Friday, August 23, 2019

Implementing & Managing Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Implementing & Managing Change - Essay Example The problem with any planned change will always be that it has been planned and therefore managers who have initiated the change largely define the expected outcomes beforehand. Lewin model will help to construct a framework for successful implementation of change. A phase I will occur where staff senses the need to do work in a different way. The second stage begins while changes are being made in the behavior of employees or in the organizational process. During this stage, training will be the main goal. Phase 3, 're-freezing', occurs when the changes are accepted as the new position by the employees most affected by the change (Genus, 1998). The main groups affected by the change involve employees, training staff, managers and the computer support department. Consultants will be engaged to facilitate change and such change, again, will have preset objectives, often focusing not just on long-term objectives but the short-term behaviors as well. Leaders support will be crucial because leaders must be able to cope with complex technological change in their organizations. Leaders should give a personal example which inspires employees and sparkles their interest in training.

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