Research, 9, 249–255. doi:10.1038/oby.2001.127. 2001. North, A., Hargreaves, D. (2006). The effects of music on responses to a dining area. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 24, 55–64. doi: 10.1006/jevp.1996.0005. Sommer, R. (2009). Personal space. The behavioural basis of design. New Jersey, The United States of America: Prentice-Hall Inc. Smith, J., Ditschun, T. (2009). Controlling satiety: how environmental factors influence food intake.Trends in Food Science Technology, 20, 271–277. doi:10.1016/j.tifs.2009.03.009 Vickers, Z. (1982). Relationships of chewing sounds to judgments of crispness. Journal of Food Science, 47(1), 121-124. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2621.1982.tb11041.x. Wansink, B., Kim, J. (2004). Bad popcorn in big buckets: portion size can influence intake as much as taste. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behaviour, 24, 242-245. doi:10.1016/s1499-4046(06)60278-9. Wansink, B. (2004). Environmental factors that increase the food intake and consumption volume of unknowing consumers.Annual Review of Nutrition,24, 455–79. doi:10.1146/annurev.nutr.24.012003.132140. Zampini, M., Spence, C. (2004). The role of auditory cues in modulating the perceived crispness and staleness of potato chips. Journal of Sensory Studies, 19(5), 347-363. doi:10.1111/j.1745-459x.2004.080403.x. Zampini, M., Spence, C. (2005). Modifying the multisensory perception of a carbonated beverage using auditory cues. Food Quality and Preference, 16(7), 632-641. doi:10.1016/j.foodqual.2004.11.004.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Art. 121 of the UN Convention of the Law of the Sea

Art. 121 of the UN Convention of the Law of the Sea Discuss the interpretation of Art. 121 of the UN Convention of the Law of the Sea after the decision in PCA-Case N ° 2013-19, Philippines vs China. Are there general conclusions to be drawn which can assist in other similar disputes around the world? Siderakos Panourgias Introduction On the 22nd of January 2013, the Republic of Philippines commenced, under Annex VII to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), an arbitration procedure against the Peoples Republic of China. The dispute concerned the South China Sea and is mainly known as the South China Sea Arbitration (PCA case number 2013-19). The arbitration was made before the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA). The Republic of Philippines claimed the violation of the UNCLOS Convention as long as historic rights, the source of maritime entitlements, the status of certain maritime features in the South China Sea were concerned and also doubted the lawfulness of specific actions by the Republic of China in the specific area. In particular, Chinas rights were disputed over specific islands (island formations within the nine-dash line). However, China denied to accept the arbitration and did not participate in the whole procedure as it did not recognize the jurisdiction of the PCA in the spec ific case. Area of Interest The South China Sea is a sea in the west Pacific Ocean and covers an approximate area of 3.5 million km ². From north, it is surrounded by the mainland of China, Taiwan and Vietnam, from west there is Philippines, Malaysia and Sumatra and from south there is Borneo. Within this sea there are island and reef formations, from which the most important are the Paracel Islands, the Spratly Islands, Pratas, the Natuna Islands and Scarborough Shoal (fig. 1). The wider area of the South China Sea is very unique and interesting because annually, approximately one third of the global maritime traffic goes through these waters. The fishing stocks of the area are massive. Moreover, Japan and South Korea rely mainly on the South China Sea for their fuel and material supply and their trading, too. It is also believed by scientists that underneath the seabed, it contains huge reserves of natural gas and oil. In addition, the South China Sea is the area which contains highly considerable, ree f ecosystems of high biodiversity importance. All the factors mentioned above have obviously transformed the South China Sea into a very conflicting area with essential, economic and geostrategic benefits for decades now. Main Historical Background The general dispute over the South China Sea has begun many years ago, from the decade of 1940s after the WWII. More specific, in 1947 the Republic of China (Taiwan) published a map of the South China Sea with an eleven-dash line area, which included many island formations that claimed to be under its sovereignty. Two of the dashes at the Gulf of Tonkin were later removed in 1949, when the Communist Party of China took over the mainland of China, forming the famous nine-dash line area in the South China Sea (Wu Shicun, 2013). In 1951, Japan renounced all claims to the Spartly Islands of the Republic of China (Taiwan). As a result, the Chinese government proceeded to a specific declaration, reestablishing Chinas sovereignty over the wider area of the South China Sea, including the Spratly Islands. The Philippines, from their side, based their claim for the sovereignty over the Spartly Islands to the geographical proximity. Over the years, many events escalated the dispute. One of these was in 1956 when the President of the Philippines, Tomas Cloma and a group of his people, settled on the islands, even stole the national flag of China from the Taiping Island, and declared the islands as a protectorate of the Philippines with the name of Freedomland. A couple of months later he returned Chinas flag to the Chinese embassy in Manila and wrote a letter apologizing and claiming that he would not proceed to any similar actions in the future. In the 1970s, some countries began to invade and occupy islands and reefs in the Spratly Islands. The Peoples Republic of China (PRC) from its side claimed that it was entitled to the Paracel and Spratly Islands because they were seen as integral parts of the Ming dynasty. The Republic of China (Taiwan) took control of the Taiping Island (the largest one in the island formation) since 1946. Vietnam claimed that the islands have belonged to it since the 17th century, using historical documents of ownership as evidence. Hanoi began to occupy the westernmost islands during this period. In the early 1970s, Malaysia joined the dispute by claiming the islands nearest to it. Brunei also extended its exclusive economic zone and claimed Louisa Reef. Discussion The dispute, as mentioned in the introduction, begun in 2013 when Philippines started a tribunal arbitration with the PRC, complaining about the legality of specific actions in the South China Sea, the legal basis of maritime rights and entitlements in the specific region and the status of certain geographic features. The basis, on which this arbitration and all its results must stand, is the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). Philippines accused PRC that the historical rights over the Spratly Islands had