Wednesday, September 2, 2020

To what extent was a US Civil War inevitable in the event of a US Research Paper

How much was a US Civil War unavoidable in case of a US CIVIL War, how much was a Union triumph inescapable - Research Paper Example from the American Revolution to the reception of the Constitution, nobody ever questions that Americans, regardless of whether in the South or the North, had a typical enthusiasm of setting up a prosperous country. The way to accomplishing that end, nonetheless, demonstrated disagreeable, with sectionalism sneaking in to broaden the fractures between a people that battled their autonomy together scarcely a century sooner. Undoubtedly, the causes of the common war had establishes in the primary hopeless boatload of African slaves into the American soil. The far fetched, as Sydney E. Ahlstrome notes, would be making careful effort to discredit asserts that servitude and the supported mass good judgment of the foundation was on a fundamental level of the contention (649). Surely without bondage, the war wouldn’t have happened. In the 100 years or so of freedom, the Southern states stayed on an economy to a great extent established on cotton estate agribusiness supported by the foundation of bondage. The North, however had own agrarian assets, was further developed financially and mechanically, that one state after the other wanted to nullified subjugation. For a period it, it gave the idea that subjection was en route to elimination with the comments of Virginia’s Thomas Jefferson characterizing the South’s impossible to miss establishment as a â€Å"necessary evil† (Roberts 53). To a few, servitude was in each sense a â€Å"positive good† that produced a lot of remote trade at no or ease for the southerners. So serious were the gridlocks that when the Tariff enactment was at last presented in the Congress and went with the guide of Northern government officials, as a result raising the costs of imported merchandise for the North delivered products against the desires of Southerners since quite a while ago used to delivery their cotton to Europe as an end-result of modest boatloads of European products, including garments produced using their own cotton, the southerners excitement rose to approach strife 30 years to its genuine dates. With the new duty putting remote merchandise out of money related

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Analysis of Cyber Crime Case Sony Pictures Company †Free Samples

Question: Talk about the Cyber Crime Case of Sony Pictures Company. Answer: Presentation Morals is the part of theory, which manages what is correct or wrong. The definition has been broadly been proposed to be the code of ethics for a specific calling, the standard of direct of given calling. It is critical to comprehend unscrupulous isn't really illicit (Buncombe, 2015). In regular day to day existence, people, just as association, faces basic moral issues. There are numerous moral quandaries, which identifies with the cybercrime, for example, the general public right to security versus the cryptography, and the private versus the open control of the data (Dion, Weisstub Richet, 2016). These issues have been significant today than some other time. The a great many PCs, which are associated with one another, have made the data to be open just as congenial. The innovative changes have yield on the moral turn of events, which achieves the unexpected issue that has caused a moral vacuum (Mack, 2015). There has been an expansion in the quantity of the PC violations that hav e been submitted by totally good person who have demonstrated as far as possible to their comprehension of the PC morals. In view of this the paper will endeavor to take a gander at the moral issue which the general public is going up against about the digital wrongdoing. Sony moral issue In the year 2014, there was one of the greatest and most costly hacks ever to be recorded which occurred at the Sony Pictures Company (Mack, 2015). The programmers broke into the PC arrangement of the Sony pictures diversion, took gigantic areas of private records, and posted them online the next week, consequently uncovering everybody from the potential digital hoodlums. Furthermore, there were columnists who have been poring over the archives just as revealing of the ongoing movies creations (Mack, 2015). There were likewise workers information, which was laid helpless on the web. The numerous reports from the USA government authorities they accepted that the assault was attached toward the North Korean government, who had communicated the shock over the Sony-sponsored film, which was known as the Interview, which was an activity parody, fixated on a death plot against the North Korean pioneer Jong Kim (Gallagher, 2015). The organization dropped the showy arrival of the film on Wed nesday, and they reacted to the ambiguous dangers against theaters that were indicating the film which was posted by these programmers. It had taken around fourteen days for the people who work at the Sony to get the grip of the reality of the circumstance (Siegel Worrall, 2014). Sony Company top administration would not educate them about the degree regarding the harm, rather, the workers depended on the news sources from the internet based life (Peterson, 2014). Fourteen days after the assault, the Sony representatives ended up tossed into what was viewed as the pre-PC age. Half of the association 6,000 800 PCs, just as the servers, were rendered to be dead and they had all the data, which was taken and erased (Sharma, Mittal Verma, 2015). Because of this, the laborers needed to revamp each and every document that was erased by hand. The paper turned into the primary type of correspondence, which was utilized to compose the updates and to do the rundowns. The programmers had even gotten the staff individual data. Investigation of the issue utilizing speculations This case is upsetting just as upsetting particularly when the data of the organization, just as close to home information, was penetrated. This case could be investigated utilizing different moral hypotheses, which will feature on the off chance that they were damaged dependent on the case. The main moral hypothesis to examine the case is the independence hypothesis (Peterson, 2014). This hypothesis express that people particularly the individuals who are high in the organization ought to do their best to fulfill the necessities of the proprietors and the investors. For this situation, we have seen the administration has taken over seven days to tell the laborers of the circumstance of the penetrate of their data. On one side, the administration was acting to the greatest advantage of the proprietors and the investors since they didn't need the data to spread with respect to the penetrate. On another point of view, I think this was not the correct activity (Peterson, 2014). These ac tivities are not upheld by the utilitarianism hypothesis, which implies that one ought to consistently get things done, which are intended to amplify the bliss for themselves just as for the others. Most of the representatives who worked for Sony felt upset in light of the fact that the administration didn't mention to them of the news with respect to what was befalling the organization they held them from the web based life (Peterson, 2014). At the point when the story broke out it recolored on the notoriety of the organization brand. A few people may see Sony organization as awful just as unscrupulous accordingly purchase the results of different brands. This implies less cash for the proprietors, which could bring down their cost per offer, and this would take cash mindful from the investors. The impact of this would make the investors and the proprietors troubled. Sony Company has broken on this hypothesis in light of the fact that each person who is included is despondent somew hat (Von Solms Van Niekerk, 2013). For instance, the workers needed to change each and every record, which was erased by the GOP programmers. Suggestions The flood to the Cyberattacks has shaken on both the business just as the customers. To empower the organizations to forestall a comparative circumstance transpiring, the digital specialists said they have to improve at work of sectioning their information so as to empower the representatives to get to the information they require (Kokas, Tryon, Gusterson Braun, 2016). Indeed, even the individual to the highest point of the association needn't bother with an entrance to everything. It is significant for the organization to cinch on sharing their spreadsheets particularly on the one which was not scrambled rather they should utilize databases which are made sure about so as to get to the significant data. On account of Sony Company, the programmers release the spreadsheet in the HR, which were loaded up with imperative clinical just as representative data. The utilization of the Kantianism hypothesis could contribute significantly to settle on the choice better particularly for the to p corporate level people. The hypothesis features that one should act judiciously so as to settle on business choices, regard individuals and help them to settle on the balanced choices. On account of Sony, the executives didn't settle on the choice sanely particularly when they needed to trust that over seven days will educate the representatives regarding the circumstance the organization was enduring (Peterson, 2014). To forestall future weaknesses on a similar it is imperative to include all the partners include and channel a typical method to forestall such an event once more. Also, it is significant for the association to execute normal email erasure approach to keep such imperative data from spilling out particularly when there has been an assault on the organization. End As found on account of Sony Pictures, the organization there was a hack on their framework and fundamental data was taken. This show the people who were included don't watch old style morals. The circumstance makes the organization lose a great deal of cash, particularly when it was confronting the claims from the previous workers who affirmed that the organization was disregarding ensuring their own data, which they endowed it with, for example, the clinical information that was undermined from the taken spreadsheet. At a time the organizations disregard at their security conventions and figure they couldn't be hacked, it is essential to actualize a code of morals which will help administer the association particularly when such circumstances happens what ought to be finished. Concealing the laborers of the weakness the organization confronted couldn't help the organization rather it would annihilate them and they could sue them if their protection information was penetrated. References Buncombe, A. (2015). Sony Pictures hack: US insight boss says North Korea cyberattack was most genuine ever against US interests. The Independent, 7(01). Dion, M., Weisstub, D., Richet, J. L. (2016). Money related Crimes: Psychological, Technological,and Ethical Issues. Gallagher, T. (2015). CSCI 215E. 01: Social and Ethical Issues in Computer Science. Kokas, A., Tryon, C., Gusterson, H., Braun, J. (2016). Opportunity Edition: Considering Sony Pictures and The Interview. Diary of Broadcasting Electronic Media, 60(4), 714-728. Mack, R. L. (2015). Cybercrimes: Legislation and Current Trends. Bog, D. (2017). Are Ethical Hackers the Best Solution for Combating the Growing World of Cyber-Crime? (Doctoral paper, University Honors College, Middle Tennessee State University). Peterson, A. (2014). The Sony Pictures hack, clarified. The Washington Post, 1. Sharma, M., Mittal, S., Verma, A. (2015). Digital Ethics in Security Application in the Modern Era of Internet. IITM Journal of Management and IT, 6(1), 140-143. Siegel, L. J., Worrall, J. L. (2014). Fundamentals of criminal equity. Cengage Learning. Yar, M. (2013). Cybercrime and society. Sage. Von Solms, R., Van Niekerk, J. (2013). From data security to digital security.Computers Security, 38, 97-102.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Pepsi commercial made

