Sunday, January 5, 2020

Investigating And Research A Hotel Accommodation Service...

Introduction Purpose: The purpose of this report is to investigate and research a hotel accommodation service provider. Objectives: Following are the objectives which shall be covered in the report: 1. To discuss the facilities and services provided by the establishment 2. Evaluation of the front office and PMS. 3. Discuss and critique the different ways in which e-commerce is utilised in this establishment. 4. Discuss the environmental initiatives which have been implemented to address issues of sustainability. About the Establishment (Sky city hotels, n.d.): The chosen establishment is SkyCity hotel. The hotel is located in Auckland City at the corner of Victoria and Federal Streets. The hotel is located in a prime location. It is just a 45 minute drive away from Auckland Airport and just 10 minutes away from Britomart . Britomart is the Auckland’s central bus and train station. The hotel is quite famous for its 328 metre high Sky Tower which gives a 360 degree view of Auckland. Star Ratings: †¢ SkyCity hotel has been rated 4 stars by Qualmark Services and Facilities: The following services are offered at Sky city hotel: †¢ If u are found of gambling the sky city provide u the facility of casino †¢ And if u want some time for fitness u can visit to there cardio room †¢ Full Concierge service †¢ Room services is 24 hour †¢ Executive Car Service †¢ Baby-sitting service †¢ Sky city have special valet parking so that it would be convenient for u to park your car †¢Show MoreRelatedThe Different Purchase Motivation Of Consumers Who Seek Accommodations Essay9653 Words   |  39 PagesThe different purchase motivation of consumers who seek accommodations Chapter One Introduction 1.1 Research background and rationale Historically, consumer researchers always focus on studying the phenomenon of luxury consumption and hedonic consumption (Hoyer Stokbuger-Sauer, 2012). 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