no serious evidence, it was responsible for artificial-constructed islands that ruined the natural environment and also for the over-exploitation of the South China Sea from Chinese fishermen under its permission and tolerance. UNCLOS The UNCLOS is a convention that was signed in 1982. Both the Philippines and the PRC are members of it, having it ratified in May 1984 and June 1996, respectively. The most basic and essential aim of this Convention was the desire of the States Parties to settle, in a spirit of mutual understanding and cooperation, all issues relating to the law of the sea and aware of the historic significance of this Convention as an important contribution to the maintenance of peace, justice and progress for all peoples of the world (UNCLOS). The Convention was ratified by the number of 168 States. In its articles, a very wide range of issues are being analyzed. A small listing of them includes territorial and internal waters, transit and innocent passage of ships, to Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), Continental Shelf and sovereignty on resources. More specifically, it provides the coastal States the framework in order to establish the zones and their limits, in which they exercise their national jurisdiction. Moreover, in the Convention, a specific organization is authorized in order to resolve peacefully any dispute that will arise between States in the future. This organization is the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA). The PCA was the organization that Philippines asked for its tribunal arbitration in the case of the South China Sea, using the Annex VII of the Convention. The most relevant, with our case, zones are the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), the Continental Shelf, the High Seas and the Area. However, the PCA was not responsible and of course could not address the sovereignty over land territories, in particular over the Spratly Islands or the Scarborough Shoal. A matter that was clearly stated in the South China Sea Arbitration Award of 12 July 2016. Article 121 Interpretation In this report, the article that has more importance is the article 121. According to the UNCLOS, the article 121 states that: 1. An island is a naturally formed area of land, surrounded by water, which is above water at high tide. 2. Except as provided for in paragraph 3, the territorial sea, the contiguous zone, the exclusive economic zone and the continental shelf of an island are determined in accordance with the provisions of this Convention applicable to other land territory. 3. Rocks which cannot sustain human habitation or economic life of their own shall have no exclusive economic zone or continental shelf. The three paragraphs of the article 121 mentioned exactly as in the Convention above, play a major role in the arrangement of the jurisdictions and sovereignties all over the world, as long as there are waters and islands in them. Firstly, paragraph 1 states with great clearance the definition of the island. A naturally formed area of land, surrounded by waterà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ automatically excludes everything that is artificially created. No artificial-constructed islands can be considered as natural. As a result, artificial islands cannot have any maritime zones around them (contiguous zone, EEZ, continental shelf etc.). The only zone that they can legally have is a safety zone that cannot extend to more than 500 meters from its outer edges. The purposes of this safety zone are completely for maritime safety reasons. Moreover, if an artificial island can be officially proved to be a maritime danger according to the international maritime safety standards due to abandoning or misuse, it will be completely removed on its whole. (unclos article 60) Secondly, in paragraph 2 it is clearly stated that natural-formed islands have all the legal maritime zones around them as all other land territories do. A very strong statement, that designates many rights but also obligations to the sovereign State as long as the maritime zones are concerned and all their characteristics. Thirdly, paragraph 3 gives the most important statement from the whole article. That is that any small island (rock) with no human habitation or economic life can have no EEZ. A statement that is both clear and logical, because having a small island with an oil platform, a casino or a military base on it, does not automatically make it a real island with an Exclusive Economic Zone. The human habitation could not be supported by its own powers and the economic life cannot be developed on a social basis. If a fact like this could be legal, that would extend the jurisdiction and sovereignty of the owning State 200 nautical miles even further into the ocean, interfering with other coastal States rights and jurisdictions. Chinas interpretation over Article 121 It was inevitable that Chinas interpretation over the article 121 would raise many objections from its side. The most important matter for China, that it referred to many times officially, was the Japanese Oki-no-Tori-shima rock. Oki-no-Tori-shima is an atoll, located in the western Pacific Ocean between Okinawa and the Northern Mariana Islands, of which only two small portions naturally protrude above water at high tide.(Award) Under that definition, and following directly the directions of the Article 121 (3), China denied the existence of continental shelf of the Oki-no-Tori-shima rock as it cannot sustain human habitation or economic life on its own. A rock that is currently under Japanese sovereignty and jurisdiction. A general acceptance of the non-existence of the continental shelf of the current rock, would automatically reduce the Japanese rights in the specific area by two hundred nautical miles. A huge area with many benefits, both social and economic, as it affects both the local life of people fishing in this area but also the exploitation of possible deposits in the seabed. A possibility, supported by many scientists and theories, which could easily bring in enormous amounts of profits to the owning State. Furthermore, China claims sovereignty both on the Spratly Islands and the Scarborough Shoal. Its actions imply that China considers Scarborough Shoal (Huangyan Dao in Chinese) as a fully entitled island, naturally formed and with all the following maritime zones around it. Such actions (e.g. the banning of fishing north of 12 ° North latitude and the objection in petroleum surveys and concessions in the area) specifically signifies Chinas thoughts and considerations over the Scarborough Island in the wider area and its rights and jurisdictions on it. Tribunals decisions The CPA reached adjudication, mainly rejecting any claims of China in the South China Sea by historic title. Furthermore, in accordance to Article 121, the CPA did not recognize the Mischief Reef and Second Thomas Shoal as naturally formed islands. Therefore, these low-tide elevations cannot