Chapter by chapter list What goes on in the Ad? What is the reason? How can it convince? What does it naturalize? What does it disregard? Revamping Works Cited When the TV was developed nobody knew how it was going to change the manner in which individuals live. Nobody thought about how it can drastically adjust the manner in which data is shared by numerous individuals everywhere throughout the world. In any case, it must be pointed that the TV was not a short-term success.Advertising We will compose a custom paper test on Pepsi business made explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More It took long stretches of making significant and energizing shows before the world started to tune in. In any case, somebody needs to take care of the tab and simply like papers and magazines the coherent method to back dramas and news communicate is through promoting. TV publicizing developed by a wide margin since bit organizations together with their inventive ability aced the workmanshi p and study of correspondence and figured out how to use ideas like belief system, legend making, portrayal and language. The advocate of this investigation will investigate an ongoing Pepsi business made mainstream by the way that it was appeared in the 2011 Super Bowl †an occasion viewed by a large number of individuals in America. The promotion was supported by Pepsi and the item publicized was Pepsi Max. What goes on in the Ad? It is typical for a couple differ on an issue. In the event that the contradiction isn't settled, at that point strife will follow. In the Pepsi Max advertisement, the spouse doesn't need her better half to enjoy extraordinary tasting however fatty substance nourishment. The nourishment things that the spouse wanted to eat incorporates French fries, pie and burger. Each time the spouse endeavors to eat these nourishment things he gets a beating from his significant other. In the main scene the negligible reality that he was considering requesting Fre nch fries caused him to wince from a speedy kick from underneath the table. His better half was on the opposite side of the table. In the second scene the spouse was going to enjoy a pie and his better half fought against eminent loss to give his head a fast drive into the focal point of the pie.Advertising Looking for article on publicizing? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More And in the third scene the spouse stowed away in the bath to eat a burger however his better half was there to snatch the burger and supplanted it with a bar of cleanser. Yet, in the last scene he decided to drink a Pepsi Max and this was met with endorsement. Notwithstanding, his meandering eye was not part of the thankfulness bundle thus his better half tossed a Pepsi Max at him. What is the reason? The Pepsi promotion needed to show the battle of a couple who are endeavoring to keep up a sound way of life. This was separated into various arrangements of â€Å"myths†, for example, the possibility that spouses can't control themselves. This isn't valid for all spouses yet the promotion constrained this idea into the crowd and must be acknowledged as truth. The subsequent fantasy is the possibility that spouses are consistently in charge. This isn't accurate on the grounds that there are a large number of overweight ladies in America and the greater part of them became corpulent due to the absence of poise. The motivation behind the advertisement isn't to convince each kind of watcher. The focal point of the promotion is on spouses and men all in all. This message was intended for men and made an encounter of shared feelings and battles. The message that it attempts to pass on is that Pepsi Max feels for battling spouses and men who needed to stay aware of an accomplice that compels them to watch what they eat. At the point when this goal was accomplished the option was given †Pepsi Max. The beverage has zero calories howe ver doesn't settle on taste. How can it convince? The promotion made the observation that spouses and men in relationship need not to endure constantly with regards to watching their weight and being aware of what they eat. There is an approach to enjoy without getting fat. This can be accomplished by drinking Pepsi Max. Everything that they love is prohibited however there is one thing that can't be detracted from them and it is their refreshment of decision upgraded by Pepsi Max.Advertising We will compose a custom paper test on Pepsi business made explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More The promotion offers another option. A way to satisfaction that men are more than ready to take. The advertisement prevailing with regards to making franticness inside their objective market. Driving them to recognize the â€Å"truth† that it is highly unlikely out. It resembles having a man suffocating in the sea and the second that somebody tosses a lifeline at him, he will consequently snatch it feeling that there is no other way (Hall, p.30). This is by all accounts the impact of the business. Everything that was once viewed as extraordinary tasting and superb is beyond reach. Yet, Pepsi Max is as yet legitimate. What does it naturalize? The advertisement naturalizes the legend that man doesn't have restraint by indicating that things that he wants to eat. The message is that man will do everything dependent on impulse without considering the results. He required assistance from somebody who knows poise. The naturalization procedure includes nourishment things that men can undoubtedly relate (Fiske, p.21). French fries is everyone’s top choice. A pie is something that is right away conspicuous on screen. A burger is additionally another most loved nourishment among American men. The fantasy concerning the restrained spouse is naturalized by delineating a caring accomplice. The spouse might be mean with regards to her methodology of driving a husband to stick to a severe eating routine yet everything was finished with a grin all over. She isn't irate or controlling she is only showing her adoration for her better half. What does it overlook? The promotion disregards the way that there is no compelling reason to drink Pepsi Max. On the off chance that the spouse is to be sure attempting to get thinner, at that point there are more beneficial other options. There is no need locate an option in contrast to soda pops that contain an unnecessary measure of sugar. In any case, the advertisement absolutely overlooks that reality, and continues to convince the intended interest group that satisfaction in a relationship can be accomplished if a couple discovers shared opinion. With regards to observing calorie admission one of the recommended procedures was to drink Pepsi Max.Advertising Searching for article on promoting? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Find out More Changing Instead of utilizing a couple group the new promotion will cast a family. Rather than utilizing individuals that have an athletic form it is smarter to utilize marginally overweight couples and somewhat stout youngsters in the reconsidered promotion. This goes to show the genuine battle. This aides clarifies why there is a need to bring down the calorie admission of the family. In the first Pepsi Max advertisement, the makers utilized characters that clearly has no weight issue. This makes disarray in the psyches of the audinece with regards to the genuine motivation behind drinking a zero calorie drink. Accordingly the activities of the spouse was deciphered as being mean. The individuals who are overweight will come to understand that the spouse isn't wayward yet to the opposite his optimal weight is a result of activity and poise. It is conceivable that the crowd will betray the spouse since they would need the husband to be compensated for what he has done. In this manne r, there is nothing incorrectly in eating incredible tasting nourishment every so often. In the last scene a jogger took a break from an enthusiastic run and sat on a seat close to where the couple was seen drinking Pepsi Max. The husband’s restraint issue reemerged and he was discovered taking a gander at the ravishing young lady. This incited the spouse to toss a jar of Pepsi Max at her better half yet he had the option to dodge on schedule thus poor people young lady was hit on the head and she wrecked. It would be better if the jogger was not the only one but rather a piece of the gathering that made a decent attempt to get in shape. The camera should concentrate on a gathering of joggers gasping and perspiring as a result of their need to get more fit. So when the Pepsi Max was tossed at the lady the item didn't turn into an object of hatred however a message in itself. In the first advertisement the crowd is left with a severe trailing sensation subsequent to seeing the blameless young lady spread on the floor (Snyder, p.1). In any case, if this was re-composed the crowd will get the possibility that practicing isn't essential as long as they figure out how to drink Pepsi Max. Works Cited Fiske, John. TV Culture. New York: Taylor Francis Group, 2010. Lobby, Stuart. Portrayal. CA: Sage Publications, 1997. Snyder, Steven. â€Å"Pepsi Max, Love Hurts.† Time. Feb. 2011. 12 May 2011.,28804,2046668_2046614_2046591,00.html. This exposition on Pepsi business made was composed and put together by client Michaela Reeves to help you with your own investigations. You are allowed to utilize it for research and reference purposes so as to compose your own paper; be that as it may, you should refer to it likewise. You can give your paper here.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

