Thursday, November 21, 2019

Why I want to be a school and guidance counselor Essay

Why I want to be a school and guidance counselor - Essay Example My ethical concern for this job selection is it gives me the opportunity to spend time with children in the place of their parents and determine their study patters that will effectively gain the trust of students. The level of job satisfaction is another aspect that attracts me to this job as it opens the windows to explore the characters of students and effectively guide them against immoral and unethical tracks of their juvenile imperfections. Though this job is frustrating for lack of authority to instruct strongly, it gives a lot of personal pleasure when the individuals are motivated through the right path against possibilities of drug abuse and psycho-sexual disorders of adolescence. As a professional graduate in student guidance, I have al due regards for the empowerment of students from every walk of their merits and disabilities. I am enthusiastic to work for the Individualized Education Program (IEP) of the USA as it gives me opportunities to meet the challenges of the profession in order to make me strong individual and a potent choice of my employers. In this program, I can assure personalized care for the students identified with intellectual and physical disabilities and guide them along with post school tutoring. This job is entirely challenging and rather physically and emotionally demanding, yet I can claim high level of ethical satisfaction and reputation among their parents with equal reward from the Almighty. I also think that my successful endeavor in this field attracts me the generosity of my employers who hopefully benefit me financially for my efforts. My career option as student counselor is also powered by enthusiasm for helping the academic requirements of children whose parents are subject to frequent transfer from their work places. Though a majority of the civilian employees are stable

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