generate maritime zones around them. Also, it declared that Subi Reef, Gaven Reef (South), Hughes Reef, Scarborough Shoal, Gaven Reef (North), McKennan Reef, Johnson Reef, Cuarteron Reef, and Fiery Cross Reef are not islands that can sustain human habitation or economic life, so they do not have the right of any maritime zone. Finally, it declared that the Mischief Reef and Second Thomas Shoal are within the exclusive economic zone and continental shelf of the Philippines. In general, as seen above, the CPA did not recognize any sovereign rights or jurisdictions of China related to the nine-dash line area, claiming that this area is completely contrary to the UNCLOS and has no legality. It also stated the breach of Chinas obligations amongst environmental protection of the area and its biodiversity, and also illegal prevention of traditional fishing in the area from the fishermen of the State of Philippines. Similar disputes around the world As described above, from the dispute of the South China Sea between the PRC and the Philippines many general conclusions were made. These conclusions can be easily used in similar disputes around the world, however proper attention must be paid as each situation has its own unique parameters. Such areas are many; two of the most famous are the Aegean Sea and the Caribbean Sea. In the Aegean Sea, Greece and Turkey have disputes that have started many decades before. These disputes include sovereign rights and jurisdictions over islands in the Aegean and the right of Search And Rescue (SAR) operations in its waters. In the Caribbean Sea there is a dispute along the neighboring States about the environmental protection of the area and the general maritime safety. Firstly, the main conclusion from the South China Sea that is very useful to concentrate on is the fact that an adjudication from which one of the two States does not take part in, is considered to be non applicable. From the moment that China does not recognize the award of the PCA and its jurisdiction, no real facts and results can be expected in the region rather than a continuous conflict with unexpected incidents or accidents. So, almost in every similar case around the world, it is almost for sure that there will never be a unanimous agreement from all the sides of the dispute in order to reach a peaceful and cooperative agreement. For example, in the Aegean Sea, Turkey has been claiming (mainly under the presidency of Recep Tayyip ErdoÄÅ ¸an) that many islands are Turkish. The Greek government obviously does not accept that, referring to the UNCLOS and the Treaty of Lausanne, claiming that all Turkeys claims are illegal. As a result, Turkey has never accepted to discuss o ver the conventions and treaties mentioned above, as it serves its own aims and rights in the region of the Aegean Sea. Secondly, another main conclusion is the fact that no artificial islands can be considered to be natural. Therefore, they cannot have any maritime zones around them. This forbids the right to any State that builds an artificial island to claim any jurisdiction or sovereign right around the waters of the island, which could possibly collide to another neighboring States continental shelf from its mainland or a natural island with human habitation and developed economic life on it. Finally, the existence of a rock just emerging over the surface of the sea does not constitute a land, capable of having continental shelf or exclusive economic zone. A conclusion that can be very useful in many disputes around the world and could force many States to reconsider their continental shelves and EEZs. Conclusion In conclusion, the case of the Philippines against the Peoples Republic of China over the South China Sea is very interesting and its award and conclusions are very useful for the whole world and the society of the international maritime law. The articles of the UNCLOS Convention were strictly followed by the CPA, reestablishing Philippines rights and jurisdictions on specific regions of the wider area. Moreover, it recognized the illegal actions of China in the area, concerning the protection of the marine environment and the actions against the fishermen of other neighboring States. Although these conclusions can be used for the interpretation and analysis of other similar cases and disputes around the world (e.g. the Aegean Sea, the Caribbean Sea), many other factors must be taken into consideration for the final outcome. Factors such as the general geographic status of the area, the already signed Conventions or Treaties of the conflicting States and the geostrategic importance o f the area, can completely alter the final outcome of the dispute. In addition, special organizations must be formed in order to resolve similar disputes. Organizations that will be globally accepted, with representatives from all the binding States. It must never be forgotten that a dispute over an area with great profits and benefits, can easily end up in a combat clash with many casualties from both sides. An undesirable outcome that does not promote peace in the world between States, one of the most fundamental principles of the UNCLOS. Figure 1: Map of the South China Sea, including the nine-dash line area      Ã‚  

Monday, August 19, 2019

Police Force and Discretion :: Public Safety, Police Discretion

The degree of force that officers use is heavily influenced by police discretion in real-world situations rather than espoused by a certain agenda. Discretion can be classified into four different categories where administrators, the community, and the individual police officer exercise differing degrees of influence in decision-making. What is needed to help officer discretion is a central ethos that will guide discretion when all other rules fail to help. Normal force is distinct from legal and brutal force (Hunt, 1985). Legal force is taught in police academy. It pertains to being able to subdue, restrain, and control a suspect if the officer is threatened with great bodily harm. Legal force also encompasses the use of deadly force if justified. Normal force is learned when the officer hits the streets and is conditioned to buy more effective weapons, which produce more damage to the suspect. In the academy recruits are taught not to hit a person on the head or neck because of their vulnerability, but on the street officers must hit the suspect wherever they can to control them. Peer approval further justifies this treatment. Thus, when police use the necessary amount of force they are not held accountable for a needed increase, but in fact will be looked down upon by fellow officers if a rookie does not show the necessary aggression. Police use discretion through weighing the costs and benefits of each situation (Wilson, 1968). The helpfulness of their choice is much more important than obeying their duty or moral. Thus, when normal force is explained it is done under the pretense of justifiably. To recap, normal force is simply the