How to Write a College Topics Essay

How to Write a College Topics EssayCollege topics essay is the one of the most important parts in college writing. They are normally organized in subjects, which have been gathered as a part of a school curriculum. Topics can include anything from history, science, foreign languages, religion, literature, social sciences, mathematics, humanities, etc. The more complex a topic, the more difficult it will be to compose a good college topics essay.College topics have been considered as the vital parts of a college paper. Writing an essay on topics in a college syllabus makes your writing skills better, and provides more space for you to think about ideas. So, it is important that you learn about the importance of topics in a college writing, so that you can write a good college topic essay. Some tips can be helpful.Read the topics first to determine the general content of the subject. Write an introduction to the paper. When you are writing the college topics essay, always take some tim e to choose the topic, and write the essay from a particular point of view. This will help you determine the correct way to structure your essay.Always ask for feedback in writing the college topics essay. The ideas that you have come up with should be discussed with other students or other members of the class. This will help you make a step by step process of how to proceed with the topic. You can even work it out with your teacher for his/her approval.Writing a good college topics essay will require you to think about your own experiences and knowledge about the subject. Try to add a personal touch to your topic. It will give more significance to the topic. And since you have taken the time to plan your topic, the student will also have time to organize the rest of the contents of the paper.Good college topics essay usually consist of two parts: an introduction and conclusion. To introduce the topic, there are several things that can be considered. For example, you can talk about your interests, your professional experience, etc. Once you have established the interest of the topic, try to provide enough material to inform the reader about the topic.Make sure that the information presented in the topic is different from the knowledge you possess. You can use examples to give you an idea of the importance of the topic. Research online and in the library to find out information about the topic.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Alzheimer s Disease Is The Most Common Form Of Dementia

Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia, which slowly and steadily impairs the mental function and psychological competence. Even though there is no cure for Alzheimer’s, current treatment patterns and research aim to delay the progression towards dementia and the associated symptoms. The strongest risk factor for this disease is increased age, typically seen in individuals over the age of 65, but it must be noted that Alzheimer’s is not a normal part of the aging process. Alzheimer s disease is a highly progressive and irreversible brain disorder that impairs cognitive function and eventually annihilates brain cells. â€Å"It is characterized by the development of amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles, the loss of connections between nerve cells, or neurons, in the brain, and the death of these nerve cells† (nia). There is currently no cure for this retrogressive cognitive disease. Alzheimer’s disease affects approximately â€Å"4.5 million people in the Unites States and 8 million people worldwide† (pathopta). Studies show that one in eight people over the age of 65 will suffer from Alzheimer’s. Physicians and researchers alike believe that there are numerous individuals with the symptoms of Alzheimer’s whom go undiagnosed and untreated. This neurological disorder is not a natural age-related response, and those whom present with any signs and symptoms should be seen by their physician promptly. Even though Al zheimer’s affects a massive number of theShow MoreRelatedAlzheimer s Disease : The Most Common Form Of Dementia1427 Words   |  6 PagesDementia, known as one of the world s current pandemics, is estimated to be the fourth most common cause of death in the developed country, second only to cardiovascular, cerebrovascular diseases and cancer. With the aging population, dementia has gradually become a serious threat to the health of the elderly people in Australia. Alzheimer s disease is the most common form of dementia. Alzheimer s disease usually occurs in a primary degenerative encephalopathy in senile and pre senior periodRead MoreAlzheimer s Disease Is The Most Common Form Of Dementia1086 Words   |  5 PagesDo you know what alzheimer’s disease is? Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia. It is the seventh leading cause of death in the United States, and the fifth leading cause of death in ages 65 and older. â€Å"2010 Alzheimer s Disease Facts and Figures. Rep. Vol. 6. Chicago: Alzheimer s Association, 2010. Print. Alzheimer s and Dementia.† This disease is the deterioration of the brain that can, and probably will lead to brain loss that cannot be reversed. It is a very slow decline thatRead MoreAlzheimer s Disease : The Most Common Form Of Dementia998 Words   |  4 Pagesaware of Alzheimer disease, especially adults who have a family member in late adulthood. If people were to have knowledge on h ow to help or treat someone who has Alzheimer disease it would be beneficial for both of them and it would make living together much easier. Many people don’t know what Alzheimer disease is â€Å"Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia. The risk of AD increases with age† (Takashi 2015). As someone ages they are most likely to get Alzheimer disease, this dueRead MoreAlzheimer s Disease : The Most Common Form Of Dementia2016 Words   |  9 PagesOne in three seniors die of Alzheimer’s disease or another form of dementia (Godman). Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia but all types of dementia diseases effect seniors and their families in a dramatic drastic way. Early signs of Alzheimer’s start as early as the age of 30 and can affect someone for the rest of their life. These diseases have become more reoccurring every year, effecting around 5.3 million Americans and will continue to change lives for the rest of time (BenderRead MoreAlzheimer s Disease : The Most Common Form Of Dementia Essay1909 Words   |  8 PagesAlzheimer’s disease, considered the most common form of dementia, is a degenerative brain disorder which leads to loss of memory and decline of cognitive thinking. Alzheimer’s disease effects over 5 million Americans, a number which is expected to triple in the projected future, and is the sixth leading cause of death in the United States (Dougherty, R.J., et al). Majority of these affected people are sixty-five years of age or older and have what is called late-onset Alzheimer’s, whilst a smallerRead MoreAlzheimer s Disease : The Most Known And Common Form Of Dementia1069 Words   |  5 PagesAlzheimer’s is a disease that affects a lot of older people. It not only affects the person but their families, friends, and any loved ones. The disease makes them forget almost everything they have experienced in their life. The memories they hav e of anything can be almost nil and they will not act like themselves anymore. This disease is a hard disease for someone’s family members to cope with because the person they once knew, is all but gone. In this paper I will be explaining the definitionRead MoreThe Common Types Of Dementia1013 Words   |  5 PagesDementia can be defined as a decline in mental ability severe enough to interfere with daily life ( More than often, individuals affected by dementia are over the age of 65. In the United States, there are more than three million cases of dementia each year. According to World Health Organization, the number of people living with dementia is currently estimated at 47.5 million worldwide and is expected to increase to 75.6 million by 2030 (World Health Organization 2015). Dementia is causedRead MoreThe Disease Of Alzheimer s Disease1677 Words   |  7 Pagesone thing Alzheimer s cannot take away, and that is love. Love is not a memory - it s a feeling th at resides in your heart and soul.† (Fade to Blank). The human brain is a remarkably complex organ that processes, stores, and recalls information. â€Å"Alzheimer s disease (AD) is a slowly progressive disease of the brain that is characterized by impairment of memory and eventually by disturbances in reasoning, planning, language, and perception. Many scientists believe that Alzheimer s disease resultsRead MoreThe Disease Of Alzheimer s Disease1421 Words   |  6 Pagesengulfed by a mysterious disease. The neurons being cut off and destroyed by two abnormal structures. First memory is affected gradually getting worse. Then one is unable to think properly, reason, and lacks of self control. Gaps are formed in the brain s ventricles, due to the amount of dead tissue. In the end, it will lead to death. All of this may sound like something from a science fiction movie but infact its very real. These are all known possible symptoms of a common disease that affects aboutRead Mor eDementia Is The Only Cause Death That Does Not Have A Cure972 Words   |  4 PagesDementia is the only cause of death that does not have a cure and cannot be prevented. It is the loss of mental functions such as thinking, memory, and reasoning that is severe enough to interfere with a person s daily functioning. Dementia is not the name of a specific disease itself, but rather a group of symptoms that are caused by various diseases or conditions. This is referred to as an umbrella term, a phrase that covers a broad interval or set of functions or items that all fall under a single