force used under police discretion that is neither legally taught nor brutal (Hunt, 1985). Normal force is justified by taking responsibility for their actions, yet denying they were wrong because of situational or abstract events. At other times officers use excuses for normal force and recognize their use of force as inappropriate. They will recall emotional or psychological states as a reason for such inappropriate actions. Police discretion is structured and controlled by the kind of situation that the police must deal with (Wilson, 1968). Wilson (1968) delineates four different situations. Police-invoked law enforcement, citizen-invoked law enforcement, police-invoked order maintenance, and citizen-invoked order maintenance. In police-invoked law enforcement police initiate action against crimes that usually do not have victims (Wilson, 1968). Police Force and Discretion :: Public Safety, Police Discretion The degree of force that officers use is heavily influenced by police discretion in real-world situations rather than espoused by a certain agenda. Discretion can be classified into four different categories where administrators, the community, and the individual police officer exercise differing degrees of influence in decision-making. What is needed to help officer discretion is a central ethos that will guide discretion when all other rules fail to help. Normal force is distinct from legal and brutal force (Hunt, 1985). Legal force is taught in police academy. It pertains to being able to subdue, restrain, and control a suspect if the officer is threatened with great bodily harm. Legal force also encompasses the use of deadly force if justified. Normal force is learned when the officer hits the streets and is conditioned to buy more effective weapons, which produce more damage to the suspect. In the academy recruits are taught not to hit a person on the head or neck because of their vulnerability, but on the street officers must hit the suspect wherever they can to control them. Peer approval further justifies this treatment. Thus, when police use the necessary amount of force they are not held accountable for a needed increase, but in fact will be looked down upon by fellow officers if a rookie does not show the necessary aggression. Police use discretion through weighing the costs and benefits of each situation (Wilson, 1968). The helpfulness of their choice is much more important than obeying their duty or moral. Thus, when normal force is explained it is done under the pretense of justifiably. To recap, normal force is simply the force used under police discretion that is neither legally taught nor brutal (Hunt, 1985). Normal force is justified by taking responsibility for their actions, yet denying they were wrong because of situational or abstract events. At other times officers use excuses for normal force and recognize their use of force as inappropriate. They will recall emotional or psychological states as a reason for such inappropriate actions. Police discretion is structured and controlled by the kind of situation that the police must deal with (Wilson, 1968). Wilson (1968) delineates four different situations. Police-invoked law enforcement, citizen-invoked law enforcement, police-invoked order maintenance, and citizen-invoked order maintenance. In police-invoked law enforcement police initiate action against crimes that usually do not have victims (Wilson, 1968).

Sunday, August 18, 2019

An Investigation into the Housing Market Essay -- Housing Economics Es

An Investigation into the Housing Market Economics Describe and analyse the changes of housing in the local area over the last 5 years The housing market is one of the most talked about topics in the news. I assume this is due to the high influential potential it holds to the rest of the economy. In this essay I will focus on the causes in house prices. I will investigate how prices have changed nationally and locally. I interviewed an Inter counties estate agent to help my investigation and get his views on the situation. The price of housing fluctuates enormously. Not only does it vary from region to region, but also it is also very volatile within these regions. There are many causes for these unstable prices. According to a spokes person form the Inner county estate agents says there are many factors, which influence the housing market. He believes one of the main factors, which have been influencing the local housing market in the southeast, is the large amount of people coming to work in Cambridge recently. The supply curve appeared to be vertically vertical in the short run. However, the high demand resulted in predictable high prices. Many building companies have also respond to the increases in demand, however this response will not be immediate. Another reason why we saw the price of houses rise was due to the low interest rates. This means the borrowing of money to buy a house is significantly cheaper, which is therefore retaliated with via the increase in the actual cost of a house. London being so close is another major pull factor for people wanting to live as near as possible to where work is more likely to be found. Commuting times and facilities like trains and motorways play a major role in opening up areas as 'commuter land'. People often put up with long commuting distances in order to escape from city living as a family, or to find more affordable housing at greater distance from where they work. This is why Saffron Walden has become so posh, since people have realised the benefits of life in a town of this size in a manageable distance to London. Hypothesis: If interest rates are going down, will increase demand for housing which will then in turn increase house prices. When one buys a house, one is paying for the actual house price, a mortgage, and the interest rates on the ... ...eople willing to pay the higher amounts. Schooling facilities have also got an influence in the area, which is another pull factor for people moving within the southeast. There are also relatively low borrowing costs for mortgages, which will encourage people to buy and sell their houses. According to 'The Hometrack' Property Company, house prices in England and Wales fell in May for the second month in a row. The percentage change in prices over the last year in each region can be seen in the chart. In conclusion prices for housing are high in the southeast due to a number of factors: * The demand for housing in an area, * The supply of houses, * Reputation for the area, * General interest rates influence the house-shopping behaviour, * Low interest rates enables people to buy better or bigger houses, * Facilities in the area, * Local employment chances. Region Higher prices are less desirable, and this may mean many families do not have the economic ability to live in the area. The demand refers to the quantity of houses that purchasers are willing and able to buy at a certain price. Houses are scarce in relation to demand.

Media Advertising - Portraying Stability Through Advertising in the 195

Portraying Stability Through Advertisement in the 1950's The 1950's: this era brings to mind vivid pictures of black and white TVs, Donna Reed, dishwashers, the Jitterbug, baby-boomers, and toasters. After the turmoil of World War II followed by the difficult adjustment to a post-war economy, the 1950s are recognized as the decade when America finally decided to settle down into an orderly, well-structured lifestyle. While this trend can be seen in many different areas, it is especially noticeable in the advertisements of this unique decade. A coffee advertisement taken from Life Magazine in 1950 clearly illustrates this emphasis on order through its portrayal of the ideal family, fun, form, symmetry, and education. Appeal to the happy family is the most obvious form of propaganda in this ad. The audience's eyes are immediately drawn to the center illustration picturing a handsome father light-heartedly playing football with his son. Lying flat on the ground as if he had truly been tackled by a boy half of his size, the reader makes the assumption that the father is a good sport. This impression is reinforced by his relaxed grip on the football as well as the pleasant, almost impish, grin on his face. The father appears to be very responsible, primarily because of his shaven face, well-trimmed hair, and clean fingernails. His neat pullover, collared shirt and gray trousers add to this impression. Even his nose and chin are straight and powerfully set, reflecting order. The impression of responsibility is accentuated by the fact that the boy is wearing a protective helmet; any reliable parent would assure that their child is safe. The slight silver tinge to his hair, receding hairline, laugh wrin kles around his eyes, heavy... ...he importance of knowledge and education. The included facts relate many statistics about how many years it takes for a coffee tree to mature, the yield of a coffee tree, and the number of beans needed per pound of ground coffee. The use of numbers gives a sense of logic to the advertisement, especially as the producers try to logically reason that Americans should by coffee since it "costs just a few pennies a cup." Even the alphabetical listing of the countries producing coffee maintains the sense of order. Obviously structure, responsibility, stability and order were of the upmost importance during the 1950s. This coffee advertisement clearly reflects this popular trend, as have ads throughout history. Through its appeal to the happy family, fun, form, symmetry, and education, this coffee advertisement is effectively able to portray its message of stability.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Effects of Bulliying

Effects of Bullying Have you ever heard about bullying? Do you know people can die because of that? Every year sad stories about people and kids affected by bullying is more common that people think. Statistics show that about two in four kids in the U. S. are bullied on a regular basis. Bullying is a form of aggressive behavior manifested by the use of force to affect others particularly when the behavior is habitual and involves an imbalance of power. Bullying can affect everyone, those who are bullied, those who bully, and those who witness bullying.Nowadays this event is more common in schools. Effects when kids; students, bully others can lead to serious, even deadly, consequences. These effects are withdrawn from society, lose of self-esteem, and try to escape from the situation. Students who are bullied tend to withdraw from society since they start feeling rejected from people. Also, they often stop communicating with parents and friends because they think that no one can hel p them. They normally want to hide this embarrassing situation, which can lead to lying; it’s a way to ignore the problem and try not to think about it.As a result, most of the times they want to be alone. Students can start to feel insecure about themselves. They start losing self-esteem and begin questioning their own personalities. Students start thinking that maybe they deserve this bad treatment. Therefore, they begin to do badly in schools and lower their grades because they may start focusing only in the bully and avoid all around them, like hide and don’t attend to class. Also, their outlook of life may become darker and darker as the bullying continues.As a result, their expectations for life become very poorly. If teens have become damaged by bullying, they may do almost anything to get out of the situation. They may try to escape from their painful reality by engaging in dangerous activities. In that way, they try to feel that they have the control of their pain or they are trying to learn how to control it and start feeling that the bully can’t hurt them again. They also might think about a plan of revenge because they want to transmit the angry and pain that they feel to the bully.But, in the worse cases, students can’t find a way out of their problems and they might start hurting themselves, even committing suicide. When students are victims of bullying there is a strong chance that they will suffer many negative consequences. They start to not communicate with anyone, they always want to be alone, even don’t go to school, and their grades become affected. Consequently, in the worse cases, they commit suicide because of their frustration. They don’t see a way to escape of the bullying.In my opinion, in order to ensure a stable, mature and healthy society, parents need to take a harder look at this negative behavior that hurts not only the bullied student and the bully, but also the family and the society as a whole. References: Bullying. â€Å"Wikipedia†. The free encyclopedia. 08 April 2012. Web. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Bullying Bullying Statistic. â€Å"Wikipedia†. The free encyclopedia. 06 April 2012. Web. http://www. bullyingstatistics. org/content/school-bullying-statistics. html

Friday, August 16, 2019

Project management of a company Essay