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Epic Vs. Modern Heroes Essay - 1008 Words

While â€Å"Have at thee!† the Arthurian battle cry from Monty Python’s Search for the Holy Grail, is a far a-hem cry from the modern day hero’s, the essence remains the same. Many aspects of culture have been wholly altered, but society’s quest for a hero has remained. Each people of the ancient times had a matchless idol that was unto his self the embodiment of cultural perfection. In more recent eras, where societies vary exceedingly, people have relied on scores of heroes. The United States is deemed the â€Å"melting pot† of the world due to the vast number of cultures she houses. Should she not, then, have a vast number of heroes, each one serving an essential role in society? Though modern culture does not choose one hero to exemplify†¦show more content†¦White stands up for the bleeding, dying cop, saying â€Å"You’re making a terrible mistake I’m not going to let you make. Joe, if you kill that man you die next.† Mr. White takes a bullet for the man who sold him out. In this case, the heroic character was not the upstanding citizen. Mr. White was, however, someone anyone would feel safe calling his or her hero. Anti-heroes do not solely exist in the fictional world. There are people in the real world, everyday who fit the anti-hero description. They are†¦ the Mob. In ancient times loyalty was purest form of respect. It was a way of life. One was loyal to his or her family, govern, king, and God. Hand in hand with loyalty, comes the right to revenge. The Mob is one of the few â€Å"societies† that has reserved that tradition. For example: when a family member is assassinated, it is not only the right, but also the duty of the surviving family to avenge that death. This loyalty to one’s own, coupled with the fierce determination to protect them, are incredibly heroic qualities. Organized crime families are oohed and ahhed by the press and pop culture, and have their own fans. While these people are not ideal role models, they possess heroic qualities worthy of aspiration. Modern culture does not love only the anti-hero; modern culture loves nearly anything it finds praiseworthy. This encompasses aShow MoreRelatedEssay about John Miltons Paradise Lost as Christian Epic1147 Words   |  5 PagesParadise Lost as Christian Epic John Miltons great epic poem, Paradise Lost, was written between the 1640s and 1665 in England, at a time of rapid change in the western world. Milton, a Puritan, clung to traditional Christian beliefs throughout his epic, but he also combined signs of the changing modern era with ancient epic style to craft a masterpiece. He chose as the subject of his great work the fall of man, from Genesis, which was a very popular story to discuss and retell at the timeRead MoreTheme Of Good And Evil In Beowulf1190 Words   |  5 PagesEarth. The birthing of such catastrophe--evil--has affected even the modern millennial generation. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Cultural Health and Safety for Cerebral Vascular- myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theCultural Health and Safety for Cerebral Vascular. Answer: Introduction: This essay will discuss the Gretas case. She was diagnosed with Cerebral vascular accident (CVA) and atrial fibrillation. She was discharged from the rehabilitation centre. Pathophysiology of CVA and its signs and symptoms will be discussed with reference to the Gretas presenting condition. Theoretical aspects of the pathophysiology and signs and symptoms of the CVA will be corelated to the Gretas condition. It is important for the healthcare professionals to understand theoretical basis of pathophysiology and signs and symptoms of the disease and link it to the patient condition. Pathophysiology: CVA occurs due to reduced blood supply to the brain. Primary pathophysiology of CVA involves heart or blood vessels disease. Secondary pathophysiology involves brain due to heart or blood vessel disease. Heart diseases responsible for CVA include hypertension, atherosclerosis leading to coronary artery disease, dyslipidemia, heart disease, and hyperlipidemia. Reduced supply of blood can lead reduced oxygen supply to brain. Brain stops working if blood supply stops to brain for about 60 to 90 seconds. After three hours of reduced supply of blood to the brain, it can result in the tissue injury and tissue death which is termed as infraction. Reduction in the blood supply might occur due to the atherosclerosis which interrupt blood supply due to narrowing of the blood vessels. Narrowing of blood vessels occur mainly due to blood clot formation and release of small emboli due to breakdown of the atherosclerotic plaques (Ma et al., 2015). In atrial fibrillation, there is formation of embolic infraction due to emboli formation in the heart. Due to blockage of the blood vessels to the brain, it initiates anaerobic metabolism in the region of brain with ischemia. Due to anaerobic metabolism, there is formation of less amount of adenosine triphosphate (ATP); however, there is formation of lactic acid. Due to acidic nature of lactic acid, it disrupts cells of brain and disturb the acid-base balance of the brain. This ischemic area of brain is called as ischemic penumbra. Due to reduced production of the ATP, brain fails to perform energy dependent activities like ion pumping which is required for the cell survival. All these events lead to cell injury and death. Excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate release is mainly responsible for neuronal injury. Concentration of glutamate outside the cells of nervous system is usually kept low due to uptake carriers. These uptake carriers are controlled by Na+ concentration gradients a cross the cell membrane. Due to reduced supply of oxygen and glucose, there is disruption in this gradient. This lead to low gradient across the membrane which lead to reverse direction for glutamate transporters. Hence, there is increased concentration of glutamate in the extracellular space. Glutamate act on the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors in the neuronal cells which lead to the influx of calcium. Calcium influx results in the dysfunction of mitochondria. It can also lead to energy depletion and programmed cell death (Dirnagl, 2012). Oxygen free radicals and reactive oxygen species can be produced due to ischemia. These species damage multiple cellular and extracellular components. It produces blood vessel lining or endothelium damage. Brain is more vulnerable to ischemia because brain is mainly dependent on the aerobic metabolism and there is less respiratory reserve in the brain. Ischemia and infarction also can result in the release of zinc- and calcium-dependent matrix metalloproteases and proteases. It produces breakdown of collagen, hyaluronic acid, and other