With the current rapid development of various business. Market competition becomes more and more fierce. Hence, a specific business plan is crucial to help a business successfully achieve goals and become competitive. The aim of this report is to prepare a business plan for a business. Some parts will be analysed in detail below which include a description of the business, sales and marketing strategy and risk management plan. A famous interior designer, Mark, owns Master Furniture (MF) which is located countryside in Melbourne. The major function of MF is providing customized furniture. There are three options provided to customers by MF: buying the existing furniture without any changes, changing the design of existing furniture displayed in showrooms, and providing design plans by customers themselves. In the next five years, MF plans to develop its own ERP system and expand his business to open linkage shops around Victoria. The main marketing principle is that the entire efforts of a company should be directed towards customers needs. MF is positioned as a high quality retailer that offers a unique selling proposition. MF sets its business apart from others due to its unique feature of providing customized goods to its customers. Advertising and Promotion also necessary through a variety of channels in order to attract customers. These approaches include the Internet, newspaper, radio, television and tradeshows. Besides sales and marketing strategy, risk management plan is also a significant factor that cannot be neglected. Specific and deliberate risk management plan should be established in order to minimize the negative influences on the business development and better achieve business goal and objective. The risk management plan contains the following parts, identifying and recording the potential risks, classifying the identified risks and assessing impacts of risks and developing the risk mitigation strategy for each risk. Those identified risks are categorized into six groups, including customer risks, supplier risks, staff risks, competitor risks, product risks and financial risks. 2.Description of the product/service Master Furniture (MF) is a business planned to provide furniture design and sale services for both individual and companies who have special or unique furniture requirements. Goals of enterprise are to provide high-quality customized service that is reliable and convenient. Mark, the owner of Master Furniture, also is a famous interior designer and won many relevant international prizes. Mark praised free spirit as his operation concept, which also directly affects his design. Purposes of establishing this entity are expressing and disseminating his artistic concepts, as well as exchanging ideas with professors and hobbyists. Customers are on top and middle class of society, who have special requirements and enthusiasm for furniture designing are targeted customers. The primary market focuses on special groups, such as the blind, the elder and people who are passionately fond of designing personal furniture. The physical shop locates in the city of Melbourne. Therefore, the target market areas are the suburbs around Melbourne. The shop includes three showrooms, which divided into bedroom, living room and kitchen. Mark designs all furniture displayed in the shop. There also have one meeting room and one stock room, which store the art works and goods customers ordered. Initially, the major function of MF is providing customized furniture. There are three options provided to customers by MF: buying the existing furniture without any changes, changing the design of existing furniture displayed in showrooms, and providing design plans by customers themselves. For the first situation that customers buy furniture directly from the shop and without any change, MF provides discount in delivery service if customers do not want to pick up by themselves. For the second situation that customers want to change the size, color or materials of furniture based on the design of Mark, MF charges extra service fee. The extra service fees are based on the change of furniture. For example, MF charge extra 20% of the furniture price for changing color and extra 30% of price for changing size. In this case, MF provides the design drawing directly to customers in the shop or sent to customers by email. After customer confirm the design, especially in size and color then it will be sent to factory. For the last situation that designs are provided by customers, Mark may provide professional suggestions based on design, such as budget, drawbacks, and safety risks. After the negotiation between Mark and customers, the design drawing will send to the factory. MF owns a truck, which is able to provide delivery service to customers. For loyal customers who had transaction records in MF database, can enjoy discount delivery service as well as customers buy furniture directly from shop and do not have any change. On the other hand, customers also can pick up by themselves. All advertisements include leaflets, which displayed the new designed furniture and price, a phone number that potential and current customers can call to query the service. For the customers who want to change the design or designed by themselves, MF calls customers once their goods arrived in the shop. The background factory of MF is outsourced to Rojos furniture factory, which is located in the countryside of Melbourne. Once Mark confirms the design drawings and send to factory by email or fax, factory sends an invoice which includes due time of production, price, and quantity back to MF. In this period, MF will confirm the price with customers and then response factory. Factory will start to work after receiving the confirmation from MF. After factory completes the invoice and sends goods back to MF, MF will inform customers to decide whether they want to pick up by himself or herself or delivery furniture to home. MF has two full-time receptionists and one part-time driver. When customers step into the MF, the front desk receptionists, who understand Mark’s design concept completely and have excellent communication skills, will communicate with them and introduce products in the showroom to clients. If clients want to design furniture by themselves no matter completely self-design or partly design, they could make appointments with Mark to discuss. When customers decide to purchase, they need to pay whole amounts for existing products or deposit for new design products. Then receptionists will create account for clients in the MF customer information database, which can help customers get discounts for delivery service in next purchase. On the other hand, receptionists also need to confirm delivery information with customers, such as delivery address, time and payment method. Once clients confirm the delivery, it is the responsibility of receptionists to inform delivery information to the driver. The major responsibilities of driver are delivering and unloading products as well as receipts to customers. After customers signing for confirmation, the last mission of driver is bringing back confirmation of customers to MF. MF offers after-sale services to customers, such as maintenance, consultancy. In the next five years, MF will develop its own Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP) system, which includes a website for advertisement Customer Relationship Management System. Moreover, Mark is planning to expand his business, which focusing on open Linkage shops around Victoria. In order to attract more clients, membership will be applied in MF system. Based on the expanding business, more staff is required for different purpose. There are several kinds of positions will available in MF: designers, receptionists, salesman, full time delivery drivers, and back officers. Moreover, as a famous designer, Mark will provide videos in shops to show his award-winning art works, and by this way to disseminate his design concept and let more people know about furniture art. 3.Sales and marketing strategy 3.1 SWOT Based on the goals of MF: build company image, gain competitive market share and refine logistic, productions and operational systems, SWOT analysis applied to in this subsection to analyze strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. The evaluation of the strategic process has to be done in order to conduct the SWOT analysis. Strength †¢In these recent years there is an increase in demand of furniture products that is modern and unique. These classifications make the house of the MF customers to be different from others. And the minimal design is used to express a maximum effect of the art used in the furniture; the arts used in minimal design mostly will be in the form of visual art and music. †¢The MF has the highly educated workers in the organization. The human resources used in both the outlet shop and the factory are skilled, capable of producing the design requested by the customer. †¢Diversity and ideas is the most important strength of the organization. This innovative idea makes us differ from our competitors. Integrating different ideas into a furniture product, that forms the critical success factors. †¢The furniture market has a big democratic market, where there is always a way to establish our organization and product information through the media. This also forms the strength of our organization. Weakness †¢The major part of the weakness lies in the stock control, which is inefficient. There are many cases where the stocks may be outdated. In some cases there may be insufficient stocks. And at sometimes the stocks would not be available on the time needed, sometime available more than what is needed. †¢Trust, forms the core of the business process. The materials that are supplied by the external organizations at sometimes create a lack of trust in them. As the furniture company is mainly dependent on external organization for the raw materials, lose their trust when the raw material is not good and when it is not supplied the time needed. †¢Master Furniture is known especially for its uniqueness in the product. When there is some situation where the organization has to share the knowledge with the other employees and external organization, the knowledge shared can be misused. These cases the organization has to take the risks. †¢The demand for the traditional structure of the furniture’s is decreasing rapidly. On the other hand new innovation and change in this industry has slow absorption. †¢Till a product is completed the quality of the product cannot be judged. Once the quality of the product fails a new product has to be created and the raw materials used cannot also be reused. As known for producing single furniture a large quantity of raw material has to be invested. Opportunities †¢Big potential is developing in the market sector for designing. As the main part of this business is designing as per requested by the customer, the minimal designs are creating new opportunities for these kind of design patterns in the market. †¢The labor cost can be reduced by outsourcing it to the other countries such as China. †¢There is a large scope in the research and development as the customers are looking forward for the uniqueness in the product they buy. So, research and development capability is high. †¢Hybrid solutions can be achieved by blending and balancing. This can be done using the effective production methods. †¢There is only a very little competition in the designing of the modern furniture’s. Threats †¢The major threat to be considered is that the cost of the raw materials, which is always showing upward trend in the rise of the prices. This causes the regular price fluctuation of the products produced. †¢The new ideas or methods that are used in the manufacturing of the product sometimes lead to uncertainties. The innovation in the product cannot be always successful. †¢The MF Company also has to hope with the fast changes and new inventions in the industry. When a new production method is introduced then there will be a change in the stock control. This will lead to a large fluctuation in stock control. 3.2 Marketing Strategy Customers are considered as core in any business. The companies manufacture goods according to the needs of its customers. They would like to increase their market share by beating their competitors through sales. One should have a proper business plan to achieve this. The company should know the likes and dislikes of its customers. Based on these factors it can build a business strategy that allows you to satisfy your customers. The two main marketing principles are: †¢The entire efforts of a company should be directed towards customers needs. †¢Profitable sales volume is more important than maximum sales volume. Positioning: Master furniture is positioned as high quality, moderate price retailer that offers unique customizes goods. As Master furniture provides special services to their customers their goods are positioned at high quality which lean towards higher prices. Their market positioning goals are accomplished through the following: †¢Appointing outstanding sales persons in Master furniture retail store who understand the customer needs. †¢Explaining their manufacturing capabilities and uniqueness through demonstrations. †¢To highlight their ability to customize and quality they should provide invitational sales. Unique Selling Proposition: A unique selling proposition is what your business stands for. It sets your business apart from others. Instead of attempting to be known for everything, businesses with a unique selling proposition stand for something specific, and it becomes what you’re known for. Master furniture sets its business apart from others due to its unique feature of providing customized goods to its customers. Price vs. Quality & Design: Master furniture maintains high quality & provides appealing customized design according to the customer needs at affordable prices. Advertising and Promotion: Master furniture will use different sources to communicate with their targeted market. Newspaper, local cable, billboards, pamphlets are different sources to attract customers. They use the electronic media to attract customers and explain their concept of customization. Their customers being the middle and high class in the society Master furniture uses radio and television to advertise. Posturing and vehicle writing methods can also be implemented to advertise. Master furniture uses media to advertise. These include: †¢Internet †¢Newspaper †¢Radio †¢Television †¢Tradeshows Internet: Advertising through the Internet is the best way to advertise these days. Social networking websites like Facebook are used for advertising. This would be the most effective advertising plot for Master furniture. Newspaper: Most people in Australia read newspaper. So for that reason Master furniture can use the most popular newspaper to advertise. Radio: Radio is also considered as a popular media item. Many people use it for audio entertainment. So Master furniture can also use radio as to advertise. Television: Television is the most popular media item. Every person in the country uses television for entertainment. Therefore Master furniture can use television to advertise. Tradeshows: The trades how is an excellent mechanism to stay connected with the market and network potential customers. Aside from sales promotion the trade shows offer you the ability to see your competition. Master furniture will attend the trade shows held every year and try to attain potential customers. 