elements of connective tissue which results in loss of structural integrity of brain tissue and blood vessels. It can lead to disruption of protective blood brain barrier which produces cerebral edema (Shah and Abbruscato, 2014). It can result in secondary progression of brain injury. Hemorrhagic stroke occur due to hypertensive hemorrhage, ruptured aneurysm, ruptured AV fistula, transformation of prior ischemic infarction, and drug induced bleeding. H emorrhagic stroke produces injury due to compression of tissue due to expanded haematoma. As a result of increased blood pressure, there can be reduced blood supply which results in the ischemia and infraction. Blood released form the haemorrhage can also produce toxic effect on brain tissue and vasculature. Haemorrhage can produce inflammation which can produce secondary brain injury. In arteriovenous malformations, arteries blood flow gets directed towards veins which result in CVA. Arteriovenous malformations can create pressure on brain tissue which result in the reduced blood flow to the brain tissues (Bivard et al., 2014). These pathological changes like reduced supply of blood can lead to symptoms like headache, nausea and drop in one side of the body. All these symptoms are evident in Greta and these symptoms are evident due to stroke or CVA in her. Signs and symptoms: Greta is exhibiting dizziness. It is the most common symptom of CVA. Due to dizziness patient lose spatial perception and stability. Dizziness can also be termed as vertigo, presyncope, disequilibrium and giddiness. Vertigo is associated with feeling of nausea and vomiting. Greta is also exhibiting feeling of nausea. One of the most common causes of dizziness include reduced supply of blood to the brain. It might occur due to the sudden drop in the blood pressure, heart problem and artery blockage. Distortion of brain and nervous system can also produce dizziness. It can occur due to the nerve injury. Nerve injury can occur due to reduced supply of blood to the nerves. Reduced supply of oxygen can lead to hardening of the arteries and vessel inflammation which lead to the numbness (Lee and Kim, 2015). Abnormal levels of calcium can produce dizziness. In CVA patients like Greta, increased glutamate can lead to augmented levels calcium which can result in dizziness. Dizziness in CVA patients is associated with severe imbalance and weakness in one side of the body. In Greta, weakness occur in left side of the body because her mouth and face are falling on the left side of the body. Imbalance is considered as the type of dizziness and it is mostly due to neurological disease. In Greta, neurological disease occurs due to the disruption of nervous system due to reduced supply of blood to the brain. Dizziness can occur in multiple disease; hence differential diagnosis need to be carried out to establish relationship of dizziness with CVA in that particular patient. Moreover, other symptoms of CVA also need to be considered for the diagnosis of CVA. In few of the studies, specifically vertigo has been considered instead of non-specific dizziness for the diagnosis of CVA. It has been found that vertigo found to be more predictive as compared to the dizziness in the presentation of CVA (Kerber et al., 2015). Headache is found to be one of the primary symptoms evident in cases of CVAs. In case of Greta also sudden headache was evident. Headache can occur in CVA patients mainly due to less supply of oxygen and blood to the brain. Swelling in the brain is also responsible for headache in CVA patients. Swelling can occur due to oedema which mainly occur due to infraction in the brain. Headache can be present in multiple conditions; however, headache associated with neurological symptoms like confusion, blurry vision, personality changes, weakness on one side of the body, numbness, or sharp facial pain; can be considered as specific to CVA (Goddeau and Alhazzani, 2014). In Greta also along with headache; dysfunction of one side of body was evident. In CVA headache can occur suddenly without any warning. Such headache is called as thunderclap headache and it is mainly occur due to bleeding in the brain. FAST test can be used to confirm headache due to CVA. FAST stands for face, arm, speech and time. Face get dropped in patients with headache which is associated with CVA. In Greta also left side of the face get dropped. Prevalence of headache was found to be less in ischemic patients as compared to the intraparenchymal haemorrhage. Ischemic events in the posterior circulation as compared to the anterior circulation are mainly responsible for the onset of headache in stroke patients. Approximately 40 % patients with headache in stroke exhibit nausea and vomiting. Greta also exhibiting headache associated with nausea symptoms. It has been proved that infract in the insular cortex is mainly responsible for the headache in CVA patients (Jamieson et al., 2014; Balami, et al., 2013). Conclusion: This essay discussed pathophysiology of CVA and established its link to the Gretas presenting condition. Most relevant signs and symptoms of CVA for Greta identified and reasons for the occurrence of these signs and symptoms are discussed. These signs and symptoms are corelated to the Gretas presenting condition. Understanding of pathophysiology and signs and symptoms of CVA can be helpful in implementing nursing intervention to Greta. References: Balami, J.S., Chen, R.L., and Buchan, A.M. (2013). Stroke syndromes and clinical management. QJM, 106(7), 607-15. Bivard, A., Levi, C., Krishnamurthy, V., Hislop-Jambrich, J., Salazar, P., Jackson, B., Davis, S., and Parsons, M. (2014). Defining acute ischemic stroke tissue pathophysiology with whole brain CT perfusion. Journal of Neuroradiology, 41(5), 307-15. Dirnagl, U. (2012). Pathobiology of injury after stroke: the neurovascular unit and beyond. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1268, 21-5. Goddeau, R.P., and Alhazzani, A. (2013). Headache in stroke: a review. Headache, 53(6), 1019-22. Jamieson, D.G., Cheng, N.T., and Skliut, M. (2014). Headache and acute stroke. Current Pain and Headache Reports, 18(9), 444. Kerber, K.A., Meurer, W.J., Brown, D.L., Burke, J.F., et al. (2015). Stroke risk stratification in acute dizziness presentations: A prospective imaging-based study. Neurology, 85(21), 1869-78. Lee, S.H., and Kim, J.S. (2015). Acute Diagnosis and Management of Stroke Presenting Dizziness or Vertigo. Neurologic Clinics, 33(3), 687-98. Ma, S., Zhao, H., Ji, X., and Luo, Y. (2015). Peripheral to central: Organ interactions in stroke pathophysiology. Experimental Neurology, 272, 41-9. Shah, K., and Abbruscato, T. (2014). The role of blood-brain barrier transporters in pathophysiology and pharmacotherapy of stroke. Current Pharmaceutical Design, 20(10), 1510-22.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