4.Risk management plan 4.1Purpose and Objectives Risk management plan is to identify and record the potential risks which may threaten the company and also assess identified risks and establishing risk mitigation strategies to mitigate negative impacts on achieving goals and objectives of the business. The purpose of the risk management plan is to describe all aspects of risk management, including: 1)Identifying and recording the potential risks; 2)Classifying the identified risks and assessing impacts of risks; 3)Developing the risk mitigation strategy for each risk; 4)Allocating responsibility; 4.2 Target Audience The target audience of the risk management plan includes: all employees of MF company and its customers and the supplier. 4.3 Risk strategy In order to minimize the negative influences on the business development, the risk management procedure is developed by considering both internal and external factors. The necessary steps are risk Identification, risk assessment and risk Mitigation. All identified risks are categorized into six groups, including Customer Risks, Supplier Risks, Staff Risks, Competitor Risks, Product Risks and Financial Risks. Identified risks are measured in terms of likelihood of occurrence and impacts. By combing the likelihood and impacts, the risk rating is identified to provide the priority of the risks, which would present a better perspective for risk management. The detail information is shown in Table 1below. Table 1 †¢L=Likelihood: 1=Unlikely; 2=Possible; 3= Very Likely †¢C=Impact: 1=Minor; 2=Moderate; 3= Major †¢R=Risk Rating: L=Low; M=Medium; E=Extreme #Risk NameRisk DescriptionConsequence RRisk MitigationResponsibility ACustomer Risks A.1The company highly relies on a small number of major customers Once the larger customers turn to other companies’ product, then the company’s profit will be affected in the short time.The company’s profit and cash flow will be affected in a period of time until finding the new customers to yield revenue.22M†¢Improving the customer satisfaction and keeping long-term relationship with valuable customer groups by regularly contacting them and continually providing the superior products and services. †¢Locking the existing customers and make them become larger customers. †¢Expanding the target customer groups and seeking new and profitable customers.†¢General Manager †¢Department Managers †¢Salesmen BSupplier Risks B.1Highly depends on one supplierOnce the existing supplier is not able to provide the products and services or produce the products to the company, then the company’s normal operations will be affected.The company’s normal operations will be affected because of the shortage of supply.33E†¢Seeking alternative suppliers who are able to provide the similar products and services to the company. †¢Locking the existing supplier by the long-term contracts and maintaining the relationship with the supplier regularly.†¢General Manager †¢Department Managers B.2Product delivery delay riskThe suppliers cannot produce the product and deliver products on time.The company will not deliver products for its customers on time and loss reputation and credibility.11L†¢Seeking alternative suppliers who are able to provide the similar products and services to the company. †¢Monitoring supply contract regularly and urging products delivery.†¢Department Managers †¢Salesman †¢Customer Service Manager CStaff Risks C.1The staff turnover riskSome employees are critical to the business success, such as they deal with the key supplier and larger customers. The company will be affected by staff turnover.Resulting in disruption of the business operation and hard to find the appropriate new staff. The company has to spend both time and money to train the new staff.22M†¢Implementing a strict personnel selection mechanism to find the right employees for the company. †¢Allocating more employees to key position and training employees for backup. †¢HR Manager †¢Department Managers C.2Employee face occupational health and safety(OH&S) risksBecause of the nature of the work, the employees, such as vehicle drivers and porters, would injure in the particular event.The company will be under the risk of fines or paying for injury or death of an employee.11L†¢Establishing appropriate OH&S policies. †¢Regularly maintain vehicles and advocating safe driving.†¢Employees DCompetitor Risks D.1Competitor riskCompetitors will pose a current or potential threat to the business, such as competitors may open the new business nearby or launch similar products with lower price in the market.The sales and revenue of the company will be affected.12L†¢Improving the relationships with large clients. †¢Investing money in developing new products and services. †¢Protecting intellectual property assets confidential and proprietary information, such as designs and copyright. †¢Continually monitoring competitors.†¢General Manager †¢Designer EProduct Risks E.1Large-scale product recall riskDue to product defect, the company has to recall all sold products.The company will huge losses in expense of reworking and the sales and reputation of the company will be affected in long term.13M†¢Monitoring the quality of the products and avoid the situation which would damage the company’s reputation. †¢Training employees.†¢General Manager †¢Salesman †¢Customer Service Manager E.2Copyright riskThe company’s copyright is violated.The sales and revenue of the company will be affected.13M†¢Establishing a copyright policy. †¢Protecting intellectual property assets confidential and proprietary information. †¢Signing a confidential agreement when contracting work out to third parties. †¢Getting copyright consultancy services.†¢General Manager †¢Designers †¢Department Managers FFinancial Risks F.1Liquidity riskThe company doesn’t have enough money to pay its debts.The company’s operation will be affected.22M†¢Managing and monitoring cash flow. †¢Carefully making financial decisions.†¢General Manager †¢Finance employees F.2Credit riskDue to the products and services sold on credit, the customers may be unable to pay the money back.Resulting in financial loss.12L†¢Checking customers’ credit status and signing terms an conditions of trade with customers.†¢Finance employees †¢Salesman 5.Conclusion From what mentioned above wo can get the conclusion that a business plan which includes several parts, a statement of the business, marketing strategy and risk management plan. Establishing a detailed business plan plays a significant role in operating the business and achieving their goals successfully. When setting a plan, the organization should particularly pay attention to risk management plan which can help the business reduce loss the risks result and operate in a smooth way.