The Mark Of The Beast Essays - Christian Eschatology, Apocalypticism

The mark of the Beast At the time when all would have fully matured in either submission to God or rebellion against Him, Christ will return to the earth just as was promised. This time He will not come as a baby in a manger, but as a king in all His glory and majesty. In this event which marks the end of the present world order, the Bible portrays Christ as riding out of Heaven seated on a white horse. In this dramatic session it is also described that the rebellious ones and how they are affected by Christ's second coming. A characteristic feature that is common to those who are rebellious and are yet alive at that time is that they have the "Mark of the Beast" and are in company with the beast himself. Whatever the mark of the beast is, it must be something distinct enough to distinguish the righteous from the unrighteous, this is evident in the description that is given of the righteous at that time. They are said to have gained victory over the beast and his image and also over his mark. God's unmingled wrath would not be reserved for a punishment of an unknown offense. Furthermore, the mark of the beast must be in some way, a contrast form the "seal" or the mark of God. So what really is the mark of the beast? According to a vision of prophetic history, Daniel was shown the rise and fall of four vast empires. Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome. A thousand years before the events took place, he foresaw the dismemberment of the western Rome, the rise of papacy and the establishment of "ten kingdoms" which developed into the nations of southern and western Europe. Regarding the accuracy of the fulfillment, nearly all conservative protestants agree. Daniel 7 tells about a "little horn" that grew in the midst of the ten horns. As it arose, it uprooted three other horns. The angel of the vision explained this to Daniel saying: another king shall rise after them he shall be different from the kings and he shall subdue three kings. Daniel 7 gives parallel of the of this rise of power. After seeing this vision, four beasts arose out of the sea, an angel explained: "the fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom on earth which shall be different from all other kingdoms." This kingdom will devour the entire earth and shall tread it down and break it in pieces. According to history, the fourth kingdom would be the Roman empire. The prophecy about the dividing of the kingdoms also corresponds with the history of pagan Rome because Rome was divided into ten kingdoms, namely: the Franks, Ostrogoths, Visogoths, Heruli, Burgundians, Suevi, Saxons, Lombards, Alamanni, and the Vandals. These kingdoms are the ten horns of Daniel. According to the prophecy, still another horn was to come out of Rome which was to uproot three smaller horns. This little horn will come from the same source that the previous horns came from. This then suggest that the little horn shall also come from Rome. This horn also had to uproot three kingdoms in it's division. Up to this day seven of the original kingdoms exists. These kingdoms are: Anglo-Saxons ? England, Franks- France, Lombards ? Italy, Alamanni ? Germany, Burgundians ? Switzerland, Suevi ? Portugal, and Visigoths ? Spain. The kingdoms of Heruli, Vandals, and the Ostrogoths have no modern counterpart. In the book of Revelation, John says that the beast bears the number 666, this has been identified with persons such as Nero, Napoleon and dozens of historical figures, but these speculations all have one fallacy: these persons, although they have bad reputations as leaders never sought religious supremacy, the little horn had to "seek to be like the most high." The mark of the beast has to be something that contradicts a principle of God which governs the universe, otherwise it would not be sin. The warning that is issued about those who receive the mark of the beast is the sternest in the entire Bible, but it also states distinguishing characteristics between those who receive the mark and those who do not. Those who do not receive the mark are set apart by

Thursday, March 12, 2020


POLAR vs BROWN BEAR essays There are eight different species of bears found throughout the world: the spectacled bear, the Asiatic black bear, the brown bear (including grizzlies), the polar bear, the sun bear, the American black bear, the sloth bear and the giant panda. Even though most people can distinguish a polar bear from a brown bear by the color of the fur, a lot of people fail to identify all the differences among those two species. Both bears can be perceived as large, clumsy and lumbering beasts with heavily built bodies but short legs, necks and tails. Both of them have rounded ears and noticeably small eyes relative to their large body size. While both of the bears belong to same family, they have several profound differences. They live in different geographical areas, differ in amount of the population, size, physical features, some eating habits, and their The polar bear is found in all of the polar regions of the entire northern hemisphere. This includes Russia, Norway, Greenland, The United States and Canada. Their preferred habitat is in the area where the northern seas meet the shoreline. In this area, there is a constant freezing and thawing of the ice. It is estimated that there are currently somewhere between 20,000 and 40,000 polar bears. The polar bear is the largest member of the bear family, weighing in at between 440 and 1760 pounds with overall body length 11.5 feet. It can grow much larger, however. In fact, there is a record of an adult polar bear weighing over 2200 pounds. Polar bears have a distinctive all white fur which is important camouflage when hunting on the ice pack. Their actual color of the skin is black which is thought to be an adaptation for better heat retention. Compared to the other bears, the neck of polar bear is much longer. This makes it easier for the ...

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Chose the topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Chose the topic - Essay Example After getting drunk, they would walk around making noise and talking immoral while others were fighting each other. This is evident when Philomena and Pelajia complaints about this and saying that she wants to go to Toronto. They later overcome this by stopping the name callings, towards themselves, and considering one another for consolation. The social conditions in the hills seemed to be harder when Pelajia complaints about men snatching away their neighbors wives. She also complains of the women snatching their neighbors husbands and sleep with them. Those involved in this have shown disrespect and caused discomfort to others, including the sisters, in the hills. Pelajia says, " †¦..Andrew Starnblanket and his brother Mathew. Drunk. Again. Or sounded like†¦." She continues saying, "†¦. Fighting over some girl. Heard what sounded like a baseball bat landing on somebodys back. My lawn looks like the shit this morning" (Tomson 59). This condition has made the sisters resolve their differences and stay in peace since this is the only way to their resilience. The sisters have been staying in a state of joblessness. None of them is employed, and we even see them relying mostly on charity so that they can get some finances to better their lives. In the play, we see them being idle all the day and having nothing to do so as to improve their living conditions. This is evident when Pelajia says, " †¦ I will tell him there will be more jobs because the people have paved more roads to drive to work on†¦" (Tomson 59). The sisters are living in poor housing conditions. There houses roofs are poor and in bad condition relatively their neighborhoods. Comparing to the other houses they saw in Toronto and Espanol, they live in poor living conditions, and thats why Pelajia is planning to leave the hills and go to Toronto. They are forced to repair the roofs

Sunday, February 9, 2020

THE GLOBAL ECONOMY Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

THE GLOBAL ECONOMY - Assignment Example PEC and shale oil producers, end of Quantitative Easing (QE) in the US economy which led to the rise in the dollar value and subsequent fall in the oil prices. Oil prices fall when the world produces more oil than it is able to consume in which case there is a production surplus. Vice versa, a production deficit comes about when the demand for oil is greater than the amount of oil that is being manufactured. However, oil prices have plummeted to half of what they used to be since June. Crude oil has now dipped below $50 a barrel for the first time since May 2009 and US crude has also fallen below $50 a barrel† (2015). In the last decade, oil prices were high because of the rising demand for oil in most of the world but this growing demand could not be met and supply remained low due to conflicts in the oil producing Middle Eastern region, for example Iraq. By 2014, oil production increased exponentially and due to surplus oil being produced, the price of oil fell dramatically. This was caused by a significant increase in US oil production. Because of soaring oil prices, multiple American and Canadian companies started drilling for â€Å"new, hard-to-extract crude in North Dakotas shale formations and Albertas oil sands† and advanced methods like fracking and horizontal drilling began to be used (Plumer, 2015. The introduction of American shale oil in the market has added â€Å"4 million new barrels of crude oil per day† (Plumer, 2015) to the oil market while the global production is â€Å"75 million barrels per day† (Plumer, 2015). Iraq emerged as one of the major contributors to the recent boom in oil production. After the US led invasion of Iraq, oil production was disrupted due to constant war, turmoil and sanctions. However, since 2008 due to efforts being made to bring about stability and curb violence, we have seen a boom in Iraqi oil production. â€Å"Over the next five to seven years, Iraq could be supplying nearly half of the incremental growth in world oil

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Reconstruction Era of the United States Essay Example for Free

Reconstruction Era of the United States Essay By 1865, the Civil War ended with a victory for the Union over the secessionist southern states. But with every conclusion comes new beginnings, thus the start of a new chapter American History: The Reconstruction. 1865 through 1877 was known as the period of Reconstruction. During this time the Confederate States were reintegrated into the Union. Before the Confederate General Robert E. Lee surrendered his forces to the Union General, Ulysses Grant on April 9th, 1865 which actually ended the war, controversy raged throughout Congress and country concerning the terms under which the secessionist states would be allowed back into the Union. One prevalent concern was what role the federal government would play in the shaping of the political, economical, and social fabrics of the south. Desegregating roughly 4 million recently freed slaves into life in the new south was a controversial issue. The issue of slavery is actually what caused the secession of the southern states in 1860 and 1861. This dispute is what led to the start of the civil war. The war had left the south dramatically altered. The newly freed slaves struggled to survive in this new economy all while trying to coincide with an often acrimonious and resentful white population. The nation was left bitterly divided. President Abraham Lincoln believed that the South had already been drastically punished. He favored the lenient approach of Reconstruction. Lincoln issued the Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction; which in turn created the ten percent plan. Lincoln believed that the sooner the nation healed and moved forward, the better off everyone would be. The plan called for pardons to any Confederate who had not held civil office and would swear to support the Constitution and the Union. The states would be readmitted to the union once ten percent of their population took oath. Despite Lincoln did not adequately address how the newly freed slaves were to be accepted into Southern society. The Democrats and Republicans tended to favor more lenient policies for the south. A fraction of the Republican Party known as the ‘Radical Republicans’ pushed for harder programs that would punish the south and ensure that the newly freed black slaves would have total equality with the whites. These Radicals passed the Wade-Davis Bill in 1864 that said states could be readmitted to the union only after 50 percent of voters took an oath; however, President Lincoln quickly vetoed this bill. The Freedmen’s Bureau was then created; this helped distribute food, supplies, and land to the freed slaves. On April 14, 1865, President Lincoln was famously shot in Ford’s Theatre in Washington, D.C. by a Confederate sympathizer, John Wilkes Boothe. He passed the following morning. His successor, Vice President Andrew Johnson was a very outspoken opponent of the rich slaveholders in the South. As a Southern Senator, he had refused to join the Confederacy. He preferred to preserve the Union. Johnson said he planned to carry out Lincolns Reconstruction Policies, although he believed that the South should be punished for its role in the war. Johnson was welcomed by the Radical Republicans initially; they believed he would pursue harsher policies than his preceptor, Lincoln. However, once in office, Johnson adopted a more lenient policy than expected. He pardoned many Confederate leaders. He allowed commanding former Confederates to keep their land and official posts. He argued that it was the responsibility of the states to set policies dealing which rights would be denied to blacks. These were known as the ‘Black Codes’. They were enacted in the south and severely limited the rights of the freedmen. Johnson’s plan or the â€Å"Presidential Reconstruction† was counted by the Radical Republicans in Congress. The Reconstruction policies became known as the Radical Reconstruction. The Radical Republicans argued that the main goal of Reconstruction should be to secure the same rights as white citizens for the newly freed slaves. They were enacted in the south and severely limited the rights of the freedmen. The advocates of the Radical Reconstruction included mostly Rapidly Reconstruction. He proposed a more lenient program of Reconstruction. This stemmed from his desires to heal the wounds of the war as quickly as possible. He wanted to put an end to the animosity between the North and South. Under this plan, the federal government was to appoint governors to head secessionist states. He offered executive pardons to all southerners minus the high ranking Confederate officials. Johnson’s decisions guaranteed that blacks would be forced to struggle to gain equality with the Southern Whites. Being he did not enforce any government control of the southern lands, not much changed in terms of the treatment of the African Americans. As these conditions continued to fail at improvement for blacks, the moderates were more inclined to agree with the Radical Republicans. The Congress in its new session and with its Republican majority, a stricter version of Reconstitution was passed. In 1867 The First Reconstruction Act was put into place; it separated the south into five districts that were to be governed by the U.S. military. It also said the south was to recognize and permit the former slaves before they could reenter the Union. To reassure that this order was followed the second Reconstruction Act was passed; this put the military in charge of southern voter registration. During this time the Fifth Amendment was also passed permitting all American men the right to vote, including the former slaves. Congress knew Johnson would use all possible power to rule the reconstruction the way he thought it should. Therefore, trying to restrict his powers, in 1867 the Tenure of Office Act was passed; which required the president to join with the House and Senate before removing congressionally appointed cabinet members. Johnson didn’t abide to this act causing the Republicans to impeach him in 1868. This is when Ulysses S. Grant was brought into office. Grant’s personality being inexperienced and extremely passive created many problems and a bad reputation for him. In 1872 his Vice President Schuyler Colfax was forced to step back from office; due to his involvement in the Credit Mobilier scandal. In addition to his Vice Presidents flaws his personal secretary assisted in the embezzlement of millions of dollars from the U.S. Treasury. These harmful acts and others drove the Republican Party to split apart; and resulting in the formation of Liberal Republicans who wanted to end reconstruction. The Liberal Republicans nominated Horace Greeley for their partys’ presidential candidate. However, Grant still managed to beat him for the presidential position. In 1873, a series of events including bad loans, and high expectations of the economy, lead the country into a destructive depression. The depression caused a plethora of lost jobs among the American people. In efforts to help end the depression and prevent inflation congress put an end to coining silver dollars and passed the Resumption Act of 1875. This act removed all paper money from the economy. The depressions economic issues were a major factor in the election of 1874. Many people betrayed on the Republican Party and voted Democrat because of the hard times they experienced during the depression. This change gave the Democratic Party control over the House of Representatives. The radical republicans lost many members; therefore lessening their abilities to pass orders. The last legislative act they did pass was the Civil Rights Act of 1875, an effort to try and eliminate racial discrimination. The election putting Democrats in power kicked off the end of Radical Reconstruction. Court Cases such as the Slaughterhouse case which argued against the 14th Amendment; and the U.S. v. Cruikshank case which discussed issues dealing with the Ku Klux Klan; also assisted in the ending of the Radical Reconstruction. There was a quarrel with the outcome of the election in 1876 between Democrat Tilden and Republican Hayes; this resulted in the Electoral count act in 1877.This act created a balanced, equal committee to recount votes. This committee concluded that Hayes won the presidency position. The democrats were outraged with the results of the election and the resulted in the Compromise of 1877. This compromise said that the Democrats would allow Hayes to become President if Federal troops were withdrawn from the south, republican agreed. This removal of troops marked the end of the reconstruction era. The end of the Civil war created a period of time in which the U.S. had to deal with, governing issues, scandals, and economic hardships. The integration of former slaves with the whites was a task that seemed impossible to achieve. The views and wants of Political Parties’ and the Presidency position changed during this time. However the North and South were joined again at last.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Should The Internet Be Trusted? :: Website Internet Essays

Should The Internet Be Trusted? The Internet has become more and more of a favorite place for students to go when searching for sources to use in research papers. This is mostly because of the wide and relatively simple access that the Internet provides to all kinds of information. Why get up and travel all the way to the library when it is so much easier to open a browser window and head to Google? While the Internet can be a wonderful source, and is definitely a fairly new, unique, and versatile way of sharing information, not everything one finds on the free area of the Internet can be trusted. Literally anyone with an Internet connection can put up a webpage in a matter of minutes that would be capable of fooling the unwary Internet surfer. It is crucial when looking for valid sources on the free Internet to look carefully for the purpose of the page, the author(s) of the page, and the institution that backs or produces the page, if any. One quick way to check the purpose of a webpage is to look for any obvious ads. A webpage that is obviously trying to sell you something is not as likely to be a scholarly webpage. has a multitude of ads right on its front page (Cousins homepage). Its purpose is clearly at least partially to sell you something, in this particular case the services of the webmasters in the area of web design. â€Å"Linguistic Diversity on the Internet† simply has functional menus leading to the information being presented (Jones homepage). There are no ads and not even any bright, flashy graphics. This article heads straight for the information in a professional manner, lending it a more scholarly feel. While prominently featured ads on a webpage do not necessarily mean that the webpage is a bad source, it should certainly be a cause for a deeper look into the merits of the page. Another good way to determine if a webpage is a useful source is to investigate the author or authors of the page. If no information at all is listed for the author, the page is useless because its authenticity can not be verified. The authors of give no convincing credentials of any kind (Cousins About Us). While they do list their names, contacts, and some information about their background, there is no way to confirm that any of this information is true.

Monday, January 13, 2020

‘Mending Wall’ by Robert Frost Essay

In the poem ‘Mending Wall’ by Robert Frost, the poet considers the value or otherwise, of boundaries. In contemplating whether good fences make good neighbors, he is including all barriers and boundaries in that – including walls. He is concerned that the saying may be becoming so popular – and spouted so often – that it is fast becoming trite. He wonders whether properties are always of sufficient threat to each other as to always demand some kind of barrier. Apples are no threat to cattle for example, or corn to forestry trees. However, others may feel different – it depends on what’s on the property and what the neighbor believes. Some believe that it’s pointless to wonder what your neighbor’s like – just throw up a wall and be done with it – that way everyone’s happy. There are no incursions and therefore no disputes. â€Å"I sigh the lack of many a thing I sought / And with old woes new wail my dear time’s waste:† I regret that I did not achieve many things I tried to get, and with old regrets renewed I now grieve over having wasted my precious time: â€Å"Then can I drown an eye, unused to flow / For precious friends hid in death’s dateless night,† Then I can cry, being unaccustomed to crying, over dear friends who have died, â€Å"And weep afresh love’s long since cancell’d woe / And moan the expense of many a vanish’d sight:† And weep again over former loves that I put behind me long ago, and cry over the pain of many faded memories: â€Å"Then can I grieve at grievances foregone / And heavily from woe to woe tell o’er† Then I can grieve over past griefs and recount each sadness with a heavy heart, â€Å"The sad account of fore-bemoaned moan / Which I new pay as if not paid before.† The sad remembrance of things I have grieved over already, which I now grieve over anew as though I never did before. â€Å"But if the while I think on thee, dear friend / All losses are restored and sorrows end.† But as soon as I think of you, my dear friend, all those wounds are healed, and my sorrows come to an end. Why is he saying it? Sonnet 30 is at the center of a sequence of sonnets dealing with the narrator’s growing attachment to the fair lord and the narrator’s paralyzing inability to function without him. The sonnet begins with the image of the poet drifting off into the â€Å"remembrance of things past† – painful memories, we soon learn, that the poet has already lamented but now must lament anew. The fair lord enters the scene only in the sonnet’s closing couplet, where  he is presented as a panacea for the poet’s emotional distress. Closely mirroring the message of sonnet 29, here Shakespeare cleverly heightens the expression of his overwhelming anxiety by belaboring the theme of emotional dependence. Whereas in sonnet 29 he quits his whining after the second quatrain, in sonnet 30 three full quatrains are devoted to the narrator’s grief, suggesting that his dependence on the fair lord is increasing. Meanwhile sonnet 30’s closing couplet reiterate s lines 9-14 of sonnet 29 in compact form, emphasizing that the fair lord is a necessity for the poet’s emotional well-being: the fair lord is the only thing that can bring the poet happiness. This pinnacle of the poet’s plaintive state is beautifully conveyed through an artful use of repetition and internal rhyme. Beyond the obvious alliteration of â€Å"sessions of sweet silent thought,† note the â€Å"-nce† assonance of â€Å"remembrance† and â€Å"grievances,† to which may be added â€Å"since† and â€Å"cancell’d†; the correspondence of â€Å"sigh,† â€Å"sought,† and â€Å"sight†; and the rhyme in â€Å"foregone,† â€Å"fore-bemoaned,† â€Å"before,† and â€Å"restored.† It is as though the poet wishes to hammer in his hardship with the repetitive droning of his troubled soul. Beyond its poetics, sonnet 30 also provides some prime examples of the poet’s recurring tendency to describe his relationship with the fair lord in financial terms. The opening lines of the sonnet remind us of being called to court (cf. â€Å"court sessions† and â€Å"summon a witness†). This is followed by a slew of money-related terms, including â€Å"expense,† â€Å"grievances,† â€Å"account,† â€Å"paid,† and â€Å"losses.† The phrase â€Å"tell o’er† in line 10 is an accounting expression (cf. the modern bank teller) and conjures up an image of the narrator reconciling a balance sheet of his former woes and likening them to debts that he can never pay off in full. The only cure for his financial hardship is the fair lord’s patronage – perhaps something to be taken literally, suggesting that the fair lord is in fact the poet’s real-world financial benefactor.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Investigating And Research A Hotel Accommodation Service...

Introduction Purpose: The purpose of this report is to investigate and research a hotel accommodation service provider. Objectives: Following are the objectives which shall be covered in the report: 1. To discuss the facilities and services provided by the establishment 2. Evaluation of the front office and PMS. 3. Discuss and critique the different ways in which e-commerce is utilised in this establishment. 4. Discuss the environmental initiatives which have been implemented to address issues of sustainability. About the Establishment (Sky city hotels, n.d.): The chosen establishment is SkyCity hotel. The hotel is located in Auckland City at the corner of Victoria and Federal Streets. The hotel is located in a prime location. It is just a 45 minute drive away from Auckland Airport and just 10 minutes away from Britomart . Britomart is the Auckland’s central bus and train station. The hotel is quite famous for its 328 metre high Sky Tower which gives a 360 degree view of Auckland. Star Ratings: †¢ SkyCity hotel has been rated 4 stars by Qualmark Services and Facilities: The following services are offered at Sky city hotel: †¢ If u are found of gambling the sky city provide u the facility of casino †¢ And if u want some time for fitness u can visit to there cardio room †¢ Full Concierge service †¢ Room services is 24 hour †¢ Executive Car Service †¢ Baby-sitting service †¢ Sky city have special valet parking so that it would be convenient for u to park your car †¢Show MoreRelatedThe Different Purchase Motivation Of Consumers Who Seek Accommodations Essay9653 Words   |  39 PagesThe different purchase motivation of consumers who seek accommodations Chapter One Introduction 1.1 Research background and rationale Historically, consumer researchers always focus on studying the phenomenon of luxury consumption and hedonic consumption (Hoyer Stokbuger-Sauer, 2012). 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